Enigma of Roman Gods Red Planet Mars and Saturn in the Fortnight of 31st July 2015

by astrodocanil
  1. Mars is often called the ‘Red Planet‘ because it appears in the sky as an orange-red star. The colour caused the ancient Greeks and Romans to name it after their God of war. Today, thanks to visiting spacecraft, we know that the planet’s appearance is due to rust in the Martian rocks.
  2. Saturn is named for the Roman God of agriculture. The Greek equivalent was Cronos, father of Zeus/Jupiter. Other civilizations have given different names to Saturn, which is the farthest planet from Earth that can be observed by the unaided human
  3. This is with reference to my earlier Articles on my webpage www.astrodocanil.com, where I have discussed at length the Planetary positions in the Paksha Kundalis and the Results of the Stationary Saturn from 28th July to 7th August 2015  link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/08/saturn-stationary-in-transit-what-it-foretells/

We all know the happenings on the last day of the fortnight of the 16th July 2015   and I need not eloborate them for the reasons best known. I will like to draw the attention of the Readers on the Telephonic talks Mr. X  with his family on the day mentioned above in the Early Morning hours and also know what he expressed in relation to the fate of his coborn . In astrology The main Planet is Moon which indicates the thoughts of the person at the time of any action done by a native. Moon is swifter than even wind  we all know and changes one nakshatra a day approx..

My Analysis is purely on the Time as per media, since it is totally a blind case and I am not using any birth details of any native for that purpose which are not authentic  as per Google or any webpage. Wrong time may lead to wrong timing of the event as well and predictions can also go hay wire . Principles of Astrology can not fail.

I have been using the reference point in terms to time  in all the blind cases and found extra ordinary results sprouting and not a single case failing .

Let us use the Parameters of this Kundali to evaluate what is in store for India in the coming fortnights  starting from 31st July 2015 and 14th August 2015 in wake of the Security issues in the Country , since the 69th Independence day celebrations are approaching.

30th July 201`5


Panchang of the day

Day is Tuesday since the time is before Sunrise . Day Lord Mars is Placed in the 8th Yama of Pieces an Inimical sign  and is the 9th house of the Prashna Chart having Ketu in the nakshatra of Saturn . 9th house is Law, Justice, Courts, Embassies and Religion, hence adverse results pertaining to these significations could sprout.

Tithi is  Chaturdashi hence all the Dual Rashis are Dagdha and Mars, Ketu, Rahu and Moon Lagna Lord all placed in Dagdha Signs is extremely bad and shows Strong malefic happenings, Malefics become very strong placed in Dagdha Signs. Lagna Lord Moon  placed in a Dagdha Sign is also a strong negative with no positive results and also shows the Attacker may face death like situations  after fierce battle. This is also indicative that the attacker may be a Suicide bomber as well.

Nakshatra is P Shadha A Malefic Nakshatra  for afflicting death like situations b y diseases and accidents .

Yoga Vishkumba and the Lord is Saturn

Karna Gara and Lord is Jupiter

Hora Venus

The Vaeresh and Horesh are inimical to each other

DBA of Planets Venus-Sat-Sun

Saturn is Stationary and critical Parameter more so since it owns  the 7th and the 8th house and placed in the 5th house and aspecting the 7th 11th and the 2nd house along with Venus and Jupiter in very close degrees . Saturn is also very close to the MEP of the Lagna is indicative of untoward happenings .

Since the Native is not happy with the court verdict and want to inflict harm, he is the Plantiff  and is signified by the 9th to the 2nd House  and has all benefics, hence the Plantiff is strong and may inflict harm to what he has expressed on Phone .. The Defedant is the one on whom the Action is to be taken  and is signified by the houses from the 3rd to 8th house and does not have benefics except Moon who is also in the dagdha sign. Since Mars is about to join the Lagna it will give him strength to Mr. X to fight and use malefic negative energies to take the revenge is most crucial for the Prashna Chart. Stronger of the Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord wins, Moon is stronger than Saturn ,for simple reason Saturn is Retrograde , but Stationary and after 7th August it will be in normal motion . Hence in all probablities the Native may act as expressed after 7th August 2015 with strong potential. 3rd house is house of Younger coborns and has Rahu  which signifies Jail and is aspected by Mars is an explosive situation .Mars is also Vargottam and  also about to change sign attains special dimension.

Lagnesh and Moon in the 6th house  and Query pertaining to death, accidents  like situations then  they may take place with in 14 days

As per Aaroodhaphala Tamil  the following will results are indicative .

When  the Uday Lagna  and Aaroodha Lagna are  Movable and Malefics are there in the 5th house then the Enemy arrives . In the Chart above  Uday Lagna is Movable , but Aroodha Lagna is  Fixed and there is Stationary Saturn and Retrograde aspecting it , Arudha Lagna is also Prishtodayo , hence there are chances of the Mr. X may invade as per what he has expressed.

The strength and Bhav Bala of Uday Lagna Cancer  is 321 Aroodha Lagna Taurus is 547 and Chaitra Sign Gemini is 509 and Aroodha Lagna is strongest, hence Mr.X will be firm in his mind to take an action as expressed. 

Since  Aroodha Lagna Taurus is aspected by Saturn Stationary   the sthaayee and the Target of the  Mr. X will be captured by them , but since the Chaitra Sign is having a Malefic Mars in the Chaitra Sign the Reverse will happen and the Yaayee the enemy will be captured after the Attack.

But since the Uday Lagna is about to be Transited by Mars  from Chaitra Sign and Arodha Lagna is aspected by Saturn there may be a Fierce Battle between the Enemy and the King Forces may take place.

Arodha Sign is also Prishtodayo and aspected by Malefic Stationary Saturn enemy will attack very soon after 7th August 2015.

6 houses from Uday Lagna   have benefics Jupiter, Venus and Moon and Malefics Rahu and Stationary Saturn  , hence the City King Forces may Succeed and Capture the Terrorists with difficulty after 2 long days, but other Parameters also to be seen as below.

Strength of the Invader and Terrorist 

Since Sun is there in the Uday Lagna along with Mercury and Mars is about to enter the Lagna , it shows success will go to the enemy.

Mars Placement any where except 9th,8th, 7th, and 3rd  the Sthaayee the invaded king will fight against the enemy, since Mars is Placed in the 12th house , the Invaded king will succeed in capturing the enemy.

Sun and Mercury  are together in the Uday Lagna  there will be fierce battle between the King Forces and the Invader Enemy

Since Jupiter is placed in the 2nd house there will be Surrender by the enemy after lot of Fierce battle of 2 days.

Since Moon is in Sagitarius The Invaded King Loses the Battle .

Since Mars is about to enter the Lagna the untoward  may be caused in the city by weapons , Since Mars is Vargottam.

As per malefics in the 6th, 7th and 8th  from Moon , the nature of untoward happenings  can be seen . Arodha Lagna also happens to be the Red area and form there if in the 8th house is Moon aspected by malefics then there will bestrong untoward happenings.

Now as per the above Moon is aspected by Mars from the 7th from it and from Arudha Lagna Moon is placed in the 8th is a very strong negative in the Query chart and seems that  Mr. X may be successful in his mission although the Invader may be caught after lot of Fierce Battle between the King Forces of the city and the Invader Enemy and a minimum of 2 days battle.

As per Prashna ShastraDaivajna Vallabha by Varaha Mihira the following is indicated

Malefics in Virgo, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius the invader succeeds 

Now As per other classics of Prashna

Between the Lagnesh and the 7th lord  , 10th Lord Mars is aspecting the Lagnesh , hence the Mr. X is at fault.

Lagna has Gulika Lord Mercury with Sun. Sun is also considered the Judge or the concerned Authority, Mercury the Lawyer and Rahu the Jail. In the Navamsha Sun is Debilitated and Saturn in a inimical  sign of Leo a fiery sign.

In the Prashna Chart the Day Lord Mars is Placed in the 12th house and is about to enter the Lagna since at 29.26 degrees and a Planet which is at the last degrees acquires a special dimension in the Parshna Chart , more so it is the day Lord and During the night time since before sunrise it is very strong., it is aspecting the Lagna Lord Moon Placed in the 6th house shows the anger the Native has and wants to take a revenge. Mars is the 10th Lord and Moon and Mars are having open enemity of the Mr. X and the 10th Lord .

There is also inimical  Ithasla between Mars and the Moon in close degrees. Moon is 22.59 and Mars 29.26 hence difference of    6.27,  hence after 6.27 days    from 30th July there will be some activity done by the Mr. X of the Phone. Now Counting from 30th July to 6.27 days is 5th August  2015 and we all know there has been a Communication for threat on this day as per media.

The worry in the Chart is the 10th lord is going in debilitation and Saturn is also aspecting the 9th and 6th Lord Jupiter at close degrees and since Saturn is stationary, Saturn acquires a special dimension and becomes very strong to give the results pertaining to 6th and 9th house . 3rd lord Mercury is in Lagna the younger coborns of the native and the Karka for Coborns is about to join the Lagna

The  Moon Degrees are 29.26 are same that of Mars on the 5th August 2015  and when the threat was communicated at 20-00 hrs.  which is in line with the News by the media.

Now we have to see when Moon Reaches the Lagna Cancer sign  as per the Chart of 30th July 2015.  Now Again constructing the chart when Moon Reaches the Lagna of the Chart of 30th July at 2.47 degrees and at that point it will also be at almost degrees of Mars on the 5th August when the communication for threat was made.

Now the Day of untoward happening can be the day when Moon meets Mars on the 12th August 2015 after 18-02 hrs. and the  chart is below. The time between 18-02 hrs to 19-03 hrs is most critical for an attack by the terrorist groups  to achieve their motive and i need not explain in detail since is crystal clear from the chart below.



Period after 13-56 hrs on the 12th August is critical since Moon will reach the Sign Gemini of Mars and at 29.26 and at 17.35 hrs It will meet Mars and the Lagna of the Prashna Chart of the 30th July 2015.Hence on the 12th August 2015 a Time after 13-56 hrs and after 17.35 hrs will be prone to untoward happenings concerning the above

As per 2nd  Principle of Timing is when Venus ingresses in the Lagna of the Prashna Chart , it will give the results of the Native intentions.Unfortunately Venus is Retrograde and falls back in Cancer as a Fallen planet on the  13th August 2015 at 17-28 hrs. The chart is below. This time is most crucial for untoward happenings by the Invader enemy to achieve the motive as per  Mr. XVenus In Cancer


Hence For Terrorist Attacks the Dates 12th and 13th August 2015 are most untoward and as per the time frame  from 17.35 of 12th August to 13th August 17.28 hrs there may be multiple attacks. Since Moon stays in a sign for 2 days the Period sensitive will be till 16th August 2015.  Since the 7th Lord is in Watery sign there may be more than one person involved in the attacks and between 2 to 5 . Time after 13.56 hrs on the 12th August 2015 is also a Period of being alert . The 2-3 days starting from 13.56 hrs of 12th August 2015 will be most crucial to give the effects as above . 

After calculation of the above periods one has to see if the fructification of untoward happenings will take place or not.

Now 12th August 2015 time frame of 18-02 hrs to 19-13 hrs. is uneventful. Mercury the Day Lord is placed in the yama of Scorpio and in the event chart Saturn  is Placed in Scorpio and aspects the 8th house in stationary motion with strength  . Lord of Scorpio is Mars Debilitated and with 8th Lord Sun and Moon and all the 3 aspecting the Lagna, Mars is also aspecting the Lagna at exact  MEP . Lagna is 8.17 degrees and Mars is 8.12. Hence strong untoward happenings concerning the 9th house as the 9th Lord Mercury is also Placed in the 8th house of the event chart. Mercury is also the Day Lord and since afflicted it will sprout untoward happenings with magnitude.

Hora is also of Mars till 19.01 hrs. is indicative of Strong Results since the Call was made on Tuesday and the Hora on the day of the event is also of Mars  shows some success attained

13th August 2015  Time frame from 17.28 to 19.03 hrs is most uneventful, due to the fact that the Day Lord Jupiter is in the yama of Virgo and the dispositor is placed in the 8th house of the event chart with Day lord Jupiter and both are Aspected by Saturn is crucial for untoward happenings as mentioned above

I am only making the analysis as per the Planetary positions as per the classics of Prashna Shastra and not my personal opinion. The above are only indications as per astrology  and the Case is purely blind this may please be kept in mind . We should be alert  in all respects and not caught unaware.

Direction  from where the Attack can come will be North East . The Enemy invader  may be in this direction at the moment and will start moving to the Target place after 2nd August 2015and May reach the Place on the 7th August 2015 when Saturn regains its normal motion . Lagna is with in one navamsha hence the terrorists are with in the range of 5 kilometers from the Place of their Target.

Whereabouts  Male  Body like an elephant, feet like that of Camel, neck of Horse face of Pig, Fair complexioned confused yet devoted to his work will be the mastermind in the operation. as mentioned above the Attacker may be a Suicide Bomber as well.

The Above analysis is based on the Parameters given by the media and in Blind Cases they acquire a special dimension and if wrong the basis will shatter the Predictions , hence the  Predictions above are indicative only.

Now Let us see the Dasha of the India Independence chart, which is chidra till 9th Sept. 2015. and the nadi progression chart is below after completion of the 68th year


This chart is applicable from the 14th August night and 00-00-01 hrs of 15th August 2015 early hours . Transit  Saturn has influenced Sun Debilitated by retrograde aspect in Stationary motion and also on natal Jupiter very close degrees and over Ketu . Jupiter is the Lord of the 6th and the 9th house and Sun The Kingly Person both are afflicted by the 7th and 8th Lord is critical Parameter in this chart and also not good for the Progressed year till August 2016. moon is Lagna Lord and Placed in the 7th house of war and aspected by both Mars and Saturn  and Transit Mars has Ingressed over the Mars in Lagna is most crucial

If you superimpose the Transit Planets on this chart then every thing will be crystal clear of the future and immediate future of the events..

Hence a Period as mentioned above with  the time frame and till 16th August is most critical since then Saturn in Transit will also aspect  Transit Sun in Leo . God bless.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 8th August 2015 20-22 hrs.

Disclaimer; This is only astrological analysis and not my personal opinion and the analysis is purely as per the classics of Prashna Shastra . The writer does not hold him self responsible for what so ever arising thereof.

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