Fallen Saturn in Scorpio Proves a Blessing in Disguise For Marital Discord

by astrodocanil

Ever since Saturn has fallen in Scorpio it is Proving most Venomous for the Global Events and specially those Countries where Saturn is also in Scorpio, Sagitarius or Saturn in Trine from the natal Saturn or aspects Planets in the Last degrees of Capricorn, Taurus, and Leo or in 6/8 axis or 2/12 axis with similar placement of Degrees between 27 to 30 degrees , those in the Age Bracket of 27-30 years , 54-59 years and so on are more influenced by this Transit . Saturn may Prove Bane or Boon depending upon the Ownership and the Placement in Transit One such Case is Being Discussed in this article for Disturbed Marriage since the Day of Marriage and Saturn Proves Blessings in Disguise and overall  Prosperity of the Native

A Few months back  I got a Query for a female and looking at the Prashna Chart and the Birth chart I could make out that she has disturbed marital relations  and I  could predict that after 21st June 2017 she will get respite from the disturbed relationship and her younger brother would come to her rescue. Amazingly  after 21st June 2017 as predicted she accepted the offer of her brothers apartment and left her husband . She also got employed in a good organization . Saturn Transit Proved a Blessings in Disguise.  For Reasons best known I am not disclosing the Birth details to keep the secrecy of the Client and Discussing  the Horoscope through Tamil Texts and Not Parashar Principles  for the Learners and Lovers of Astrology

As Per Parashar and many Stalwart Astrologers they Don’t consider a Fallen Planet , where as in the Tamil Shastra a Fallen Planet is most Venomous  and as per Jaimini Shastra when one Planet is Retrograde it losses to be a Char Karka and in such situations Rahu becomes the Dara Karka who is also the Up karka for Marriage in Tamil Shastra and how Marriage will Run after Marriage is all depicted by Rahu. As Per the Present Transit Saturn on the 21st June 2017 will be the planet with highest degrees and most of the Astrologers will consider the same a Atma Karka , where as as per Tamil Shastra Saturn loses to be a Char Karka and those Natives  who have even one Planet in the chart in Retrogression , then Rahu is their Dara Karka . If this Dara Karka is Stronger then Venus and has any Connection with the 7th house then it breaks the Marriage  specially when it goes in the trine from the Natal Rahu or over the Natal Rahu

The Chart of the Female is Below

The Native is Born on the Sunday and during the Day time , hence Sun is Strong and Placed in the 8th house is evident of the Relationship or Blessings from Father . This Parameter  Proves true in her life .

Avyogi Planet Jupiter in Retrogression and Debilitation  is not good , but will give Vipreet Rajyoga

Garbshishta Planets Venus-Mars are ill Placed from Mid Cusp Lord of the 7th house Mercury , hence Disharmony in Marriage more so since Mercury is also ill placed from the 7th Lord Moon

Both the Planets are ill placed from the 5th house from where the Atma Enters. Also the 5th house of the Chart is also Dagdha and Venus the Lord of the 5th house Placed in the 10th house is good but loses the Lordship of 5th house hence  her education may not give her the Brighter prospects of Life in Career .Though her Career graph is not bad , but contrary to the Education she has had

Jupiter the Divine Planet Retrograde hence Rahu becomes the Darakarka

Since as per Prashna I could see disturbed Marital Relations and breaking after Saturn Falls on the 21st June 2017 I will only discuss marriage in this Article

Marriage analysis

7th house from Lagna, Moon and Venus have to be seen for marriage.

7th house from Lagna is aspected By Jupiter Retrograde and Debilitated  is a Negative, more so since Moon the 7th Lord is Placed in the 4th house and with Mars  is a Negative Parameter fro smooth Marriage relationships .

7th house from Moon is Venus in own house and aspected by Mars the 11th Lord

7th house from Venus is Mars and Strong , but placement of 7th Lord in the 4th house is not good

Midcusp Lord of the 7th house is Mercury and is Exhalted but ill Placed from the Garbshishta and also the 7th Lord Moon

Venus the Karka for marriage is also ill placed from Mercury

Saptmarudh is Capricorn and has Debilitated Planet Jupiter  Kendra from This Sign are aspected by Malefic Mars and the Support level in the Chart for marriage is missing

Bhavat Bhavam is Capricorn and hence the above Malefic stance on the Bhavat Bhavam

UpPada is Aquaris and aspected By 8th Lord Sun though not bad but Placement of Sun in the 7th is not good , since gives displacement

The Most malefic Parameter in the chart is Rahu placement in the 12th house and its Dispositor in the Lagna and Debilitated  and Retrograde, hence Rahu becomes extremely strong and since also Dara Karka and the Dispositor of Rahu afflicted the 3 Parameters below 

  1. Bhavat Bhavam Placement of Jupiter
  2. Saprmarudh Placement of Jupiter
  3. 7th house  aspect of Jupiter

Due to the above Parameters the Life after marriage will not be worth the while.

The Other Malefic Parameter is the Midcusp Lord is Mercury strong will early marriage but since ill placed from Garbshishta and the 7th Lord Moon the Marriage will not last long 

Placement of Mars in the 7th house of Navamsha is another Parameter which is extremely bad for Marital Relations 

7th Lord of the Rashi Chart in the 8th house of Navamsha and is 6th Lord in this chart is extremely bad for Marriage , the navamsha Lord of the 7th Lord is Mercury and ill placed as mentioned above 

Kendras afflicted from Saptama rudh, Bhavat Bhavam the Marriage may not sustain for Long and Dasha of the Planets in the 3,5,7th  from the Saptama rudh may break Marriage

Due to  Exhalted Mercury as the Mis cusp Lord of the 7th house and Navamsha Lord of the 7th Lord , Venus in own sign and 7th from Moon and Venus are strong the Marriage took Place.

The Present Dasha is of Rahu-Saturn  and Rahu as explained above is most malefic for Marriage since placed in the 12th house and Dispositor is Retrograde and Debilitated and aspects the 7th house , Saturn is In Rahu-Ketu axis  completely eclipsed in the 6th house as the Lord of the Lagna and the 2nd house of Family

Now See the chart of the 25th June 2017 when the Native left her Spouse and shifted to her Brothers independent  apartment

The Following Parameters acquire a special dimension  due to which I had Predicted that the girl will leave her Spouse and go to her Brothers Independent appartment , since being tortured by the Spouse since Marriage 

Saturn the Lagna Lord of the Rashi and the Navamsha of the Birth Chart aspects the 7th Lord of the Navamsha placed in the 8th house of the Rashi Chart .

Saturn is Fallen and at 29.30 degrees and aspects Sun in the natal chart placed in the 8th house at 29.53 degrees ,Sun is also the 8th Lord of the Rashi Chart , just before 21st June Saturn also aspected Mars, Sun, Mercury along with Moon in Gemini the 6th house of the Chart where Saturn and Ketu are Placed in Degree conjunction

look at the degrees of Sun same as the Natal Saturn and Ketu in the Natal chart  

Moon the Postman and the  Delivery Boy in the 7th house of Marriage .

Transit Jupiter aspecting the Natal Jupiter , Saptama rudh and Bhavat Bhavam , and over the natal  MCL of 7th HouseMercury in own sign and in the 6th house and in the 10th from the Natal Placement , Mercury and Venus going to be in 2/12 axis on the 29th June 2016 . All these Planetary positions Proved on dot Predictions . The Prashna chart also showed the Same and I had Predicted that she will leave on the 25th June 2017

Let us study the Vedic Progression chart by Tamil Shastra also foretells absolutely the above . Saturn Transit over the Venus the Karka for marriage as Fallen and Lagna Lord and 12th Lord will break the Marriage more so it is over the Natal MCL of 7th House and the 7th Lord Moon . See the Degrees of Venus and the Transit Saturn making crystal clear of the Happenings . Dasha Lords  Rahu Saturn influencing the 5th House of Love affairs. The Marriage was a Love affair and Broke just after 21st June 2017 before that after I had made the Predictions she was not want to shift to her Brothers Appartment ., #rd Lord is Jupiter in the Natal chart and since in Vipreet Rajyoga and aspected By Transit Jupiter and Saturn also influencing just before 21st Mars , she shifted to her Brothers apartment  

Astrology is amazing and specially the Tamil Principles they are on dot and you don’t have to do any Post-mortem. The Female has also been able to secure a good Job for her earnings . Hence Fallen Saturn as the Lord of the Lagna and the 2nd House proved Blessings in Disguise and Predictions proved on dot 100 %

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

3rd  July 2017  19-05 hrs. New Delhi

 Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail:

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Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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