Fate of Akhilesh Yadav Chief Minister of UP in the Forth Coming Elections in Feb-March 2017

by astrodocanil
I have been mentioning that what ever happens when Rahu is adverse it cannot be set right . On the 23rd Oct. 2016 Rahu was adverse and what happened
1. Cyrus Mistry Row
2. Father and Son Rift in the Yadav Family
. 3, Email Row of Hilary Clinton.
Now Look at the Meetings for the compromise between the Father and Son all in vain. As per the Oath Chart I had Predicted that after June 2016 he will lose grounds in the Politics and there may be a rift with in the party which could prove a negative parameter in the Fort coming Election in Fb-March 2017 Elections. My Article”Oath Taking Chart of Akhilesh Yadava” link http://www.mundaneastro.org/?p=1756 dated 1st April 2012 . This article was written after his Oath. Subsequent to this I wrote another Article on the 23rd Oct. 2016 after the Rift betwen the father and Son “What Stars Foretell Using the Oath Taking Chart of Akhilesh Yadav in The Present Scenerio link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/10/what-stars-foretell-using-the-oath-taking-chart-of-akhilesh-yadava-in-the-present-scenerio/.The Contents were as Below ———
As Per the Oath taking Chart the Dasha in Operation is of Mercury and Mercury Placement is good but Retrograde and Debilitated , Mercury has been afflicted since 30th August 2016 when it went in Retrogression when it was in Virgo activating the Mercury in Pieces in the Oath chart , Sun and Mercury both activated the Sun and Mercury in Pieces till 17th Oct. 2016 and then Sun Ingressed in Libra over the Natal Saturn of the Chart on the 17th Oct. and Mercury on the 21st Oct. 2016 , Today Both Sun and Mercury have activated the Natal Saturn the 8th and the 9th Lord at exact Degrees and Saturn in Transit is Over the Natal Rahu in the 6th house has activated the Rahu degrees at the time of Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 at 15.15 degrees
The Decision and the News comes exactly when Dasha Lord and the Lagna Lord of the Oath Taking chart comes over Saturn In the Simhasan Nadi which is not good for the Masses
Mercury will be totally Combusted on the 27th Oct . 2016 and when Rahu will be in Forward Motion from 23rd Oct. 2016 the Day of Decision till 27th Oct. 2016 could be explosive for the Ruling Party and the split. Rahu will be responsible for all the Drama till 27th Oct. 2016 and will be irreversible
The Exchange of Mars and Saturn on the 1st Nov. 2016 will further escalate the issues
After 27th Jan 2017 Saturn will ingress the 7th house and aspect Jupiter in the 4th house is definitely a Negative Parameter for him to win the future Elections in UP
The Rift between Father and Son could be the Main Parameter which could Prove a vital Parameter  in the Elections to be held in Feb-March 2017
Birth Chart Predictions of Akhilesh Yadav have been deleted since the Birth chart details were wrong

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

7th Jan. 2017  04-15 am New Delhi  Edited the Above article on 7th Jan. 2017 at 10-00 am

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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