Enigmatic Paksha Kundali Of New Moon Chart 1st August 2019 What It Foretells? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

989 Articles and Predictions in just 52 months from April 2015

5 Planets in the Watery sign under affliction and 3 in Navamsha are strong Possibilities of havoc by Water, Rains, Tsunami in the Countries mentioned and in East Direction in India , The Other Parts may also be influenced by the same

A Very Experienced Astrologer uses a paksha kundali for short range predictions. These Lunation charts also show the behaviour of the Stock and Financial Markets . The House where the Lunation takes place is important. The Sign representing the Countries suffer if the house of Lunation is afflicted by malefics . In the case of the Lunation chart being discussed the Lunation is taking place in the sign Cancer and the Luminaries are afflicted by Debilitated Mars , Hence such States and the Countries rerpresented by the sign Cancer will be adversely influenced in this fortnoght starting from the 1st August 2019

The Lunation is taking place on the 1st August 2019 at 08-42 hrs. IST and the Chart is below

The Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter and is in afflicted State placed in the sign of Scorpio a watery sign and the Dispositor of Jupiter is placed again in a watery sign Cancerin debilitation in the 12th house of the Chart where the Lunation is taking place , this parameter is an enigmatic one and bring havoc in the world and India from Water, Rains and a Govt. Govt. Action a strong one . In the Lunation chart there are 5 planets in the Watery sign. In the Navamsha Chart Moon is again debilitated with Sun and Ketu in the sign Scorpio, Hence it is evident that Havoc from Rains and Water are expected around the World. For India the Lunation is taking Place in the 12th house, hence Losses due to Significations of Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars. Mars makes perfect connection for war like conditions making connection with the 3rd house, 7th house from the 12th house .I need not eloborate the same here . Lagna Lord in the 12th house is another Parameter which cannot be ignored along with affliction to the luminaries. Mercury would join back the Cancer sign on the 3rd August and then there will be 5 planets in the sign Cancer the 8th house of Japan , 12th house of US and the 3rd House of India the Boarders. Jammu and Kashmir will remain on alert this fortnight , since the Lunation in the 7th house of Wars .

The Day Lord is Jupiter Placed in the Eastern Direction in the Yama chart and the Yama Lord Venus is again Placed in a watery sign Cancer and is Combusted is another Parameter which cannot be ignored for the Havoc by Water,Rains AND Tsunami. Earthquakes with Intesnsity.

The Nakshatra is Pushya and the Lord is also ill placed from the Day Lord and the House of Lunation

The Karna is Kimstughana and a Malefic and signifies the 10th Lord and the Sun and both in the Watery sign in the 12th house , hence rains may adversely influence the Country. The Parameter is most malefic and what ever actions may be taken by the Govt. may not bring good results in totality and there may be a resistence to the same

Mercury has also Fallen from the Sign of Lunation Cancer Hence Havoc can be seen in this Fortnight due to Rains, Stock Markets taking a hit and Terrorism looming over the Country and specially over the J & K

The Navamsha rising is of libra and the Lord Venus is Combusted in the Rashi Chart. The Day Lord Jupiter is Retrograde and Debilitated along with Moon. The Luminaries are in Rahu Ketu Axis is the most Malefic Parameter

The Navamsha of Libra rising and the Lord Combusted and with Mars placement in the 12th house is perfect combinations of the Nation involved in war like condition with the neighboring countries Pakistan and China. This Fortnight till 15th August 2019 seems to be most venomous it so seems


Since there are 5 planets in the watery sign and malefic planets Mars debilitated and Jupiter Retrograde and fallen may adversely influence the Country by Rains and Landslides in a big way.

The Stock and the Financial Markets could also take a Roller Coaster rides in this Fortnight specially when North Node is also adverse from the 8th to 14th August and then 24th to 28th August 2019. Connection of Mars, Mercury after 3rd August 2019 will result in Bearish Trends till 8th August 2019 and worst after the New Moon Chart of the 30th August 2019

Gold Prices are inversely Propotional to the Stock Markets hence they will surge according ly more So Sun, Mars in Cancer and having aspect of Jupiter

Hence the Fortnight just after the Lunar Eclipse on the 17th July 2019 is an Enigmatic one and Prone to give the Results of the 2 Eclipses in the Month of July.
The Worst is all the Planets are with in Rahu-Ketu, Mars and Saturn and is termed as the Aroha Sarpa Kalpa Yoga

The Countries represented by the sign Cancer as stipulated by Varahamihra are follows . Holland,Scotland, New Zealand, Paraguay, North and West Africa,, Mauritius, New York,Aligers,, Venice,Manchester And Amsterdam

IRAN has Cancer Lagna hence Prone to Disasters in this Fortnight
Capricorn the 7th from the House of Lunation is alloctaed to India By Varahamihra . Capricorn Sign is also the Lagna of China.

The Ascendant for Jammu& Kashmir is also capricorn and the Lunation is taking Place in the 7th house of Wars over the Natal Saturn and Mars for Jammu & Kashmir and Over the Natal Mars For China. Hence Fear of Terrorism in J& K around the 5th-6th August when Mars reaches the Debilitation point over the natal Saturn in the 7th house of wars in the natal chart of Jammu & Kashmir. Govt. may take Strict action

Direction which will be influenced in the case of India will be East Since the Day Lord is Placed in the Eastern Direction as per the Yama chart and Pushya Nakshatra in the Koorma Chart is in the Eastern Direction


Date 29th July 2019 09-00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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Link EXPRESS STAR TELLER https://www.starteller.com/article7.html
My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link http://www.astrologicmagazine.com/ammunition-dump-mars-rom…/
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