Enigmatic Paksha Kundali of 11th Nov.2015 What it Foretells

by astrodocanil

The New Moon chart of 11th Nov. 2015 23.17 hrs . Delhi is Below

Paksha Kundali of 11th nov. 2015

In  the Solar ingress chart of Libra , Sun is placed in the 4th house and has exchange with Venus , Lagna Lord is Debilitated and Placed with Saturn in the 5th house .Since sun is palced in the 4th house and in the Paksha Kundali also Sun is placed in the 4th house the results of the 4th house will be more prevalant in this fortnight . Since the Lunation is also taking Place in this house it gains utmost importance.

4th house signifies Land and Crops, Agricultural Industry, minesand Mineral, Real Estates, Hotel industry, weather conditions in the Country, Volcanis Eruptionsand Mining Disasters. Earthquakes, Throne of the King, opposition Parties , Democratic movements, General Happiness in the country .

The house of Lunation has a Benefic but combusted and the dispositor is also Debilitated , although there is exchange of Mercury and Venus , but since both are weak , both lose strength

There will be ill effects of the 4th house significations as Follows

  1. Vehicular Accidents
  2. Air Accidents
  3. Mars is Afflicted by Rahu and 4th Lord Debilitated and with Mars  and 3rd Lord Placed in the 4th house ,Decline in the Prices of Real Estates
  4. Increase in Prices of Vehicles
  5. Stock market. Mercury is totally combusted hence  Stock Market  Becoming Bearish at the Start of the Fortnight from 10th-11th Nov. 2015 and after 17th Nov. 2015 when Mercury ingresses in Scorpio with Sun there could be down slide of the Stock markets till 22nd Nov. 2015 is indicated , a Downslide which could be more than 5% minimum. Could be even more.
  6. Rahu in Direct motion between the 19th to 22nd Nov. 2015 and in Degree conjunctionwith Mars on the 18th Nov. 2015 is Critical for Stock Markets, Tension at the Boarders with neighboring countries Pakistan, China and Nepal since Virgo is the 3rd house . Mars Placement in the 3rd house aspecting the 6th,9th and 10th is not condusive to give good Results
  7. Mars will activate the Eclipse point of 10.35 degrees  of the Lunar Eclipse of 28th Sept. 2015 will be most crucial to give untoward happenings  Combination of Mars and Rahu and specially degree conjunction at 6 degrees on the 12-13 Nov. 2015 and the Activating the Eclipse point is a Dreaded one . The combination signifies Chemical weapons and Blasts . War like Situations specially concerning the Middle Eastern Countries. The Strikes from Russia on Islamic Countries may be increased and may take a greater dimension.
  8. 9th house has Ketu and 9th and 6th Lord is Placed in the 2nd house aspected by 7th and 8th Lord , hence tensions due to casteism, Religon, Places of Temples, Justice, Court, Embassies are Prone to attack by Terrorists, since Mars aspects this house .
  9. Sun ingressing in Scorpio on the 17th Nov. 2015 Arresting the down slide of Gold, since making Rajyogas  and Jupiter and Aries are well aspected in Rasji and Navamsha 
  10. Planetary positions also indicate Political Turmoils after Bihar Election Results , Sensex may take a dip. Rahu is adverse till 8th Nov. 2015   .
  11. Atrocities against Women will take greater dimension, needless to discuss this in details. Could be the Breaking news .
  12. Since Mars is activating the Eclipse Point in Pieces 10.35 degrees on the 19-20th Nov. 2015 a totally watery sign, there could be Trouble from Rain waters and Excessive rains in some areas

Lumanaries in the 4th house and 4th Lord afflicted in the 3rd , clearly points out Tensions with Neighbors . 3rd house has Mars, Rahu and  Venus  is again a volatile combination

2nd Lord Debilitated and 2nd House has Jupiter aspected by 7th and 8th Lord , lot of Scams and matters concerning Black money will be surfaced .

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 7th Nov. 2015 20.30 hrs 

Adding the events after the Predictions above on the 13th Nov. 2015 

Nifty opens below 7800, Sensex tanks over 200 pts

Read more at: http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/local-markets/nifty-opens-below-7800-sensex-tanks-over-200-pts_4127141.html?utm_source=ref_article


256.42 Points Down Sensex at the close of 13th Nov. 2015


Disclaimer: The Writer has given the analysis on the basios of Astrology Principles and is not responsible for any Individual or a any Corporate or Company taking any decisions on the above, they would be doing it at their own risk . . The Writer is not liable for any repercussions in any respect thereof.

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