Enigmatic Paksha Kundali of 24th Jan 2016: What it Foretells

by astrodocanil
 Amid ISIS Alert, Letter Warns Against President Hollande in India link http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/threat-letter-warns-against-president-francois-hollandes-visit-1268282
BENGALURU:  A letter warning against the upcoming visit of President Francois Hollande to India was delivered to the French consulate in Bengaluru, according to news agency ANI.
The letter was reportedly mailed from Chennai.
President Hollande arrives in India on January 24 for a three-day visit. He will land in Chandigarh where he will be received by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The French leader is the Chief Guest for the massive Republic Day parade in Delhi on Tuesday
A recent review of security, customary ahead of Republic Day, was led by Home Minister Rajnath Singh and officials concluded that an ISIS threat “is very real”. Four men were arrested in Uttarakahand last night for alleged ISIS links. A senior Delhi Police officer has alleged they were planning a large attack on Delhi.
I have already written an article “Solar ingress of Sun in Capricorn :What it has in Store for India ” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/12/solar-ingress-of-sun-in-capricorn-what-it-has-in-store-for-india/ dated 8th Dec. 2015 and  Evil combinations for Terrorism and untoward happenings. 
I have also written an article in Feb.2016 edition of EXPRESS STAR TELLER”Solar Ingress of Sun in Capricorn clouds of Terrorism ” page 27.
Let us see the Planetary Positions at the time of the Republic Day 26th Jan .2016 09-00 am Delhi and before that the Paksha Kundali of 24th Jan. 2016 07-15-30 hrs . Below

Paksha Kundali of 24th jan 2016

It has been observed that certain planetary positions are activated which Promote Terrorist activities . Let me tabulate the same in serial order along with  my  obsevations for the India Foundation chart for the present transit through Paksha Kundali and the Event date

The Paksha Kundali of the 24th Jan. 2016 is an Enigmatic one. The Lagna is 8.54 degrees Capricorn and in the nakshatra of U Shadha  and the Lord is Sun placed in Lagna at 9.24 degrees at the MEP and in the same navamsha of Pieces  is supposed to be extraordinary since Sun in the Natural Zodiac is digbali in the Capricorn sign being the 10th house. Unfortunately Sun is also the 8th Lord of the Paksha Kundali and aspected by Mars and Saturn  is a strong affliction to the Lagna . Sun also signifies King and Lagna the general condition of the country , hence there may not prevail Peaceful conditions in this Fortnight more so , since Rahu and Jupiter the 12th Lord are in the 8th house degree conjunct and aspected by Saturn .

The Following Parameters acquire a Special dimension.

Day is Saturday and the Lord is Saturn and the Paksha Kundali is at the time of Din Ratri sandhi is not supposed to be good

Saturn is placed in the yama of Taurus and the 5th house of the Paksha Kundali and the Lord is Placed in Paap Kartari yoga in the 12th house with Fallen Mercury the 9th and the 6th lord ( Terrorist Camps).

Yoga is Vishkumbha and Lord is again Saturn

Karna is Bava and Lord is connected to Sun and Sun is also the 8th lord  is not good , hence Karya Sidhi not good for the fortnight

  1. Saturn is Lagna Lord  aspecting the Lagna and Moon is Placed in the Nakshatra of Pushya and Lord is Saturn again.
  2. Saturn aspects Sun  who is also the 8th Lord and Saturn also aspect the 8th house of Mass happenings where Rahu and Retrograde Jupiter are placed Degree conjunct.
  3. Saturn is Conjunct with Rahu and Jupiter in Navamsha in Sagitarius Navamsha  which is the 12th house of the Paksha Kundali
  4. Moon in the Nakshatra of Saturn and aspected by Saturn in navamsha
  5. Saturn is Lagna Lord and in navamsha it is placed in the Kendra in Navamsha
  6. Saturn is Placed in the Kendra aspecting the Lagna Moon  and Sun in Trishamsha
  7. 8th Lord from Moon is Saturn and 8th Lord from Lagna is Sun  and Saturn aspects Sun in the Lagna of the Paksha Kundali is the Most Crucial Parameter in the  Chart above .

Hence from the above Saturn acquires a special dimension to give the Results Pertaining to its significations and negative ones since afflicting the sensitive parameters.

Let us see the other Parameters which can sprout their significations in this Fortnight

  1. Mars Placed in the 10th house digbali and aspects the Lagna , Sun who is also the 8th Lord
  2. In Navamsha Mars is placed in Lagna with Sun aspects Moon in the 7th use and Ketu in the 4th house
  3. As per Paksha Kundali Pieces sign of Navamsha is the 3rd house of neighbors  etc.
  4. In Navamsha Moon is aspected by Mars, Saturn and Sun
  5. In Paksha Kundali , Navamsha Kundali  and Trishamahsa Chart Malefics are Placed in the Kendras
  6. Benefics  Jupiter totally Eclipsed, Mercury Fallen , Mercury and Venus in Paap kartari Yoga in the Paksha Kundali
  7. Mercury and Jupiter afflicted badly in Paksha Kundlai, Navamsha and Trishamsha

From the above the Planets which Acquire special dimension and whose significations will sprout this fortnight are  Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter , Sun and Venus .There is Rajyoga of the 9th and the 10th Lord in the 12th house , but extrememly weak one  and suffers affliction due to the fact that 9th  Lord is Retrograde and Fallen in the 12th house with 10th Lord Venus and both in Paap Kartaryi yoga , Hence Terrorism, Religion, Espoinage could sprout in this fortnight .


Significator for Terrorism is Mars and Rahu and Mars  as already explained above acquires a special dimension in the Present scenerio placed in the 10th house digbali aspecting the Lagna, Sun Kingly Person , 4th and the 5th house. Rahu is Placed in the 8th house of Mass happenings and about to be adverse immedaitely after 26th Jan. 2016. Rahu is with 3rd and 12th Lord Jupiter in Retrogression and at the mouth of Rahu.

External Terrorism is by Terrorists from the neighboring countries , hence the role of 3rd house comes into play. 4th from the 9th house is Terrorist camps , hence 12th house  and 3rd house are most important for terrorism. In the Paksha Kundali thew 12th house is badly afflicted and placed in the 8th house and totally Eclipsed with Rahu and aspected by Saturn. Afflicted 12th and 3rd Lord is also aspecting the 4th , and the 12th house  is a serious concern, since with Rahu the significator for terrorism

Saturn is also in Kendra from Rahu-Ketu and aspects Rahu is another Crucial Parameter in this Paksha Kundali  and a serious concern. I have already explained the role of Saturn in the above  for the Paksha Kundali.

Transitting Mars is in Libra as per Paksha Kundali and is the 6th house of the foundation chart and over Natal Jupiter the Lord of the 8th and the 11th house. Mars also aspects the Navamsha sign Taurus  of Jupiter of the foundation chart of India is another Serious Parameter.How ever Placement of Mars in the 9th, 12th house is more crucial , hence it is placed in the 10th house and not connected to the 12th house, or the 3rd house  or their Lords , but asper the foundation chart Mars placed in the 6th house aspects the 9th house and the 12th house along with Lagna is definitely a concern, when Saturn placed in the 7th house of the foundation chart over natal Ketu and having activated the Ketu at 5.45 degrees in Stationary position between the 27th July and the 6th August 2015.

For India 3rd Lord is Moon and 12th Lord is Mars  hence they also become responsible for the events when afflicted , Moon is Not afflicted in the above chart is a Favourable one and not connected to Rahu or Mars. This si a big saving in the Paksha Kundali, but in the navamsha of the foundation chart Moon is afflicted in Rahu-Ketu axis and in the navamsha of the Paksha Kundali Moon is aspected by Mars and Sun, hence there is a Possibility of Terrorism in this  Fortnight , the Exact position will be known from the 26th Jan. 2016 chart discussed below in which Moon is afflicted badly , hence Terrorism on the 26th Jan. 2016 cannot be ruled out . 

For our analysis 1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th and 8th houses, their lords and their placements are of utmost importance.  Lagna is afflicted and Lagna Lord in inimical sign, , 3rd house is not afflictyed but 3rd Lord in acute affliction, 4th house is aspected by mars but mars is not afflicted but in inimical sign, 6th Lord is Mercury fallen and aspects the 6th house and is in Paap Kartari yoga in the 12th house. 8th house and Lord is afflicted badly, 4th house is also aspected by afflicted Jupiter and if we take the aspect of Rahu then badly afflicted , Lagna, 4th house and 8th house are badly afflicted , 6th Lord is of main concern for Terrorisn and is fallen placed in 12th house and in Paap kartari yoga , hence the Attempt from the Terrorist group may be there 

Mars is connecting to Lagna, 8th Lord Sun  who is also Kingly, 4th house in the Paksha Kundali and in Navamsha as explainred it is damaging the Lagna, Sun and Moon. Jupiter the 3rd Lord is connecting the 8th, 12th and 4th house  and with Rahu, Moon is also connected to Sun the 8th Lord , 6th Lord and the 9th Lord is Fallen and Placed in the 12th house with Venus  in Paap Kartari yoga

Capricorn Lagna has been asigned by Varahamihra for India for malefic happenings and the Lagna is Capricorn in the Paksha Kundali and badly afflicted

When any Sudden/Unexpected (8th house/lord) violent activity which is being executed by Terrorist organizations (6th house/lord), It has a Direct Impact on the strength of the nation (3rd house/lord) and nation as a whole (1st house). As a result, peace of the nation is disturbed with a simultaneous destruction of some infrastructure (i.e 4th house). All the above are afflicted , specially the 8th house and the 8th Lord under acute affliction hence suddenness of things cannot be ruled out

Dasha of Planets influenced by Rahu-Ketu, Mars  or the Trik Bhavas , India is Running the Dasha of Moon -Moon -Saturn , which seems to be Precarious , since Saturn is connecting the 3rd and the 12th lord in the 8th house along with Rahu , Moon is also connected to 6th Lord venus in the foundation chart. In the Paksha Kundali the Dasha is of Sat-Ven-Jup all connected to the relevent houses of Terrorism by Placement .


3rd lord, 6th Lord  both under affliction and 3rd Lord Eclipsed and Placed in the 8th house under malefic aspect by Saturn , hence when Moon is placed in the 8th house on the 26th Jan. 2016 there could be terrorism sprouting . I will discuss the  26th Jan. 2016 Chart at the end of the Article. Mass happenings since 8th house is Prominent as per the above Parameters . Connection of the 3rd, 6th and the 12th house, by Jupiter placed in the 8th house is strong negative to give adverse results pertaining to Terrorism.

General condition of the Country will not be good in the Fortnight

Sun Placed in the Lagna in Rashi and Navamsha chart  and under affliction . Kingly Persons will be influenced most .Head of the nation and States will be under Check

In the Solar Ingress of Capricorn Mars is placed in Lagna , hence heavy Damage is indicated , but in the Paksha Kundali Mars aspects the Lagna, and Sun the 8th Lord is another Serious concern at the MEP

Stock Market 

The stock markets will be in Bearish Trends  specially till 27th Jan. 2016. Longitudnal Distance between Venus and Mercury will be minimum till 27th Jan. 2016  and then in Capricorn on the 13th Feb. 2016 . Hence till 13-14th Feb. 2016 the Stock market will be in Bearish trend , after which when Mercury crosses the Retrogression degrees of 6.46 the market may recover a bit, but 2016 in totality will be a year of Economic Recession.

Gold Prices 

The Prices will be Volatile  and details are already written in other articles, may surge as mentione till 14th Feb. 2016 may to 1200 $ level

Political Turmoils 

Political Turmoils continue to Sprout , since 7th Lord is stronger than the Lagna Lord


Earthy  Signs under Affliction together with Mercury Fallen and when ever Moon and Mercury connection in the fortnight , Earthquakes can sprout . Specially when Moon is in U Phalguni nakshatra in the 8th house on the 26th-27th Jan 2016  and then when Moon is in Sagitarius on the 2nd to 5th Feb. 2016.  On the 5-6th Feb. 2016 the degrees of the Planets will be very close , specially Saturn, Mars, Sun and Venus and Sun in Capricorn Rashi an Earthy sign afflicted badly. Bad for the globe in general For earthquakes.

Extreme Cool weather 

Weather changes when Mercury becomes Direct on the 25th Jan. 2016  and specially when it changes sign on the 9th Feb. 2016 to Capricorn.

Crude Oil Prices 

Remain to be Range bound and may dip after 1st Feb. 2016 and more so when Mars Joins Saturn in Scorpio, Prices will become volatile  and may rise also . 211 days will be crucial for War like conditions in the middle Eastern countries due to ISIS Terrorism.

Now 26th Jan. 2016 is a sensitive date for Celebrations of the Republic Day Celebrations , specially due to the visit of the Chief Guest from France. 

Chief Guest

It is expected that this time around Francoise Hollande, the Prime Minister of France, will be the Chief Guest at the Republic Day celebrations. His presence at the Republic Day celebrations this year is expected to add a touch of poignancy, considering the status of both countries as the ones affected by terrorism and the recent events at Paris and Pathankot. It will also convey a message that all such countries stand together in solidarity. Laurent Fabius, the foreign minister of France, had visited Delhi on 20th November 2015 and it is possible that both the countries decided on Hollande’s visit in January at that time.

Delhi police fear attacks, hostage crises from militants link http://www.ibtimes.co.in/2-jem-militants-have-sneaked-into-delhi-carry-out-high-profile-attacks-create-hostage-crisis-661833

The threat of the terror attack is a major concern for India as it is preparing for its 67th Republic Day celebrations. French President Francois Hollande is also scheduled to come to India as he has been invited to be the chief guest at the Republic Day parade on 26 January, 2016.

It is feared that the armed government troops that have arrived in Delhi for the Republic Day parade might become the target of the terrorists.

This Republic Day, ISIS Alert With French President As Chief Guest: Sources http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/this-republic-day-isis-alert-with-french-president-as-chief-guest-sources-1267270

Now Let us see the Planetary positions on 26th Jan. 2016 09-00 am 



Panchang of the Day

Day is Tuesday and the Lord is Mars and placed in the Yama of Taurus and the Lord is Venus placed in the 11th house with 5th and 8th Lord Mercury who is Fallen and just become Direct after Retrogression. A Fallen Planet is most Venomous and like a snake bite , specially being the 8th lord . Both Venus and Mercury are also in Paap Kartari yoga .  Venus is Placed in the sign of Jupiter who is totally Eclipsed by Rahu .This is not indicative of a Favourable combinations and indicative of Malefic happenings or incompletion of the task or the event .

Tithi KP-3

Nakshatra Magha

Yoga Saubhagaya

Karna Vanija Lord is Venus and with Mercury the 5th and the 8th Lord , The Karya Siddhi may not take place properly

Moon and Sun both placed in Dagdha Rashis is a most Sensitive Parameter on the 26th Jan 2016 

DBA Planets  Ketu-Rahu-Rahu Malefics are indicative of malefic happenings, Terrorism.

Lagna is Aquarius and in the nakshatra of Rahu placed in the 7th house of opponents , Foreign affairs, War, and Represented by Sun Placed in the 12th house in a female sign  aspected by Mars from the 9th house and Saturn from the 10th house  is most sensitive for the Day.

Moon is Placed in the 7th house in Rahu-Ketu axis and also in the Nakshatra of Ketu, Noe Lagna in the Nakshatra of rahu, moon in the nakshatra of Ketu and Lagna having Ketu and Moon also with Rahu is most Sensitive and malefic Parameter in the Chart of the 26th Jan. 2016

Rahu is also going to be in adverse motion immedaitely after the Occassion is another sensitive parameter .

Kendras have Malefics along with Trikonas and all Benefics are weak. Jupiter Retrograde and eclipsed with Rahu, dispositor in the 12th house

Mercury Fallen and just became direct and in very slow motion and with Venis in Sagitarius in Paap kartari yoga, Dispositor is  Jupiter is Afflicted and forming a malefic Guru chandal yoga , Jupiter is also on the mouth of Rahu who is turning Poison

Sun and Moon both afflicted by Saturn

Moon has gone in the 8th house of the Paksha Kundali at the time of the Republic Day Celebrations is most sensitive till it is there in the 8th house in the Leo signand specially on the 27th Jan. 2016 when it is also in the Sun nakshatra of U Phalguni on the 28th Jan. 2016 morning  till it leaves this nakshatra . 

The Progression charts bas per Manu Smriti are also not condusive to give good Results and Mars is Transitting over the Debilitated Sun in the 4th house  is a most malefic concern in the Present context.. The Chart is a Precarious one

The most crucial Parameter is that Jupiter significator for Children is totally eclipsed by Rahu the significator for Terrorism and the dispositor of Jupiter, Sun  in Transit is placed in the 6/8 axis with respect to Jupiter and Rahu can sprout Terrorism by Groomed Terrorist children motivated for Terrorism. Kingly Persons and head of the Countried have to be alert from this   specially when the French President is the chief Guest on the 26th jan. 2016 which is Prone to terrorism.

The above are indicative Predictions only

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 19th Jan 2016 19.30 hrs

Disclaimer : This is only astrological analysis nad not  personal opinion.If any one invests on the above basis he would be doing it at his own risk and Fancies . The writter of the Article is not responsible for the same in any respect thereof



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