Enigmatic Fortnight of 30th August 2015: What Stars Foretell

by astrodocanil

In Transit Mars in Debilitation and Venus Retrograde are in Conjunction degreewise on the 31st August-1st Sept. 2015 at 20 degrees plus in the nakshatra of Mercury who is in Exhaltation and very close degrees with Rahu .

Let us see what could sprout in the Fortnight from 30th August 2015  00-05 hrs in the Full Moon chart below

Full Moon


Lagna is Taurus the same as the Foundation chart and the 11th house of the Hindu New Moon Pieces chart a Bhadak Sthan for Cancer Lagna.is not good at all Let me write the Parameters which acquire a special  dimension in this fortnight.

  1.  Lagna is 23.52 degrees and Mrityu Bhag is  24 degrees 40 minutes and minus  6 ghati  in the nakshatra of Mars  who is Debilitated and Placed in the 3rd house of neighbors with Lagna Lord Venus in Retrogression and Fallen State. A planet in Fallen State is most precarious and is like a Car going up the hill and loses motion and starts to take a Retrograde motion and fall.Mars is Lord of the 7th and the 12th house placed in the 3rd house signifies Espoinage from Foreign elements  from the neighboring countries and Specially Pakistan. Pakistan Lagna Lord is Mars and India Lagna Lord is Venus A Fallen Planet is most Precarious and specially the Lagna Lord and in Very close degrees with Mars in Debilitation and close to the MEP acquires a Special Demension.
  2. On the 1st Sept 2015 Mars and Venus are in Planetary war and we all know Mars is always the winner and Mars goes in Exhaltation in Navamsha and with Venus who is weak Fallen and in retrogression in Capricorn navamsha the 9th house of the Paksha Kundali, sprouting the significations of the 3rd and the 9th house , more so since the 3rd Lord Moon is also in the Capricorn navamsha . Mars and Satrun both are aspecting the 9th house in the Paksha Kundali is another Parameter which can sprout Terrorism in the places of Courts, Justice, Embassies, Temples, Religion, Casteism, Hijacking of Air Planes, Rail and Air Travel adversely influenced by terrorism. Betwee the Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord definitely Lagna Lord is weak being in Retrogression and Fallen. Hence in the interest of India all security arrangements should be beafed up and be prepared for the aggressive attack by Pakistan using terrorism the base and create war like situations in the country . it is most amazing that after 30th August the leaders of Pakistan are Provocative speeches and inciting India to start a war.
  3. 6th Sept. Venus will be stationary and crucial for any Aggressive step taken by Pakistan , since Pakistan is running the Dasha of Venus Rahu and the Dispositor of Rahu is also Venus. Saturn in Stationary motion has already activated the natal Ketu in the 8th house of Pakistan at almost same degrees and same navamsha  and in the case of India in the 7th house of Wars and Foreign relations and opponents in the same degrees and the same navamsha  is most Crucial in the Present Scenerio.  Till mars and venus are in Cancer , there is Bound to be aggressiveness from Pakistan till 15th Sept. 2015 and Venus in the Cancer sign till 30th Sept. 2015, The chances of any Treaty between  Pakistan and India if at all are there  only limited to dates between the 6th and the 15th Sept. 2015. I am afraid even if some Pact is reached it may not be adhered to and hence falling back to Square one.
  4. Rahu Placed in the 5th house of Education  and Students with Karka Mercury in Exhaltation and as Lord of the 2nd house will be influenced by Rahu since in very close degrees and same navamsha and fall in the 8th house of the navamsha of Pieces and Mercury becomes Debilitated. This the most sensative parameter in this fortnight since Rahu will also be in Stationary and forward motion exceptionally for a number of times this Month in Sept. and early Oct. 2015 Dates which are most Sensative are therefore 1st Sept. to 6th Sept., 15th to 22nd Sept. and then 25th to 28th Sept. 2015. The effects will be on the Share Market getting a hit a number of times since Rahu is stron in the coming 2 Fortnights and capable to turn the tables up side down as has done and predicted by me in the earlier articles between 18th to 25th August 2015. Massive Rallies, Protests , Agitations and Roits with greatest Dimensions usung the Students calibre to force the Govt. to agree to their Demands for all Groups , needless to mention the names. Hardik Patel will be most instrumental in this activity  for raising his demands as per what all has happened in Gujrat. Pakistan  Aggressive stands and war like situations  along with  Terrorism will also sprout on these Dates. As mentioned earlier a Strong Earth Quake can also be experienced  in the Himalayan Terrian and Shocks felt even in the capital. Pakistan could experience mass damage in any case since Ketu is in the 8th house with Saturn over it activating stronly when it was in Stationay motion and more so till 28th Sept. 2015 and more so till 8th Nov. 2015. Rahu is also with 2nd Lord hence the Rupee may also be adversely influenced 
  5. Jupiter and Sun in the 4th house  Jupiter is totally combusted , but thank God they are not in same navamsha hence little relief Jupiter is weka and is the 8th Lord  in the 4th house , which shows the Ememy is come in the Country and aspects the 8th , 12th house is crucial , but Sun Placed there will take care of the situations , but Sun is also not strong in the 4th house as loses the digbal.
  6. Moon is Placed in the sign of Aquarius and in the nakshatra of Rahu is a parameter  which is most Malefic for the reasons explained that Rahu will be in exceptional motion this month .
  7. Moon in the nakshatra of Mercury and Mercury in the nakshatra of Moon will be crucial for a strong Earth quake for the globe  as well  around the 1st Sept. 2015 at the time of writing the Article . Stock Markets will tumble down as already mentioned in all my articles on the webpage www.astrodocanil.com. Economy Stagnation will start since on the cards from the eclipses in Sept. 2015 and the Eclipses of  March 2016
  8. Saturn Placed in the 7th house over the natal Ketu at almost same degrees and same Navamsha will be crucial this fornight . Fear from Foreign elements taking an Aggressive stand for terrorism and warlike situations . 9th house is badly afflicted by both Mars , Saturn along with Fallen Venus , Terrorism in the places of Courts, Justice, Embassies, Diplomates, Airplanes hijacking, Religious Places , Temples and old issue pertaining to Muslims may also take a greater dimension and crop up.Till Saturn changing navamsha to Virgo on the  28th Sept. 2015 will be crucial. Saturn aspecting Sun in the Paksha Kundali and Sun Joining Saturn in Leo Navamsha will be  bad  for the 4th house significations of the Paksha Kundli and specially the head of the States, Top Brass and Even The courts and Temples .
  9. Mars and Venus Combination and Exact conjunction is also Crucial for Atrocities again women and lot of Scandles surfacing  in this regard.  When mars and venus Join in Principle the native is fond of  betting, Gambling,, Speculation. The Person may be a strong Wrestler and may be capable in all respects , but such a person having this combination in the Birth chart is fond of  other peoples wife  and hence Extra marital realtions and till 30th Sept. and to be more specific till 15th Sept. 2015 there will be Sex Scandles sprouting again and again and may be the headlines in the News . I have already mentioned in my articles and  this  we all know Number of cases sprouting . Radhe Maa , Indrani Mukerjea and many more. Since in the femle sign  the Scandles will be pertaining to more in which women will be active Participant as well. Rapes, Kidnapping ect. will be on the increase till 15th Sept. 2015 . . The Person with such a combination may be a respectable person specially for Leo and Aquarius Lagna since they will form Rajyogas of 9th and 10th Lord  of Dharma dhipati and Karmadhipati., but the inherient nature is wicked. I am sure and as i have written in the article pertaining to Indrani Mukerjea for the sex scandles she has to have this combination in the 12th house of the chart. The Person will also be rash, under the influence of the Spouse of  some one of the opposite sex. . The Acts will be vicious. Conjunction in the 1st, 4th  and 10th will rise  and become a Leader. . In the Present transit it will be in the 4th house of Pakistan and hence under constant mental anguish, Pakistan will also be oppressed by calamities . No happiness from Friends or Relations . It has been observed that this comnination makes the sex life of the native abnormal, since Mars represents the Urge of erotic passions and Venus the Lust . Married life is seldom Satisfactory. Hence till this combination in transit is there there may sprout a number of cases. When they Separate there will be lot of cases of Divorces at the same time , but for all those who there malefic combinations. it is also there not advised to marry when these combinations are prevelant in the Transit.
  10. Navamsha is Leo and Saturn in the Lagna is evident that till Saturn is in Leo will give strong Results Pertaining to the 4th house   and disturbing the peace of the country more so when Mars joins the sign it may aggravate further since then Mars and venus will be in 2/12 axis and there after no possibility of Pakistan and India meeting at a common platform
  11. Jyotish Acharaya  anil aggarwala 1st Sept. 2015 08-00 am 
  12. Disclaimer  : This is only astrological analysis and not the personal opinion of the writer  and the writer does not hold him self responsible of any Corporate or indvidual take actions according to the above analysis . he or they will be doing entirely at there own risk .

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