Earthquakes Of Intensity Most Prone 24th Feb-15th March 2023 Vedha In Chakras Explosive

by astrodocanil
“Earthquakes Of Intensity Most Prone 24th Feb-15th March 2023 Vedha In Chakras Explosive

There are various Reasons for the Earthquakes to happen. There is definite ground to believe that planetary  configuration has big role in causing the earthquakes. According to the study when 2 or more  planets, Sun and Moon are aligned more or less in line 0 or 180 degrees with Earth, then Earth would be caught in the middle of  a huge gravity struggle between the Sun and the planets . The gravitational  stresses would change the speed  of the Earth in its orbit. When the speed  of the rotation of Earth changes the tectonic plate’s motion also gets affected , just as the people collide  with each other when the bus driver suddenly applies brakes. The Effect of the Eclipses is also responsible for the above .


One Strong Parameter which I have observed that when Earthquakes take place there is Vedha between the major planets  Saturn Mars  Rahu and Ketu in the Rashi and Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra and there are Malefics  Saturn   Rahu or Mars in the sign Taurus. In the Book of the Mundane Astrology  Shri K N Rao has also mentioned that the signs Taurus and Scorpio are notorious signs  for Earthquakes . It has been also observed that the Life giving Luminaries Sun and Moon are afflicted by Vedha  as per the Chakras from the Nodes or the Heavy Malefics Saturn or Mars.

Read My Articles on my webpage and I have Predicted heavy Earthquakes in the World using the Chakras vide my n number of articles specially the 7 below Articles

My Predictions for the Earthquakes have been spot on using the Chakras and other Principles of the Mundane Astrology


The Lagna is the same as the India foundation chart and the 10th house is in affliction since Saturn is combusted

the 2 7 11 Triangle has malefics  in the Rashi and the Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra and Vedha between the Malefics is Prone to Earthquakes in the South Eastern Asia

Mars in the Earthy sign and Fallen in the Lagna and afflicted in the navamsha clearly points out Earthquakes of Intensity specially after the 24th Feb to 13th March 2023 and then again after the 3rd Oct 2023 to 30th Oct 2023 most prone time


The 2001 Gujarat earthquake, also known as the Bhuj earthquake, occurred on 26 January at 08:46 am IST.

Left hand side is the Bhuj Earthquake and the Right hand side is the 28th Feb 2023 Planetary positions which are explosive after the New Moon chart of the 20th Feb 2023. The Planetary positions are parallel of the Planets afflicting each other in the 2 7 11 triangle like the Bhuj Earthquake and Turkey Earthquakes as per the chakras. This is only a Research Article and compared the Planetary positions after the 20th Feb 2023 New Moon chart and comparing with Turkey, Bhuj and other Earthquakes . My Predictions till date have been correct using the same . I wish My Predictions are wrong and the World and the Countries are saved from the Earthquake disasters .

The Following Parameters are explosive and have been also mention here  in my earlier articles and the same are also applicable to the Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria and My prediction  have proved spot on.

  1. The Planetary positions have become  explosive after the Mars has fallen in the sign Taurus  in an  Earthy sign from the 13th Nov. 2022. Mars is the Significator for Earth and called the  Bhoomi swami.
  2. After the 17th Jan 2023 Saturn has joined the sign Aquarius and in the Rashi Sanghatta chakra  there is Vedha between the 3 Malefics  Mars Ketu and the Saturn in the 2 7 11 triangle till the 13th March 2023
  3. From the 24th Feb 2023 there will also  be Vedha Between Mars and Saturn the 2 heavy malefics  in the Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra  also till the 13th March 2023
  4. In the New Moon Chart of the 20th Feb 2023 the Luminaries will be in the Star of Mars and there will be Vedha to Sun and Moon by Mars and Saturn  crucial for the Earthquakes.
  5. Hence the Time Frame  from the 24th Feb 2023 when Mars enters the Mrigshira star and there is Vedha between Saturn and Mars will be most crucial and on the 28th Again all the Planets will get Vedha  by the Maefics.
  6. The Period from the 24th Feb to 13th March 2023 is the most prone time frame  for the Earthquakes of Intensity
  7. As mentioned the Countries at the Coastal areas and as far as India is Concerned the Himalaya Terrain, Gujrat, Uttarakhand are prone to heavy earthquakes in the time frame mentioned above.



In the 1 8 12 triangle  Rahu will give vedha to Venus and Jupiter who will be in Planetary war on the 1st March 2023 which is termed as Blood shed as per the Myndane classic MYUR CHITRAM

Vedha between Mars ,Moon , Ketu  Sun , Saturn and Mercury In the 2 7 11 triangle

All the above can be explosive not only for India but the World and  the Countries near the Coastal Areas namely    Turkey, Syria, Indonesia, Mexico, Philippines India, China , US and there Can be strong Tornados as well since the  Planets are also in the Airy signs . There can also be strong Snow Storms in the Countries Prone and who have intense cold weather. It is very difficult to see the charts of all the countries , but my prediction hold good for Earthquakes, Tornados and Strong Snow Storms for the Countries most Prone 



BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch

 22nd Feb 2023 19-00 hrs   Dubai UAE
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