How To Enter In A Horoscope

by astrodocanil

Astrology is the most Secretive Science  and much depends upon how an Astrologer enters in a Horoscope. In fact Entering in a Horoscope is like entering a Big Castle  with so many Doors, which Door has to be opened first is the secret of Astrology . In this article I am going to brief the Astrology Lovers and Learners of Astrology how to enter a Horoscope.

The following Points may be born in mind when entering a Horoscope .6 Parameters mentioned by me in my Earlier Article must be borne in mind. link

Most of the astrologers miss the most vunerable points and land up with  wrong Predictions.                                                                                                                   1.Horoscope Genuineness. The Birth Details Accuracy. The Onus is on the Person Approaching the Astrologer  for the Person is alive. Roughly Check the Position of Sun and the Degrees , since Sun Changes signs ater 14th of every month till July and then 17th of the Month. Sun travels 0.98 degrees every day. Position of Venus and Mercury can  also be seen for correctness. The Person is day Born or Night Born can  also be seen , These Parameters are important when A person brings a Horoscope on a Piece of Paper.                                                                    

2. Panchang at Birth the 5 limbs and Lumanaries.Lagna, and Lumanries are Strong then it indicates strong Horoscope.The Panchang Parameters will show the Paksha Bala and Dig Bala of Planets. For Example Person Born on Tuesday in Krishna Paksha and Night time  and Placed in the 10th house and Exhalted , Mars will be extremely Strong , on the other Hand Mars is debilitated and Placed in the 2nd House and these Parameters will become a First Rate Marak.                                                                                                                                                         

3. Garbshishta at birth.MD/AD are the seeds of our life and what so ever happens in our life is connected to them good or Bad. They are the prime fructifiers. to be seen in 4 Varga charts. D1, D3, D9, D10

4.Lagna , Lagna Lord 10H/10L Yoka Karka to be seen in the Chart  for Promise in the chart and the condusive dashas for the same and Transit.

5. Since the Atma enters from the 5th house , 5th house has a Prime role in the Horoscope and Condition of the 5th house  and the Lord to be seen for Poorva Punya Dosha.

6.Yogipoint.H. R Shesahdari the Great Astrologer has given Lot of Importance to this and My Experience says it is a Vital Point in the Horoscope.

7. Yogi Planet/Av yogi planet.                                                                                                                                                                                     

8. TaraLagnam                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

9. Shree lagna .                                                                                                                                                                                           

10. Pran Pada Lagna .                                                                                                                                                                                                

11. Mercury and Jupiter connection and PAC                                                                                                                                                               

12.  Dhan and other Yogas                                                                                                                                                                                                               

13. Lagnadhipati, Sukhadhipati, Kalatradhipati and Karmadhipati.Kendras to be seen till the age of 45 Plus  minus 3 years and Trikonas after that .                                                                                                                       

14. Prime Varga charts D1, D3, D9, D12 and then D10. No Predictions to be given with out Navamsha and Dreshkanne Chart.                                                       15. AK, Amk and other karkas                                                                                                                                                                                         

16. Dasha Sequence and conditional Dashas. 3 Strong Dasha after Birth Makes the Foundation of the Chart strong .                                                                         17. Special Parameters . Planets in Vish Ghati, Mrityu Bhag, Pushkar Navamsha .

18. 22Dk , 64N and 85 D must also be seen for Adversities specially for ill health and untoward happenings.

19. Last not the least and in fact the first .Longevity fast methods by PAM. Must be followed to arrive at correct predictions.


21.Transit by 4 Parameters. 1. Transit of Planet Benefic for the Particular Lagna, Transit of the Planet in the sign, Transit of the Planet from Moon and  Bhinashtak Varga Points the Planet gets .

22 . For Prashna  The 6 Parameters mentioned by me in the earlier Article and Ketu in chaitra rashi or adverse planetary positions in Transit person may be asked to debunk the query, For Example with in 3 days of Solar Ingress or Eclipse.

 Systematic approach in entering the Horoscope will definitely help in giving correct predictions. Predcitions should be made after bath and after Sun rise to 12.00 noon and then after 15.00 hrs . . Any person coming in between these periods indicates some problem to the native and may not be cured early.. Predictions at the time of Eclipse 3 days before and after , at solar ingress should not be made as they will not become true. The astrologer should be in good health and moral strength to give correct predictions. Never give predictions to a person who does not believe in astrology.. Moon in Lagna at the time of Prediuctions the person may have come to check the astrologer, hence no predictions should be made and the native may be asked to come at some other time.

The above are the Golden Rules in a Nut Shell.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 18th May 2016 7.30 am Singapore 


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Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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