Enigmatic Paksha Kundali of 4th May and 18th May 2015 and Untoward Happenings against Women

by astrodocanil

Ever since Mars and Venus have ingressed in Taurus and Gemini Respectively there have been  line of Events in the capital Delhi. Let us have a look on the Paksha kundali of the 4th May 2015 below .

Let us see what the Planetary positions say in the Full Moon Kundali of 4th May 2015 09-07  hrs.  The Chart is below.

Full Moon Kundali

In fact I had written on the facebook that a Period from 3rd may to 30th May 2015 is not condusive to give Longevity in marriages which take place during the above Planetary Periods. I will explain  the reasons.

1. Paksha kundali is of Gemini Lagna and Lagna Lord Mercury  placed in the 12th house and 12th Lord Venus Placed in  Lagna .

2.Venus is Placed in the sign of Gemini  and  not supposed to be good. Venus in the 3rd house of the natural zodiac, 3rd house from its MT sign and 3rd house in the natal chart is not supposed to be good since 3rd house is house of Sexual inclinations .

3. Venus Dispositor should not be placed in the 2/12 position .

4.Venus is connected to Mercury the 3rd and  6th Lord of the natural Zodiac and the deblitation Lord of Venus .

5. 4th, 8th and 12th house from Venus should not be afflicted by malefics. 4th house from Venus has Rahu, 8th house from Venus is  Capricorn and aspected by its Lord  Saturn, , 12th house from Venus has its Dispositor and with Mars , Mars is even afflicting the 7th from Venus , and aspecting it own house Scorpio the 6th house .

6. moon and the Sign Libra the 7th house of the natural Zodiac is in Paap Kartari yoga .

7.The Important houses for Marriage are 1,2,4,7,8 and 12 , Now as per the same the Natural Zodiac  Sun in Aries  Mars and Mercury in the 2nd House Taurus , 4th house Cancer  Jupiter , 7th house  Libra in Paap kartari yoga, 8th house having Saturn and in affliction , and the 12th house having Ketu.

8. Venus is Losing its shine since Taurus and Libra are both afflicted

9.6th, 8th and 12th house from Lagna and Moon both  in the Paksha Kundali afflicted by malefics.

10. At the time of Marriage Mars and Mercury combination and in Close degrees is not good, Mercury and  Moon should never be afflicted   at the time of Marriage or activities relating to it. When ever Mars and Mercury are together , one is not able to think  logically and Mars over rules and Person become impulsive .

11.It has been observed that Placement of Saturn the Slow Moving planet should not be placed in the 6/8 axis with Venus , and Mars 2/12 position with Venus  it is a combination for Divorces.

12. The above combination with Venus will prevail in the Paksha Kundali of 18th May 2015 as well and may aggravate since the Dispositor of Venus will become Retrograde on the 19th May 2015 till 11th  June 2015, but since Venus will leave Gemini on the 30th May 2015, the magnitude of the untoward happenings may subside .

13. Moon had 27 wives and Rohini was the most Beautiful amongst the other 26. Rohini afflicted till 6th June is another para meter for crime against women, specially Moon with Mercury and Mars. We all know in astrology the relationship of Moon and Mercury , I need not eloborate the same .

14. 30th May Venus joins Jupiter in Cancer is a Classical Combination  in Mundane Astrology of Blood shed on Earth  As Per Myur Chitram. I have already written a couple of Articles on this website for the same and the consequences arising out of the same . Nepal may be the Scape Goat again .

When ever Venus is afflicted or its dispositor is afflicted then People who also have these combinations in their chart tend to achive the Significations of Venus by fair or fouls means , hence atrocities against women.. Rahu in the 4th from Venus is also a combination for the significations of Venus achieving by fair or fouls means The Catalyst Rahu when ever in Adverse motion will aggravate the situations  in the above Combinations .

Rahu was adverse on the 1st and 2nd May then 12th to 15th  and again will be adverse on the 26th to 29th May 2015. All happenings Concerning Women in the month of May 2015 would be on these dates with higher magnitude .

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 17th May 2015

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