‘Dubai Economy Melting Like Icecream In Hot Desert’

by astrodocanil

I have lot of clients in Dubai and all asking about the future of Dubai and asking what will their fate in the near future . I then decided  to see the Foundation Chart of Dubai and found that the future of Dubai is like Icecream Melting in Hot Desert. 

Now Read this News which I got which was on the Whatapp

Dubai’s Economy Is Melting Like A Glacier In The Desert.’

By MirMak ( investment Banker) Dubai.

Exactly on December 12, 2016, I wrote an article predicting that Dubai is going to see its economic fall. I even gave the dates that it may happen by 2018. Here we are in 2018 and Dubai’s economy has started to melt like an ice cone in a hot summer day near Jumeirah beach.

Let’s examine how ?

Dubai, is a city where I have lived for several years. Established and ran businesses in. I understand the economic environment and it’s financial structure. The financial structure is connected to its economic structure in the most strangest manner, a phenomenon not found in many cities of the world. The phenomenon of

“I OWE YOU and will pay you later”.

And this comes in the form of a “Post Dated Cheque”. Nobody asks you before gladly receiving that cheque from you, what would happen 8 months from today if your business has collapsed or sees a cash crunch. How will you honour your cheque. You are not dealing with a bank that you have given the cheques to, with huge ability of financial sustenance.

Your cheques are mostly to other businessmen who write cheques to their creditors based on your post dated cheques. I owe you on top of I owe you multiplied by the umpteenth factor. No economy can develop and sustain on this principle. Simple as that. One business man in the chain defaults, the entire chains is broken. The biggest of the companies can face a downturn and their cheques can bounce. And the strangest thing is that if your cheque bounces you are not given a chance to even negotiate the payment with a little more time. A complaint is lodged and the businessman arrested. Or to avoid the arrest, the businessman flees Dubai leaving the entire business to collapse and not a single chance of recovery for the receivers of the cheques.

Abraaj Capital had a $48 million dollar cheque bounce two weeks ago.

You think that’s was a big cheque. Wait till you read this. From January 2018 to the end of May 2018, 26 billion dirhams worth of cheques have been bounced. 1.2 million cheques in total. Or 39.3% of the total number of cheques issued in 2017 which were to come due in 2018. They came due and they bounced. 39.3% is not an amount to be taken lightly, neither is the number of checks that is 1.2 million nor the amount of 26 billion dirhams, that’s $7 billion dollars in just 6 months of 2018. This will cause the coming 6 months of 2018 from June to December to cause a disaster in the making to be dealt by the authorities with no recourse. And the reason I said no recourse is because you need to see by researching other related clues in order to establish if the people who have written the cheques are still in Dubai or most of fled the city.

You need to look at two things if you want to do related research to establish the above point if the people have fled Dubai or not. First, if their phones connections are cancelled. And Second, if they have fled with their families. Best thing to look at to see the second part is to see as to how many children have been withdrawn from their schools. Let’s look at the biggest phone carrier of Dubai, Etisalat and it’s data. 32,000 phone connections were cancelled between March and April of 2018. Just in 38 days in total. Mobile phone connections that is. 28,000 children were withdrawn from schools without registering themselves for the end of summer sessions. Meaning those families do not plan to come back.

I wish it ended here. I wish the signs were not as obvious. But they are. Dubai property that used to be sold at 2300 dirhams per square foot is selling at less than 600 dirhams per square foot. Or in simple words, it’s selling at 25% of its value.

Gold Souk has empty stores for the first time in 35 years. You could not find a single empty store to rent or buy earlier. Arabian Center, Sunset Mall and Al Ghurair have stores shutting down every week. Emirates Towers with the most chic restaurants is witnessing a closure upon closure of restaurants. Hotels have cut their average price to 30% of what they used to charge and last month alone 18 hotels shut down including Savoy, Ramada, Richmond, Crest, Jarmond and the list goes on. Lamcy plaza, one of the most busiest malls had a fire and was supposed to be opened in August 2017 and it’s still closed down. Bur Juman and Wafi Mall have the highest vacancy rates of shops. The list can go on and on and I can pen down more signs of an economic meltdown than you can read.

Abraaj Capitals’ collapse is a nail in the financial system coffin of Dubai. The biggest confidence eroding incident ever to have taken place in the history of Dubai’s financial system.

The point is not to sit and laugh at what has happened. That is cruel and arrogant. Livelihoods have been lost and families have been ruined. The point is for other counties in the GCC to stop this post dated cheque based economic model immediately before they face the same fate. And for the businessmen the lesson is to develop a sustainable business model where your freedom is not hinges upon one bounced cheque. Because anybody’s cheques can bounce unintentionally and based on unforeseen circumstances.

With the OECD restrictions, Anti-Money Laundering initiatives around the world. FATF watching. Counter Terrorism financing watchdogs sifting through every transaction. The biggest appeal of Dubai will be dead as well. The appeal of having unquestioned transactions for the world’s corruptly earned funds.

This is a bad cycle that Dubai is going through where in my opinion the bottom of which we have not seen yet. Nowhere even close to it. With media censorship and controlled release of any and all news, you will not even hear these stories in Dubai. Unless you want to be a journalist who loves jail food.

Also see the youtube  videos concerning tha above  and confirming the same 


Dubai has Aquarius Lagna and Nodes Transitted over the Natal Nodes degree -wise on the 30th May 2018 at 13.21 degrees . Today when the Planetary positions become worst when the Lagna Lord Saturn is in Gandantha and the dispositor is totally combust we hear the News that The Economy of Dubai is melting like an Icecream in the hot Desert
Rad My Other Articles on the Stoack and the Financial Markets of the Globe
ASTROLOGY PREDICTED LOUD AND CLEAR ON THE GLOBAL EVENTS . 26th Nov. to 2nd Dec. 2018 most enigmatic. Read Article “Full Moon Chart of 23rd Nov. 2018 Most Enigmatic One” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2018/11/full-moon-chart-…st-enigmatic-one/ dated 19th Nov. 2018. Read these last lines in the Article “I don’t want to write any thing on this . But it may be noted that till 2nd Dec. 2018 from 26th Nov. 2018 the Planetary positions will be most Venomous and events pertaining above can take place not only in India but Globally most enigmatic. Mars Most Predominant in all the charts ”
Also Read “26th Nov.- 2nd Dec. 2018 : Stock and Financial Markets May Take Strong Bumpy Rides” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2018/11/26th-nov-2nd-dec…rong-bumpy-rides/
This Time frame is most malefic for the global events which may influence the Financial Markets in a big way, may it be Terrorism Natural or Unnatural Calamities , Politics, Earthquakes with Magnitude . The Ketu in Paap Kartari yoga and Saturn in Nakshatra Gandantha may influence the Oil Markets as well

Let us Study the  Foundation Chart of  Dubai for the Financial Crisis . The chart is of  2nd Dec. 1971 12.00 hrs Dubai  which is below as per Book Of World Horoscopes

Also see the Chart below of the Foundation chart and the Planetary positions at the time of the writing the Article  on the 26th Nov. 2018

As per the Panchang of the Day of Foundation of Dubai the following parameters acquire an important dimension for its Richness and now in Financial Crisis

The Day is Thursday and is 75 % positive and the Lord is forming a Gajkesri yoga  and placed in the 10th house with Sun but also in Combustion and a Shivraj yoga is also formed By the Jupiter and Sun Digbali in the 10th house  this explains the King of Dubai will dictate his terms  for any thing for that purpose

Unfortunately The Chart also has Dridra Yoga and a Kemdum  yoga in the 4th house . Saturn and Moon form Dridra Yoga and Moon has no planet in the 2nd and the 12th from Moon. Daridra yogas or Nirdhanta yogas along with Kemadruma yoga and Shakat yoga, are certain exceptional ava-yogas or unfavourable planetary combinations that indicate poverty. The word, Daridra (Sanskrit: दरिद्र) means poor, needy or deprived, and the word, Nirdhanta (Sanskrit: निर्धनता) means poverty, poorness or indigence. Ava-yogas indicating poverty basically involve an affliction to the 2nd house or bhava and/or its lord, and to Jupiter and the lord of the 11th. Kemadruma yoga is also caused when the Moon is in the 2nd or in the 12th house and no planet occupies the bhavas either side the Moon; the Shakat yoga is caused when Jupiter occupies the 6th or the 8th house from the Moon, in which both events there will be lack of wealth and much difficulty in making a living or gaining in prosperity. The good bad effects of Daridra yogas are felt during the adverse dashas or planetary periods of the afflicted lords of wealth and gains, and certain Daridra yogas operate from birth till death. There is an ancient dictum that reads – If the Moon occupies either the 6th or the 8th from the lagna and Saturn occupies the 7th house then all that one possesses will soon be lost.

Here in the chart above Saturn and Moon Forming the above yogas are also connected to the 2nd and the 11th Lord Jupiter who is Combust . Unfortunately the Dasha of Saturn has Started on the 29-4-2018. 

Another parameter in the Transit is when Ketu comes over Rahu and Rahu over the natal chart are times of a big change and if Malefic influence at that time then the Native or the Country suffers from the malefic yogas

Tithi KP- 1   

Yoga is sidha

Karna Balava and Lord is again Moon and weak though Forming a Gajkesri yoga and also the above 2 Dridra yogas 

Garbshishta Planet and Dasha of Moon Exhalted , Vargottam and in the Nakshatra of Rohini makes the Person of r the Nation very Rich since also forming a Gajkesri yoga, But Saturn Dasha will be reverse  which is in operationas explained in this Article 

Yogi point is Aries . Yogi point is in Kendra from Jupiter the Country is rich.  Ketu Yogi Planet and Rahu avyogi and we know in 1/7 axis and hence there will be ups and downs when Rahu Transits over the Ketu and Ketu over Rahu and Degree-se on the 30th May 2018 at 13.21 degrees , This is the turning point from where Dubai will suffer the most and Financial Crisis will grip it more so since the dasha of Saturn has also started on the 29-4-2018.  

Indu Lagna Taurus and has Dridra Yoga and Kemdrum yoga  and Presently Saturn dasha is under operation hence the Indu Lagna the source tof generation of Money is afflicted , From Indu Lagna Both Jupiter and Moon are placed well placed hence generation of wealth. Venus the Indu Lagna Lord is also ill placed from the Jupiter and Moon and also fromthe Lagna Lord  Saturn. $th house is the house of Permanancy and when this malefic yoga is taing place then it will be like the icecream melting in Hot Desert , Mars also aspects the Combination from the Lagna . From Moon Benefics in the 6th, 7th and 8th are very good and they give wealth , hence Sat-Mercury the Country will get some relief after 2-5-2021

Shree Lagna  Libra  Although the Lord is the same they are in 6/8 axis  is not good . Also Dasha in operation of Saturn in 6/8 axis from Libra . Shree Lagna with Venus connectio  then life is king size, here Venus is the Lord but in 6/8 axis and also in 6/8 axis with the dasha lord hence the ill effects can be seen crystal clear 

The Dridra Yoga Planets influencing the the 10th house, Jupiter and Sun is the most malefic component in the present scenario  and till the Dasha of Saturn-Saturn till 2-5-2021 will be the most critical period for Dubai it so seems 

Transit Rahu-Ketu over the Indu Lagna or the Lord then not good hence after 25th March 2019 when Ketu comes over the natal Venus there will be more difficult times for the Country and the Country may reel in Financial Depression, Also after that Rahu will come over the Indu Lagna  hence 3 Years from 25-3-2019 can be the most crucial time for the Country.

Transit Jupiter as the lord of the 2nd and the 11th house of the Foundation chart of Dubai will be in Attichari mode now and cover its 12 months journey to Sagitarius in just 5.5 months as against 12 months  and ingress in the 11th house on the 29th March 2019 where Ketu will ingress on the 25th March 2019 and on the 10th April  Jupiter will become Retrograde and fall back in Scorpio as a fallen Planet as the Lord of the 2nd and the 11th  till 5th Nov. 2019 when it will ingress back in Sagitarius and join Saturn and Ketu  and again get afflicted , Hence till Jupiter reaches the Lagna in Aquarius the Country will Reel in Economic Depression till Dec 2021 and will get some relief since then Rahu will also be over the Indu Lagna in the Natal Chart 

Transit Saturn will be in the 8th house from the Indu Lagna and the natal moon and is called the Ashtama Shani which is also a Malefic component. Saturn will ingress in Capricorn on the 20th Jan 2020

Transit Rahu-Ketu, Jupiter and Saturn in the Present Scenario extremely venomous for not only Dubai but also for the World Economy which may take a strong hit in March- April-July 2019 after Nov-Dec 2018. I have been writting on this since long ” ASTROLOGY HAS PREDICTED LONG BACK ON THIS TIME FRAME 

Surprisingly when I am writing the Article the Transit shown today in the chart 2nd  Moon is connected to Saturn the Dasha Lord at Present. Jupiter the 2nd and the 11th Lord is over the Natal Jupiter and also Totally combust as the natal Jupiter . Mars the 10th Lord has been in afflictionwith Ketu In transit since the 2nd May 2019 till 7th Nov. 2018 and all the planets are in the grip of Rahu and Ketu for a very Long Time  Now in the Grip of Mars and Rahu

The Present Scenario is extremely malefic fo the Country specially till 2nd Dec. 2018

The Transit Dasha Lord is in Nakshatra Gandantha  at 13.14 degrees and the Yogi Graha is in Paap Kartari yoga in the Transit . Venus the Indu Lagna Lord in the 6/8 axis from the Indu Lagna  are the Most malefic componenets in the Present Scenario and seems difficult to come out of the Financial Crisis

Paksha Kundali of the 23rd Nov. 2018 below  

The above chart crystal clear shows the state in which Dubai is in this Fortnight . Lagna Lord Combisted and placed in the 12th house with10th Lord Mercury in Retrogression and also in Combustion

2nd Lord is Saturn and in Nakshatra Gandantha is most malefic for the reserves of the Country and the Financial Institutions , The Day is Friday and the Lord is placed in the 11th house and ill placed from the 10th house and the Lord , it is also ill placed from Moon . @nd Lord and 2nd house is in affliction due to the fact that the 2nd house is in paap kartari yoga and Saturn as explained in nakshatra gandantha . The Day Lord is placed in the yama of Taurus and where the 8th Lord is placed is most malefic component in the Chart

Hence from the Above it is clear that the country may not get any relief till the year 2020 when Jupiter Transits over the Lagna as the 2nd and the 11th Lord  and when Saturn also joins the sign Aquarius may get a relief from the Present Recession it so seems 

Now Read this latest News “Asia Top News and Analysis Dubai” https://www.cnbc.com/dubai/  dated 26th Nov. 2018

Written on 26th Nov.. 2018 17.25 Hrs. New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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My Interview by the Express Star Teller Magzine published in Sept. 2017 edition on the page 44 link on my webpage https://www.astrodocanil.com/2017/08/natal-chart-reflects-past-karmasdeeds-of-the-present-life-can-be-effectively-depictedonly-through-prashna/
My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link http://www.astrologicmagazine.com/ammunition-dump-mars-rom…/
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