Eclipsed Jupiter and Fallen Mercury: Disrupts Life in US By Snow Storms As Predicted

by astrodocanil

Read my article “Cloud of Terrorism By ISIS Looming over the World: What Stars Foretell For2016” dated 29th Nov. 2015 link…/cloud-of-terrorism-by-isis-l…/ Read this Para for US Predictions —–The dasha running is Mars-Mer till 11 -4-2016 and then Mars-Ketu. Mars makes the Country war mongering and Mercury is placed in the 12th house with Rahu for war losses and losses of all kind . Mercury significations will sprout with magnitude. Hence tillApril 2016 US may have losses through Terrorism, War , etc. Nodes Transitting in the 1/7 axis and Dasha of Mercury placed in the 12th house with Rahu could sprout manifold losses of all kinds . Mars will then be Transitting in the 3rd house aspecting the 6th , 9th and the 10th house will further aggravate the situations . Mars Ketu will be still worse after April 2016
Also read this in the 8th house affliction—–Jan. 2016 will be crucial for US . As per my Research of 8th house/Lord/Navamsha sign/Navamsha 8th Lord , when ever in affliction can bring disaster for any Country or Individual. Jan. 2016 will be worst for US in this connection since Jupiter the 8th Lord of the Foundation chart of the Country will be eclipsed in Stationary condition by North Node Rahu on the 9th Jan . 2016. Pieces sign is a Totally watery sign and Jupiter the 8th Lord will then be placed in the Lagna will sprout Negativity concerning Jupiter significations and that of Pieces sign which is totally Watery sign.The Navamsha sign of Jupiter is Aquarius and Eclipses shortly can sprout untoward happenings before the eclipse as well when Jupiter is in Degree conjunction with Rahu
In the Present Transit Jupiter and Rahu are degree conjunct and Jupiter is totally afflicted and Eclipsed by North node Rahu. In Navamsha Transit Sun and Mars are also in Pieces a watery sign and the 8th house of the Foundation chart . , Mercury the Anter dasha Lord Fallen, Retrograde, In Paap Kartari yoga in Sagitarius and aspected by Jupiter in Transit activating the Sprouting of the Present conditions in the Country. A Fallen Planet is like a snake bite , here it is behaving like Snow bite, Astrology is most amazing.

Now see the Area which has been influenced in US

Map showing snowfall across US

See the Foundation chart of US below



4th July 1776 10-21-30 hrs Philadelpha PA

The country has Leo Lagna and goes with out saying that the country will also involve in war like situations , since the Eclipses of march 2016 will fall in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna and the Moon.Rahu will transit the Lagna after 9th Jan. 2016  and Natal moon by Ketu.  On 20th Feb. 2016 Mars will ingress Scorpio and Join Saturn placed there . In the chart of US Saturn and Mars have return aspect and in transit both will be in the 4th house , will be crucial . Malefics will be transitting the the Kendras will be most Venomous for US till 21st Sept. 2016 since mars will be in Scorpio for 211 days and on the 18th June 2016 Mars will fall in Libra for 25 days .8th Lord Jupiter will be under the influence of Rahu-Ketu and Saturn 

Now Let us draw the Transit Chart of Leo Lagna on the 22nd Jan. 2016 below


The Chart is self Explanatory , The Nodes at exact MEP of the Foundation chart with Jupiter the 8th Lord .See the affliction in Navamsha . The Lagna of the Foundation chart and the navamsha chart are totally afflicted By Jupiter and  Rahu, Mars about to join Sun in Pieces Navamsha  will aggravate the situations till these 2 plants are in Pieces Navamsha till 25th Jan. 2016 . Rahu will also be in Adverse motion on the 26th Jan. 2016 and attain its normal motion on the 1st Feb. 2016 and then Saturn will also change navamsha and Mercury  will Turn direct on the 26th Jan . 2016 could give relief from the Disaster.

Let us see the Solar ingress chart of Capricorn what it has in store for US of 14th Jan. 2016 14-57 hrs  

Astrology is most amazing . See the chart above and all is crystal clear of what is sprouting in the Country. Cardinal signs are important for Solar  ingress for a period for 3 months . The Lagna is Gemini the 11th house of the Foundation chart of US, in the nakshatra of Mars the 6th and the 11th Lord of the above chart

Parameters which acquire special dimension

  1. Sun Placed in the 8th house of the Solar ingress chart of Mass happenings and badly afflicted by Mars and Saturn . The Dispositor of Sun is placed in the 6th house in Watery sign and connection of the 6th and the 8th house , will aggravate the mass happenings , More so the lord of the 6th house is also aspecting it from Airy sign and damaging the Sun in the 8th house due to Cold breeze
  2. Observe the Degrees of planets and according to which i predicted so many events in the world, Economy meltdown, terrorism ,. Moon has just entered Pieces a Totally watery sign , whose dispositor is totally afflictedSolar ingress in Capricorn
  3. Lagna Lord  Mercury fallen only on the 14th Jan. 2016 the day of Solar ingress, it has fallen back from the 8th house . Mercury is totally combusted, Fallen, Retrograde and 7th house is also in Paap Kartari yoga, making Mercury a strong Marak , Jupiter the 7th and 10th Lord is already under affliction , makes Jupiter also first rate killer, since Jupiter has afflictions as follows . (a) Kendraadipatidosh (b) Marak (c) Bhadak as 7th Lord for Dual Lagna (d) any affliction to Jupiter will convert the Planet into First rate killer. For Gemini Lagna there should be no connection of Saturn influence on Jupiter , since Saturn is 8th Lord and jupiter 7th Lord , the aspect of Unafflicted  Jupiter on Saturn can be better than Saturn aspect on Jupiter. In this case the horoscope falls like a pack of Cards , since Jupiter can be compared with an Elephant  as is a somaya animal, but when Mad can ruin the jungle, here Jupiter has become mad and has the capacity to damage with full intensity . Mercury the Lagna Lord is also in Full affliction will not be able to give any Protection and its Transit in the signs Sagitarius, Capricorn ,Aquarius and Finally Pieces the 8th house of the chart will bring adversities of all kind for the nation.
  4. The country can reel in the Economy Meltdown
  5. Adverse weather conditions
  6. Terrorism Internal and External both
  7. Earthquakes
  8. Political Turmoils
  9. Warlike situations and involvement in the Middle Eastern Countries
  10. Influence of ISIS
  11. General Condition of the Country will not be good.

The 3 months will be crucial for US and the Eclipses in the 1/7 axis as already Predicted could aggravate the situations and in this regard I have already written several articles below

“” dated 24th May 2016

“” dated 15th Dec. 2015

“”  Dated 16th Jan. 2016

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 23rd Jan 2016 22-30 hrs New Delhi

Disclaimer : This is astrological Prediction and the writer does not hold him self responsible for the above predictions and financial predictions. IF anybody invests on the above basis he will be doing at his own risk and fancies



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