Eclipses In June 2020 What They Have Up Their Sleeves For Rahul Gandhi & Vijay Mallya ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1169 Articles and Predictions in just 57 months from April 2015
As Per Theory Of Inevitability Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the Sun For Rahul and Vijay Mallya may prove most enigmatic in June -July 2020 and may bring a status fall after the 21st feb onwards and around the time frame mentioned in this Article
I had Predicted for Anil Ambani and Nirav Modi and their Predictions have proved now using the same Techniques I am hereby Predicting for Rahul Gandhi and Vijay Mallya for the immediate future and specially around the Eclipses of the June 2020

I had given Predictions for Anil Ambani and Nirav Modi inspite of me not having the Birth Time. I had Predicted their Fate that it will be enigmatic in Feb 2020 and It has Proved on dot . I was just trying to recollect those born in 1970 who have debilitated Saturn and Sun and Moon in the Gemini-Sagitarius axis and Dasha of a Planet who has the capacity to bring a down fall or Anter Dasha of Rahu. Rahul Gandhi immediately struck me since he has these combinations and Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the Sun and Moon in closes degrees may put him in hotwaters in June 2020
Read My Articles on Rahul Gandhi below
1.”Delhi Elections Kejriwal Win Foretell’s Political Challenge Intensifies For Modi, Shah & Rahul Gandhi Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/
2. “What Star’s Foretell About Rahul Gandhi’s Future ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/


Read My Predictions for Rahul Gandhi below
“What Star’s Foretell About Rahul Gandhi’s Future ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/
Dated 23rd July 2019
Let me reproduce the Text here for Ready Reference below
Rahu a Raj yogam Planet for Rahul Gandhi after Dec. 2021 since the dispositor of Rahu is in Debilitation. He may become a leader in Rahu-Jupiter dasha, but the year 2020 specially after June 2020 may put him in hotwaters it so seems in the Dasha of Rahu-Rahu-Sat From March 2020 to August and specially in June 2020

This is with reference to my earlier Articles on Rahul Gandhi which have Proved on dot . Let me put one of them here below
“Star’s Foretell Bleak Results For Rahul Gandhi In 2019 Poll Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎dated 2nd April 2019
Also Read My Article on Rahul Gandhi “‘Marriage and Career Prospects’ Of Rahul Gandhi: A Study By The Jyotish Shastra Using Unique Principles”…nique-principles/ ‎ dated 6th June 2018
Let me put here the important Text for ready Reference

Rahul Gandhi is born on the 19th June 1970 14-28 hrs. as per Indian Express and the Certificate given by Holy Family Hospital New Delhi

Let us have a look at the Garbshishta planets to see the strength of the Horoscope , since they are the seeds of our life and what ever happens in our life is dependent on them good or bad

The Garbshishta Planets are Ketu-Venus .The Strength of the 2 planets in the Respective varga chart with respect to specific Parameters with Garbshishta are as follows

Promise Ketu Fructifications Venus Remarks

D1 Rashi Chart 80 % 30 % Ketu and Venus are also 2/12 axis

D9 Navamsha Chart 80% 10% Venus Debilitated in the 12th house and 3/11 with Ketu

D3 Dreshkanne Chart 60 % 30% Ketu and Venus 6/8 axis The chart of Poorva Janma Karma

D12 Dwadamsha chart 70% 70% The Chart is for Parents shows the same is very strong. We all know he is born with a silver spoon in his mouth

From the above we can make out that the D12 the Dwadamsha Chart for the Parents is the Strongest and hence the Native is Born to very Strong Parents with power and Prestige since the Lagna of D12 is Vargottam, the Lagna Lord Venus is also Placed in the Lagna who is the Anter Dasha Lord and Lord of Fructifications as per Garbshishta and also well placed from Venus the Anter dasha Lord . Ketu the Dasha Lord is very strong in all the Charts further shows that the Promise in the Chart is Very Strong, but since the Anter dasha Lord is weak in the remaining 3 Varga charts shows the weakness of the native Losing strength in the Rashi Chart since the dipositor Moon is placed in the 6/8 axis with Venus ,and being the Day Lord Placed in the Yama of Virgo the Sign of debilitation and the yama lord of the day Mercury placed in the 8th House of the Rashi Chart, Venus Debilitated in Navamsha and a parallel position in the Dreshkanne chart showing our Poorva Janma Karma..

In the D12 Dwadamsha Chart for Parents 3rd and the 10th Lord are marka for Father hence Moon is Marka for Father and in Rahu-Ketu axis placed in the 3rd house makes the event with his father crystal clear. 5th and 10th house are marka for Mother. 8th house from the 4th house is the 11th house and has aspects Of Mars who is with 5th Lord and the dasha of Mars-Sun is in operation and Sonia Gandhi had gone abroad for Treatment . Sun is placed in the 10th house is very strong but connected to Mars and Saturn reduce the Longevity of the father. In the Rashi Chart the depositor of Sun and Mars in the 8th house and Sun and Mars having aspect of Debilitated Saturn explains the event with the Father Rajeev Gandhi. As Per Progression chart By Manu Smiriti also shows that on completion of the 20th year will be a most malefic one for the Native and his father

Merits and Demerits in the chart of Rahul Gandhi
1.Lagna is Vargottam in the 4 Charts and is good . Also Ketu Promises 80 % in the D12 Dwadamsha chart which indicates that the native is born to Rich, Strong Parents having a high status as per the D12 Dwadamsha chart . He is born on the Friday and the Day Lord is Venus placed in the yama of Virgo its debilitation sign and the Yama Lord Mercury is placed in the 8th house also shows the concern for marriage . This also shows the weakness of Day Lord and the Venus in his chart. Placement of Venus in the 10th house again shows High status but since the depositor is placed in the 6/8 axis there may be loss of the Power and Prestige .

2. Rahul Gandhi is Born on a Friday and the Lord is Venus who is also the Lagna Lord and Placed in the Kendra and the 10th house . Shastra Says a native born with Venus in the Kendra Enjoys all kind of Pleasures in life and is well placed , More so the Anter Dasha Lord at Birth is also Venus

3. Rahul Gandhi is born with Karna Lord as Sun who is connected to the 10th Lord Moon is an auspicious parameter
4. Rahul Gandhi is Born on a Poornima and hence there is no bhava which is Dagdha , this is also extraordinary vibrant quality in the chart which brings benevolent and and good results

5.Like his Grand-Mother he is also born with Maha-Bhagya yoga since he is born during the day, Ascendant, Sun and Moon all in a Odd and Male sign, it confirms a Traditional Maha -Bhagya Yoga which attributes growth, prosperity,wealth,and Longevity

6.Apart from the Lagna Vargottam he has Mercury and Jupiter Vargottam, this is very fortunate for him since the Vargottam planets give very good results

7. Surya -Mangal Yoga in the 9th house is a rare combination in his chart, these 2 planets also have good directional strength since in the 9th house

8. Mercury placed in the 8th house and vargottam explains the wealth he has and is an auspicious placement exceptional for Mercury.

1. Rahul Gandhi is Born with Moon in the 3rd house in the sign Sagitarius at 2.15 degrees and hence Moon is in Gandantha dosham due to which he faces the twists and twirls in life. For this he has to do Shanti Karmas and necessary dosha nivriti to bring prosperity in life .

2. Jupiter although is digbali in the Lagna is Retrograde and hence under affliction, hence it will not attribute full benefits more so Jupiter is also the 6th Lord and most malefic for Libra ascendant .Jupiter affliction is a serious affliction as per Shastra

3. Day Lord and Lagna Lord Venus is placed in the Yama of Virgo the Debilitation sign and also Debilitated in the navamsha . This is again a serious dosham, although Venus is placed in the 10th house it is under affliction in the navamsha . This causes many agonies and unfilled dreams in the life of the native.

4.The Yoga Karka Satuan although has Directional strength in the 7th house is in Debilitation and aspects the Lagna from the 7th house , this indicates many problems coming in life and mudslingings which he has to deal and unhappines prevails.

As Per Theory of Inevitability of K N Rao when Eclipses take place in the 1/7 axis of the Sun and Moon and Dasha of a Planet who has the Capacity to bring Down fall in the life of the Native then when Mars activates the Eclipse point then the Native suffers and can prove to be a Bolt from the Blue.
Rahu Gandhi is running the Dasha of Rahu-Rahu-Saturn and the Eclipses in the Month of June are taking Place in the 1/7 axis of the Sun and Moon and also very close to the degrees of Sun and Moon. The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th June and the Solar Eclipse on the 21st June 2020 can prove most enigmatic one for him .
See the Solar Eclipse Chart of the 21st June 2020 of 12-11 hrs

1. Transit Saturn aspects the 6th Lord Jupiter Placed in the Lagna by strong 10th aspect almost degree-wise when I am writting the Article on the 21st Feb 2020. Natal Saturn and Jupiter are in 1/7 axis
2. Sadesati and Saturn in the 2nd from Moon and in the 3rd Tara most malefic since the Moon is also in the eclipsed Nakshatra Moola and Saturn in U.Shhada nakshatra
3. Transit Saturn and Jupiter join capricorn on the 30th March 2020.
4. Natal Saturn aspects the Transit Saturn and Transit Saturn aspects Jupiter and Transit Saturn also aspects the 6th house by 3rd aspect
5. Natal Sun at 4.13 degrees and Moon at 2.14 degrees and the Eclipses over the Natal Sun at 6.13 degrees and the same navamsha .Transit Rahu and Ketu at 4.58 degrees . Mars aspecting the Eclipse from the sign Pieces at 1.40 degrees and will activate the Eclipse point on the 28th-29th June 2020 when Jupiter the 6th Lord will be about to Fall back in Sagitarius on the 30th June 2020
6. Transit Mars will also aspect the Mars in the 9th house as the 7th Lord . The significations of the 9th, 6th and the 7th house will be more prevelant and seen and may prove to ne most enigmatic for him. This may be noted
I don’t want to write any more for him
This is total Astrological Analysis and not my Personal Opinion and you will see it for your self the Happenings as per the Time frame from the 21st Feb to July 2020 and to be more specific around the Eclipses in June 2020 and when Mars activates the Eclipse point. The Results are obvious and don’t need to be eloborated

Vijay Mallya – Wikipedia › wiki › Vijay_Mallya

Vijay Vittal Mallya (born 18 December 1955) is an Indian businessman and former Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha). He is the subject of an extradition effort …
Political party‎: ‎Independent
Born‎: ‎Vijay Vittal Mallya; 18 December 1955 …
Nationality‎: ‎Indian
Residence‎: ‎London, England

Have a look at the chart below of the 18th Dec 1955 and the Planetary positions today and at the time of the Solar Eclipse on the 21st June 2020

The Chart is making every thing clear that the 21st Solar Eclipse will be very close to the Sun in the sign Gemini and bound to put him in hot waters and a down fall in the Status is inevitable and wrath of the Govt.


Written on 7th Jan. 2020 6.30 hrs

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
Jyotish Acharaya from BVB New Delhi
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