Enigmatic New Moon Chart of 20th Sept. 2017. What It Foretells For the Globe ?

by astrodocanil

This is with reference to my earlier Article “Celestial Drama of Planets in 2017 and Enigmatic New Moon Chart Of 20th Sept. 2017” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2017/09/celestial-drama-…f-20th-sept-2017/ dated 13th Sept. 2017

Please read the Last Para ” Any Action By US will aggravate the Situations and since Transit Mars will be in the Ascendant  he may have other options which may Provoke Kim. It does not seem that till Kim Directly tries to Attack the Korean Peninsula , US will take any Aggressive step.

The Nodes in adverse motion from the 13th to 19th Sept. 2017 and the Enigmatic Paksha Kundali of the 20th Sept. 2017 is most malefic one for untoward happenings, natural and unnatural disasters, earthquakes with intensity  and Tug of War between the nations may escalate  which has been hanging since July 2017. This Period from 13th Sept to 13th Oct. 2017 will be enigmatic for the world and all what has been earlier predicted may come true , since all the Planets are under the shadow of the nodes and they are adverse as mentioned above and Rahu in Gandantha as well . The Financial Markets  may also be influenced in this period mentioned . With Reference to US Foundation chart On the 13th Oct. 2017 the Transit Mars will Transit over the natal Saturn in the 2nd house and activate the same . Transit Saturn in Fallen State is already activated by the Natal Saturn by 3rd aspect  and Transit Saturn when joins the sign Sagitarius on the 27th Oct. 2017 will activate the Natal Mars in the 11th house in the sign of Gemini. This Transit of Mars and Saturn will activate the Natal Mars and Saturn  and in both cases there is a return aspect could prove enigmatic and war like conditions may erupt.

Let us have a Look at the New Moon chart for the US of the 20th Sept. 2017 of  1.29 hrs.

The Panchang of the Day

The Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon placed in the Yama of Aquarius  and the Yama Lord is Saturn fallen and Placed in the 6th house aspecting the 8th house as the Lord of the 8th and the 9th house is most malefic component . The Sign Aquarius is aspected by Mars and Mercury from the 3rd house .

The Karna Lord is also a Malefic one and depicts the significations of the 4th house and the Lord is placed in the 3rd house where Mars is Placed . The Planets Close to the MEP are Saturn, and the Nodes , hence this parameter is also acquiring a special dimension, but since the Planets are in the invisible half the effect will be less  as compared to Japan where the Planets are in the Visible half  in the chart below 

In the Bhav chalit chart the Luminaries go in the 3rd house and Connection of Mars, Lagna Lord  and the Luminares in the 3rd house is detrimental for the country getting involved in the War mongering activities .

As already explained above the Aroha Sarpa  Kalpa Yoga is most malefic specially when the nodes are also adverse and all the Planets are in the shadow of the same and there is return aspect of Mars and Saturn . Mars aspecting Ketu at almost same degrees in the 8th house as the Yama Lord is Explosive specially when Saturn is Fallen Planet . Till the Planets cross the Capricorn sign US and the Globe will be in a Threat of War . For US the Period  from 6th Oct. to 2nd Dec. 2017 will be most enigmatic and like the 9/11 Terror Attack.  Saturn and Mars square aspect till 29th Nov. 2017 can be most explosive 

Let us also have a Look at the chart of the New Moon for Japan of the 20th Sept. 2017 of 14.29 hrs.

The Panchang of the Day

The Day is Wednesday and the Lord is Mercury the Lord of the 7th and the 10th House and is also the Karna Lord as the 7th Lord and Placed in the 9th house with Mars and connects the house of Boarder tensions . The Day Lord is also in the Junction of the 3rd and the 4th yama is also a malefic parameter and the Sign is Leo where the  Malefic Karna Lord and Mars are Placed . The Planets at the MEP are Nodes and Saturn  and all the Planets are in the Visible half and the Luminaries shift to the 9th house in the Bhav chalit chart making the planetary positions worst .

I have already Discussed the new Moon chart of the North Korea in my Earlier Article and seems that North Korea and Japan will be influenced in this Fortnight beginning from the 20th Sept. 2017 and more so from the 14th Sept. 2017 when the Nodes are also in Adverse motion and also the Planets are in the shadow of the Nodes , Mars and Saturn forming a most malefic Aroha Kalpa Sarpa Yoga 

From the Above it seems the Planetary positions are detrimental from the 14th Sept. 2017 to 13th Oct. 2017  and the Brawl Between the US-North Korea, North Korea-Japan may escalate and North Korea may Retaliate after the Sanctions imposed on him by the UN  by Launching Missiles over Japan and  , specially between the 14th Sept  onwards till 13th Oct. 2017. Both Japan and North Korea Have the Planets in the Visible half hence the Effects will be seen faster  of the Planetary positions in North Korea and Japan 

Paksha Kundali of the 20th Sept. 2017  11.00 am for India

Panchang of the Day

The Day is webnesday and the lord is Mercury and placed in the Yama of Gemini the 8th house of the Paksha Kundali and the Lord is Placed in the 10th house with Mars the Lagna Lord and the 6th Lord  . There is a Strong Rajyoga of the 9th and the 10th lord  but unfortunately apart from the Sun 10th Lord in the 11th house is a  Malefic Karna Lord  and above this all the Planets are in the shadow of the Nodes, Mars and Saturn . and Planets in the Visible half , hence wecan expect this Fortnight to be most enigmatic  for unforeseen circumstances, natural , unnatural calamities, Earthquakes , Political Tug of War , Boarder issues 

As Per the Eclipsed Nakshatra in the Koorma Chakra the South East  Asia will be influenced Most along with South East Part of India in General

North Korea will be influenced the Most since the Energy of Planets is towards the South East Asia and take aggressive steps in launching missiles over the Korean Peninsula and particularly on Japan

Hence we can say the Fortnight of 20th Sept. 2017 ahead is an enigmatic one for the world till Mars Crosses the Sign Capricorn on the 6th Nov. 2018

A small note to Scorpio Moon signs In the Context of the Article for Trump and even N Modi since they have Moon in Scorpio and now Saturn in Direct motion in Fallen State they should not neglect the things , specially the North Korea Aggression and Launching of Missiles he may have to Pay a heavy price and a Permanent loss of any kind. All Scorpio Moon signs make a note of this Transit till 27th Oct. 2017.

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
14th Sept.  2017 2017  18.10 hrs
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