Stars Foretell Red Planet Mars Fallen Crucial For Arvind Kejriwal

by astrodocanil

The horoscope of Arvind Kejriwal  discussed in this article is  taken from  Mr. K N Rao , which was given to him by Mr. Arvind Kejriwals wife   as 16th August 1968 07-30 hrs Hissar Harayana   Dasha at birth Sun-Rahu-Jup balance of Dasha 4 years 7 months 17 days          

       Arvind Kejriwal is born  with Leo Lagna the 5thhouse of the natural zodic and the 5th Lord placed in Lagna  closed to the Most effective point in the Lagna degrees will attribute significations of Jupiter , Mercury  and Realtion of the 5th house significations together with 2nd and 11th house significations . but Mercury is also in Mrityu bhag  The day when he is born is Friday and Lord is Venus the 10th and the 3rd Lord Placed in Lagna will further attribute courage and initiative in the native . Lagna is  fixed  and fiery sign in 2nd Dreshkanne being a ayudh Dreshkanne  the conjuction of the 3 planets Jupiter, Mercury and Venus in Lagna attributes  splendid  results and will enhance the  good effects of the house, through Venus in Leo is not supposed to be very good. In Jaimini Sutra this combination  of Jupiter and Mercury gives strength to the house in which the conjuction takes place , if they are placed in the Kendra from the Garbshishta Planets they bestow extremely good results . The above combination is not placed well from dasha at birth, hence the Present Period of Jup-Ven-Ven may not be able to bestow good results. Lagna Lord Sun is in Gandantha along with Deblitated  Mars  in the 12th house , both Sun and Mars are in sarp dreshkanne . Lagna Lord is in Sarp D3 then one  may not be able to grasp the things. Any thing he will not be able to react immediately . This kind of deficiency one will have in life, if Lagna lord  is placed in sarp Dreshkanne.Sun is placed with Deblitated Mars and Sun is also in Gandantha, Lagna Lord and Sun in Sarp Dreshkanne most malefic, life may have many emotional hurdles sprouting. He may not have forward thinking .

.                                                                                                              Moon is  placed in the 9th house with Retrograde Saturn and is again in Rashi sandhi and is of Krishna Paksha  ashtami, hence Malefics become strong specially Saturn and Mars  and Mars being debilitated  acquires maleficiance  and placed in the 12th house will not be able to give good results  Sun Lagna Lord  is also weak and in the 12th from Raj yoga Planets in Lagna. Both Saturn and Mars are Deblitated and strong  malefic since the native is born in Krishna Paksha

Arvind Kejriwal resigned from the Post of Chief Ministership in the second week of Feburary 2014 when the Dasha was Jupiter-Mercury-Mars. In Dashamsha also it is Deblitated and placed in the 6th house and Mars aspects Jupiter and Mercury as well.

Let us analyse the strength for the Political career of the native

 Karka for Profession and Politics Saturn is Retrograde and debilitated  Saturn in Retrogression for profession is good but being debilitated is not good and specially  being the Lord of the 10th house from 10th house  the 7th house . Saturn is in Ayudh Dreshkanne , gives the native valor and vitality but becomes Kroor in nature .

  Mid Cusp lord of the 10th house is 19.19+15 = 34.15 degrees and hence Gemini 4.15 degrees  and lord is Mrigshira and Lord is  Mars Deblitated, any affliction on the Mid cusp Lord is bad for the career . It is well placed with Lagna Lord  but ill placed from Anter and Pryanter Dasha Lords .  The Present Dasha Lords Jupiter –Mercury are ill placed from Mars, but Saturn the Pryanter Dasha Lord Saturn at the time of Delhi election is placed in the 10th house but Retrograde and debilitated and Saturns dispositor is again Deblitated hence Saturn becomes extremely weak to give good results during the Election period. , Since Mars is Placed in 2/12 axis with Dasha  and Anter dasha Lords , there will be loss of any thing gained and struggles for achieving the results. , When Mis cusp Lord is afflicted then the Person faces adverse situations in life and even imprisonment . The ordering Power even if achieved is lost , hence fall from Power . Arvind Kejriwal resigned  as chief Minister in the dasha of Jup-Mercury –Mars on the 15th Feburary 2014    . Mars is also with Sun, hence Mars is attichari, hence brings frequent changes in Career, we are all aware of the changes what Arvind Kejriwal has gone through.  Mars is in the nakshatra of Saturn and we have already discussed Saturn, More over Dispositor of Mars, Moon  is again connected to a Deblitated planet and an inimical planet to it Saturn. Mars is also not well placed from the 10th lord  Venus .

10th Pada is  Scorpio and Lord is again debilitated   , Relation of Mars with 10th Pada is good but weak  , In Dashamsha D10 also Mars is Deblitated  . A Deblitated Midcusp lord of the 10th house causes anguish and Pain, In Navamsha D9  it is in Libra and aspected again by Deblitated Saturn reduces its strength, Hence Mars who is Yog karka for Leo lagna and acquiring the status as a Midcusp lord of the 10thhouse and debilitated and not placed well in Varga charts will not give him any success specially in the dasha running at the time of Elections

    Garbshishta  of Sun-Rahu-Jup   Sun is with Debilitated Mars  and Ranu in 8th house , whose dispositor Jupiter  is in the Lagna . Sun is also in the Gandantha . As Lagna Lord Sun in Gandantha and in Sarp Dreshkanne will face and Suffer due to  Emotional Turmoils in Life. It has been observed in the Past also when ever the Dasha of Planets is Related to Debilitated Mars in the Dashamsha , there are explosive situations in his career . We all know Arvind Kejriwal Resigned earlier and at that Point his Dasha was Jup-Mer-Moon .See the Dashamsha , it opens all the hidden things in his life.

  Present Dasha Running is Jup-Ven-Ven   from  Jup and Venus both Placed in the 12th house of the Dashamsha aspected by Saturn and Mars , is an explosive situation in the Present Scenerio.

It has been observed and as per Nadi Texts  that when ever Dasha of Planets are in 2/12 or 6/8 from the Dasha Lords of Garbshishta there are Explosive situations in life . The Garbshishta Planets Maha Dasha Lord and Anter Dasha Lord are ill Placed from the Dasha Lords Jup-Ven-Ven  , Hence from the Point of View of Career , since Venus is the 10th Lord and in Transit also Jupiter is Totally Eclipsed By Rahu and Sun and Mars are ill Placed from Transit Venus , who is also Combusted , will give adverse situations for Arvind Kejriwal.

  In Transit Mars has always played an important role in his life, since as Yoga Karka Debilitated in Birth chart and Dashamsha  , At the Moment Mars is in Scorpio and again in Sarp Dreshhanne and will attain a Status of a Fallen Planet in the evening of 17th June  2016  till 14th July 2016 . As per Nadi Texts Mars will be in Mrityu Bhag at 28.26 degrees in Libra on the 29th June 2016 when Mars will also be in Stationary mode and hence 4 days before and after will be most explosive for him.

Present Crucial Transit for Arvind Kejriwal 

GarbShishta Dasha Lord Rahu  ill placed from Jupiter and Eclipsing Degreewise jupiter in the Lagna on the 20th June 2016 will be most Crucial for Arvind Kejriwal. Getting involved in a Scandle.

Mars Fallen from 17th June to 14th July 2016

Venus Combusted in Taurus and then in Gemini and Both Sun and Venus in Gemini which will be the Navamsha of Mars after it is fallen  and Venus and Sun in Libra Navamsha of Mars Transit Sign can give adverse results for Arvind Kejriwal , Mars and Saturn in the 8th house from Natal Moon and Saturn are also some crucial Parameters , Hence Arvind Kejriwal has to be alert on these signification of these Planets

Sun ingressing in Gemini on the 16th June 2016 and Mars in Gemini Navamsha after 17th June 2016  also will be explosive for him .                                                  

   Astrologically, there are  combination of Political violence in the horoscope of Aam Admi party and the Planetary positions  of Arvind Kejriwal for the fructification are not conducive to give good results in the Present Scenerio

Let us see what Kota Chakra has to say on the 14th June 2016 . 



Koot Paal Sun is coming inside on the 16th June 2016  and Mars is out side and will remain in this position in Vishaka Nakshatra till 29th June 2016 , 17th Evening it wll be in Fallen State .

In the Vedic Progression chart the Garbshishta Planets are ill placed from Jupiter and Venus the Dasha Lords , hence Struggles and Political Turmoils and Hurdles of all kind .

Transit and Eclipses in Sept. 2016

Mars and Saturn in the 4th house of Natal Chart and 8th house from Natal Mon and Saturn is definitely tricky for A Kejriwal and Mars is also Debilitated in Navamsha and A Kejriwal has Debilitated Mars. Hence he has to be more careful . Arvind Kejriwal has Planets in the Leo Lagna Venus 10th Lord at 15.24 degrees and Jupiter 17.39 and Mars in Cancer at 13.16 degrees . Now the Eclipse of 1st Sept 2016 in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna at exact degrees of Venus 15.15 of Luminaries and Jupiter at Rahu Degrees is sensitive one. On the 12th Dec. 2016 Rahu in Lagna at 13.48 and Mars Transit at 13.48 in the 7th house and Natal Mars aspecting the Transit Mars can Damage A Kejriwal Image . He should keep his cool and not be stormy else this Can put him in an odd situations and a Fall in his image  due to untoward happenings . The Party members would create humiliations for him as well specially around the Eclipse of 1st Sept. 2016 and when Rahu is in Forward motion from 1st Sept. to 6th Sept. 2016 and then from 13th to 16th Sept. 2016 and then from 23rd Sept. 20 29th Sept. 2016. Sept. 2016 will be the worst month for AAP and Arvind Kejriwal for the Image of the Party and Arvind Kejriwal himself . 

Arvind Kejriwal has Mercury in Mrityu Bhag and Mercury fallen in Transit and Retrograde will put Arvind Kejriwal further in Deep waters along with the Party , Since Mercury is also Fallen in the Chart of AAP hence from 9th Sept. to 4th Oct. 2016 AAP will be the Party which will suffer most as far as the image is concerned and a Status Fall is indicated 

Hence the Dasha odf Jupiter-Venus-Venus till 20th July 2016  and even after this Period and specially Jup-Venus -Mars will be worst in Nov. 2016 and  will be full of Turmoil and Hurdles at every stage . The Period from 16th June 2016 till Mars is Fallen till 4th July 2016  and then after 12th July 2016 could Prove explosive as Earlier Happenings . Arvind Kejriwal should keep hi cool else he will have to face the Circumstances which will be  beyond Control . The Sept. 2016 could Prove Explosive for the AAP and Arvinfd Kejriwal for his image and Status specially when Mars activates the Eclipse point of 15.15 degrees and his Natal Venus  15.44 degrees in the Lagna .on the 21-22nd Nov. 2016 and then on the 1st Jan 2017

 anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

14th  June 2016 09-40 hrs. New Delhi 



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