Enigmatic Paksha Kundali Of 28th Sept. 2019 What it Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1049 Articles and Predictions in just 54 months from April 2015

Rahu in Ardra Nakshatra, Luminaries afflicted Return aspect of Mars and Saturn Malefic Karna Lord of 7th house indicate war like conditions in the country

A very experienced Astrologer makes use of the Paksha or the Lunation charts for brilliant short range predictions. Instances have shown the great stalwart Hardeo Sharma Trivedi’s Prediction about the Wall Street Collaspeof Oct 1987 one year in advance , demolition of Babri Masjid in Ayodhya was hinted at by reffering to communal tension in Uttar Pradesh. Particular attention is paid to the house where the lunation takes place and the matters pertaining to that house would figure prominantly

In the Lunation chart of the 28th Sept. 2019 the Lunation is taking place in the sign Virgo and the 4th house for India, hence the Countries represented by the sign Virgo will suffer the most since the Sun and Moon are afflicted by both Mars and Saturn

The Countries who will be influenced most will be Russia , Turkey, Brazil,West Indies,Greece,California,Some Parts of India,Paris,Lyons,Jerusalem and Los Angeles
The Chart of Lunation is below of the 28th Sept. 2019 at 23.56 hrs

The Day is Saturday and the Lord is Saturn and becoming direct on the 18th Sept. 2019, it acquires an important dimension since degree conjunction with Ketu at 19 degrees in Sagitarius aspects the house of lunation by strong 10th aspect . The affliction to the Day lord is a venomous parameter. The Day Lord is Placed in the yama of Sagitarius the 7th house again where Saturn and Ketu are placed and Saturn influences the 9th house, Lagna and the 4th house , all these houses will acquire an important dimension in this fortnight and turn out to be most venomous one.
Due to Lunation in the 4th house for India the significations of the 4th house will be more predominant and are as follows

Land and Crops, Agriculture Industry,Mines and Materials, Real Estates, Hotel Industry,Weather Conditions, Landslides,Forest Fires, Volcanic eruptions,Mining disasters, Earthquakes,Floods . Schools and Colleges,Educational Institutions,Opposition Parties,Throne of the King, and Trade

Another Parameters which are malefic are as follows
1. Karna Lord Naga Mahesh most malefic the 7th Lord in this case and Jupiter who is placed in the 6th house

2. Planet in the Ascendant Rahu who is in Ardra Nakshatra most malefic component and represents the general condition of the Country happiness and will be adversely influenced in this fortnight This may bring restlessness and tragic events. This will upset the conditions in the Country. Rahu placed in the Lagna will disturb the peace of the Country,War like conditions,Epidemics, Earthquakes, Communal Tensions, anarchy and disruption of normal finctions of the Govt., Crime , Murder,Rape, Robbery will be the order of the day. No Faith in Religon they will cheat. Mass Tragedies like Bhopal gas tragedy cannot be ruled out as per the experience in the past and as per the Book of Mundane Astrology Guide K N Rao

3. Sun Afflicted in the 4th house the Prestige of the Govt. Suffers.

4. Afflicted Moon Shortage of Crops,mining Trouble,disturbed weather, Disturbed Land and Sea Conditions

5. Afflicted Mars Earthquakes, Trouble to the Govt. and bad for the Property Market

6. Afflicted Jupiter Fallen in the 6th house excessive expenditure on the Armed Forces

7.Affliction in the 7th house by Saturn and Ketu . This is extremely unfavourable for foreign affairs, Depression in Foreign Trade , War Scandals, divorces,law suits, spies, crime against women. 7th house is War, International affairs.The Stock and the Financial Markets would also be influenced due to this.

Hence from the above it is Clear that this fortnight is most malefic one for the General happiness and the Peace of the Country specially when Saturn the day Lord is afflicted in the 7th house which is represented by Malefic Karna Naga . War like conditions cannot be ruled out it so seems from the planetary positions.

Date 19th Sept. 2019 7.00.00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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