Enigmaic Oath Chart of Narendra Modi What It has Up It’s Sleeves In the Present Scenario ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

236 You Tube Videos and 1579 Articles and Predictions in just 73 months from April 2015

As already mentioned that the Oath Chart of the PM and CM are most important and we have seen in the case of Kejriwal the Predictions have proved spot on. Asper the Oath Chart of Narendra Modi also the Planetary positions are most enigmatic  in the immediate present and immediate future . The Angarak Yoga in the 8th house  and in Transit in the 7th house of the Oath chart has already created Emergency like situations specially after the 12th April 2021 and may continue till the Vedha between Mars and Saturn till the 16th May 2021 . The Planetary Positions at the time of Oath of the PM were most Enigmatic and we are already  experiencing the same as per the Annual Pisces New Moon chart of Taurus Lagna also . The Oath chart  both in case of Kejriwal  and Modi are the 1/7 axis of the India Foundation chart  and  the effect will  be all the more since the Pisces New Moon chart is also of the Taurus Lagna  . Mars the King of the Year  most crucial

This is with Reference to My Article  Astrology Speaks Loudly ! Oath Charts Of Narendra Modi & Arvind Kejriwal Seem To Be Proving Enigmatic As Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (astrodocanil.com)

Let me reproduce the Predictions using the Oath Chart of Narendra Modi here for ready reference from the Article

Narendra Modi Will Be Sworn In As Country’s Prime Minister On May 30 2019: What Star’s Have Up Their Sleeves ? – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (astrodocanil.com)    written on the 27th May 2019

The Swearing-in Ceremony Chart is below


1.The Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter in most afflicted condition since Retrograde  Fallen and placed in the Ascendant of the Chart as a Avyogi 
2.The Day Lord is placed in the yama of Scorpio the Lagna and the Yama Lord Mars is Placed in the 8th house with Rahu forming an angarak yoga and has aspects by Retrograde Saturn from the 2nd house is the most malefic parameter for good fructifications of the Muhurta chart. Note the degrees of Saturn and Ketu They indicate Religious Fundamentalism since Saturn is the Lord of the 9th and the 10th Lord of the Foundation chart and with Ketu Degree -conjunct in the 8th house as per the Foundation chart of India. Ketu disease karka with Saturn in marka house  is crystal clear indicating the surge in the Virus  in the coming years
3.The Yama sign Scorpio having a Fallen Jupiter in affliction is also has aspects by the 8th Lord Mercury most enigmatic parameter. Have a look at the degrees Jupiter 26.44 and Mercury 25.30 a ruddha Yoga  is taking place .

4.The Day Lord Jupiter is ill placed from the 6th house and the 6th Lord Mars who is under acute affliction in 8th house . The Significations of Mars will sprout with dimension when Mars reaches the Eclipse point of the Eclipses in 2019 and specially enters the sign Sagittarius after the 8th Feb 2020 and when Mars again reaches the 8th house after the 14th April 2021  to 2nd June 2021 ——– Most Enigmatic time frame 
5. The Day Lord Jupiter is also ill placed from the 12th house and the 12th Lord Venus. Loss is seen in the Country specially of Vehicles
6. Avyogi Jupiter should not be placed in Lagna another parameter which adds fuel to the fire.—– Most malefic Parameter
7.Karna Lord Mars placed in the 8th house and in most afflicted condition adding fuel to the fire and shows opposition to the Govt. from all sides and uncompleted tasks and resentment against any Action by the Govt.
8. There are no strong Benefics in the Kendra and Trikona, Jupiter Fallen and Retrograde and Mercury 8th Lord in the Kendra . I was amazed some Astrologer writing Jupiter in Lagna will safe gaurd all the negatives. As per Parashar Jupiter Fallen is not considered to be malefic where as Nadi Classics of Astrology Consider a Fallen Planet most Venomous and not capable to give any gaurd against any evil happenings. The Significations of Jupiter will be subject to afflictions in his tenure and specially when Ever Jupiter is afflicted there will be suffering in the Country . Economy Recession and Trouble in the Educational Institutions and Prosperity may suffer 
9. Malefics are not in 3,6,11houses
10.8th house is not vacant and under acute affliction since Mars and Rahu forming Angaraak Yoga in the 8th house. 
11. Yogi Planet Mars and Venus both in Trik Bhavas

12. Yogi Planet Saturn with Avyogi Ketu

13. The UL is Scorpio, AL is Capricorn and the CR is  Aquarius  The UL, and AL are placed well but CR is not placed well from UL and AL and aspects by Retrograde Saturn, Placement of Jupiter in the sign Aquarius may improve  the situations only to some extent only  till  2nd June 2021 when Mars will aspect the Sign by 8th aspect  from Cancer sign  and  then 14th Sept. 2021 and will be worst when Saturn and Fallen Jupiter join the Arudha Lagna Capricorn between the 14th Sept. to 20th Nov. 2021 . Mars Transit in the sign Leo also be most Venomous for him since mars will have 100 % aspect on the chaitra Rashi. Scorpio has a strength of 416  Arudha Lagna has strength of  370 and Chaitra Rashi Aquarius has a strength of  443 . Hence Transit Mars aspect will spoil the Future results .Transit Mars in the 8th house after the 14th April 2021 will activate the Angarak Yoga first in the 7th house then in the 8th house till the 2nd June 2021  This time frame will be most enigmatic .

Hence the Time frames most enigmatic are  from 2nd June to to 20th June  and then from 20th July to 5th Sept. 2021  and then from the 14th Sept. to 20th Nov. 2021 . This Time frame will be most enigmatic for him. The Present Position of Jupiter in the 4th from UL and in the 2nd from AL till 14th Sept. 2021 will give little relief  but when Becomes Retrograde in middle June  2021 will also be enigmatic for Good results pouring in for him. These Predictions are strictly asper the Oath Chart . BJP may not fair well in the Assembly elections as already predicted , but little grace of Jupiter Placement in the Chaitra Rashi may give little protection

Another planetary positions as per the Oath chart which are most enigmatic in the immediate present MOST IMPORTANT —– NOTE THIS

Modi Birth Chart is not authentic But Using the Saturn Transit I had Predicted his win twice as per transit of Saturn at 24-25 degrees in Libra and Sagittarius Now when Saturn touches the 24-25 Mark in Capricorn twice will put him in deep Troubles as already Predicted by me . The Oath Chart with Angarak Yoga in the 8th house in the sign Gemini and Mars Transit over the same sign till 2nd June may put him in deep Trouble may be due to COVID-19 Spread Nodes changing navamsha on the 10th May 2021 onwards may put him in difficult situations and specially when Sun and also Joins the Sign Taurus after the 15th May 2021. My Feeling The Problems for him are round the corner I have already mentioned that EMERGENCY LIKE and HISTORIC situations till the 16th May 2021 . Mundane Astrology Magical Tools also indicate the above . Wait and See . He is on the loosing side of the game now due to planetary positions asper the Oath chart  . I don’t think he can escape the Enigmatic Planetary positions specially now and then Between the 14th Sept. to 20th Nov. 2021

13. Saturn Karka for Masses and Democracy and controls Longevity afflicted by Ketu and Mars , Saturn is also Retrograde and is Placed in the the Aasan Nadi in the Simhasan Chakra, this Parameter is most Venomous and dreaded in the chart and has the capacity to destroy the King. Position of the Saturn is important and in no way it should be connected to the Ascendant , hence since it influences the Ascendant by Retrograde aspect is most malefic one specially when Fallen Jupiter is placed there and Saturn is also the Debilitation Lord of Jupiter.
14. Moon in the chart should be strong , it should be placed in the highest Nadi in the Simhasan Chakra for good Tenure and Power of the King. Here it is placed in the nakshatra of Revati and the Lowest Nadi Aadhar which reduces the power of the King and the Tenure .
15. Tenure of the Govt. is seen from the 8th house where 6th Lord is Placed with Rahu and forming an Angaraak Yoga considered to be most Malefic.
16. Strength of Sun should be strong and placed in Leo or Aries sign here it is placed in Taurus and in the 7th house , Best Placement is the 10th and the 11th house. Since placed in the Kendra the Lagna is adhomukh and downward looking and indicates the Govt. will face a difficult and a uphill task in the working and the implementation
17. Jupiter should be strong in the chart and placed in the Aasan Nadi here is is placed in the Aadhar Nadi, hence no support from Evils coming up after the Eclipses
18.Navamsha and Dashamsha Lord Mars is Placed in the 8th house of the Rashi Chart , hence bad results can be expected . As Vargottam Lagna Good but Lord of Navamsha and Dashamsha in the 8th house under affliction is a Malefic Parameter. Mars is the yama lord hence the results .
19. There is Ishraaf yoga between the Moon the 8th Lord and the 11th Lord Mercury, Jupiter Fallen and Retrograde Saturn.
For Timing of Events Mercury Takes 2 months and is in the 8th Navamsha will give results after 16 Months ie after 30th Sept 2020 evil Results of the 8th house.———- CORONAVIRUS WAS AT PEAK IN SEPT. 2020
Jupiter in the Lagna and in the 9th Navamsha , just entered the 9th Navamsha and is complete 8 Navamsha hence after 8 months malefic happening in the country after 30-1-2020———- CORONAVIRUS BROKE OUT 
There is Poorna ithesala of Rahu and Venus they are at the same degrees and Rahu takes 8 months , hence after 30th Jan 2020 malefic happenings in the country for Vehicles

The Results in the Present Transit of Planets as Below .


The Parameters which acquire important dimension

  1. The Nodes in the 1/7 axis of the Oath chart  till 17th March 2022 and specially on the 2nd May 2021 since Rahu and Ketu are in forward motion and close to Lagna Degrees 
  2. There is Ithasla of Jupiter with Mercury  parallel at the time of the Oath Taking chart. Mercury is also the 8th Lord 
  3. Mars the Lagna Lord in the 8th house over the Lagna Lord in the 8th house forming Angarak yoga and also in Vish ghati on the 2nd May 2021 Vish Ghati in Gemini in Ardra from 11.20 to 12.13 degrees 
  4. On the 3rd May Sun, Mercury and Mars will be in Vish ghati  when Rahu will also be Stationary  till 5th May 2021 most enigmatic since in the Lagna 
  5.  Mars 6th Lord and the Lagna Lord in Vish ghati not good even when in Exaltation in navamsha 
  6. Moon afflicted with Saturn by Mars 8th aspect in the 3rd house and also Vedha between Mars and Saturn in the Rashi and Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra
  7. In the Rashi Sanghatta chakra Mars and Saturn Vedha , Ketu  with Sun and  Venus, Rahu-Mercury with Jupiter 
  8. On the 2nd May Moon Vedha with Saturn and Mars  On the 4th May with Jupiter and Vedha with Rahu
  9. Hence Critical Parameters  between the 2nd Mat to 5th May and specially 2nd and 3rd May 2021 
  10. Lagna Lord Mars is stronger then the 7th Lord But also in Vish Ghati on the 2nd May 2021 .
  11. Navamsha Jupiter in the Lagna at the time of the Results of the Day is good for the Ruling Govt 
  12. Rahu in the 7th house from the Lagna in Forward motion and then Stationary with 8th Lord Most enigmatic has the Capacity to turn the tables upside down  when in adverse motion. Most unpredictable circumstances . Rahu in Rohini and then In forward and Stationary Motion can be  Explosive as per Brihat Samhita’s  chapter 46. This Transit of Rahu can be explosive  for the may be it is to do with the Election Results, Untoward Happenings and even Virus for that Matter .
  13. The Transit of Mars till it goes in the sign Leo may be most enigmatic for India in general as already predicted  till the 20th July 2021  and specially between the 2nd June to 20th July when the 3rd house of Boarders will also be afflicted.   Terrorism in Jammu & Kashmir is not ruled out The Planetary Positions in a Nut shell are not conducive as per the Oath Chart of Narendra Modi although in the Navamsha  Scorpio sign is rising and having Jupiter Placed in it in Transit . The Lord of the Navamsha Lagna is in Vish Ghati hence the Results may not  be good in the present Transit as can be seen from the Planetary positions 
  14. Mars Exalted in navamsha  and Venus the Lord of the Opposition in Rahu-Ketu axis  clearly shows some gain of BJP. Hence BJP gainer  Venus in Rahu-Ketu axis   The Opposition not in happy condition. There will be surprises in the poll results also since  Rahu on the wheel  unexpected things may happen . BJP may only have limited successs and not asper expectations as per the above analysis  Read this ——-Hence the Time frames most enigmatic are  from 2nd June to to 20th June  and then from 20th July to 5th Sept. 2021  and then from the 14th Sept. to 20th Nov. 2021 . This Time frame will be most enigmatic for him. The Present Position of Jupiter in the 4th from UL and in the 2nd from AL till 14th Sept. 2021 will give little relief  but when Becomes Retrograde in middle June  2021 will also be enigmatic for Good results pouring in for him. These Predictions are strictly asper the Oath Chart . BJP may not fair well in the Assembly elections as already predicted , but little grace of Jupiter Placement in the Chaitra Rashi may give little protection
  15. The Stock and Financial Markets will react accordingly  on the 3rd May 2021. Rahu is Stationary on 3rd May to 5th May 2021. Rahu has the Capacity to take the Markets in any direction and unexpected . It is with Mercury the significator and also influencing Jupiter in Aquarius in the Rashi Sanghatta chakra. Since Rahu is adverse there could be change in the trends of the Markets  from the 30th April 2021 itself. Shall write a Separate article on the Stock and the Financial Markets with greater details 

Have a Look at the Rashi Sanghatta Chakra Below

Have a Look at the movement of Rahu in May and June Most enigmatic for worldly affairs and even for Virus specially till the 16th May 2021




First Astrologer To Predict Virulent Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” 

Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (astrodocanil.com)

    The most Important Article Conjunction of Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reeling in Anguish and Pain link

    Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
29th April 2021 19.45 hrs   NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
New Webpage http://www.astrodocanil.in/

Mobile +919810038903  +918527884764

Disclaimer Clause applicable. 

The Writer of the Article is not responsible for any person investing on the basis of the above Predictions and any loses made by any Individual, Company , Corporate shall be  doing on their own risk and Fancies . Please note this . This is an Astrological Predictions on the basis of the Book of Mundane Astrology  Guide Mr K N Rao  and Not My Own Parameters  Reference  Page 73 of the Book







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