Doctor Recommends ‘Routine Surveillance’ After Biden’s Colonoscopy Predictions Seem Coming True As Per Star’s

by astrodocanil

“Doctor Recommends ‘Routine Surveillance’ After Biden’s Colonoscopy Predictions Seem Coming True As Per Star’s ”

The White House said late Wednesday that a polyp removed from President Biden’s colon last Friday was “benign” and “thought to be precancerous” and requires no further action, multiple news outlets reported.

Biden’s doctor identified the polyp as “tubular adenoma,” according to Reuters, adding that it was similar to the one removed in 2008.

Kevin O’Connor, physician to the president, also reportedly recommended that “routine surveillance” continue.

 This is with Reference to My Articles  On Joe Biden  below 

Oath Chart of Joe Biden 20th Jan. 2021 Mrityu Yoga What Star’s Foretell ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

2.Joe Biden Presidential Inauguration On 20th Jan. 2021 :The Day Is Most Enigmatic For The US Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

3.Presidential Inauguration Of Joe Biden 20th Jan 2021 What It has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

I had also Predicted that if the Presidential Elections of the US take place near the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn then the President who takes OATH IS NOT ABLE TO COMPLETE IT’S FULL TERM AS CAN BE SEEN FROM THE PAST EVENTS . 

Also Read My Article

4.Donald Trump Or Joe Biden Who Will Be The Next Face In 2020 Presidential Campaign ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Now Have a Look at the Natal chart of Joe Biden of the 20th Nov 1932 08-30 hrs US

He has Gulika in the sign Scorpio the Ascendant 

22DK sign in Libra the 12th house where Mercury and Mars are Placed and the Transit Sun , Mercury and Mars were there and specially Mars there till the 5th Dec. 2021  and from the 17th March 2021 Ketu the disease Karka  will Transit there for 1.5 years are most malefic parameters for thre near future  Jupiter is in Trine from the sign Libra and Saturn Transit over the Natal Ketu and and Saturn in the Trine from the 22DK sign from the 29th April 2022 will be most enigmatic specially the 2 Eclipses Of the Lunar Eclipse of the 19th Nov. 2021 and the Solar Eclipse of the 4th Dec. 2021 over the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant and very close degrees of the Lunar Eclipse of the 19th Nov. 2021 at 3 degrees and the Solar Eclipse of the 18 degrees close to Saturn in the 7th house from the Eclipse point are most malefic combinations  

Sun and Venus are in Sarp Dreshkanne  and 64 N is Virgo

 The Dasha Chidra is running  Jup-Rahu-Venus

The Lord of the sign of the 22DK is called Kharesh. It plays important role in giving arishta and the Lord is Venus it is Placed in the Debilitation sign in the Lagna of the Trishamsha chart . Trishamsha Lord of the 6th Lord Mars is Mercury and the Trishamsha Lord of the 8th Lord is again Venus and Venus is totally combusted and Placed in the Lagna at 5.29 degrees and the Lunar Eclipse has Taken place at 3 Degrees in the 7th house from Venus and Sun which is the most enigmatic parameter 

In D60 the 8th Lord is Placed in the own sign in the sign Gemini .

D3 Chart 

 In this chart we have to see the courage of the Kharesh  and we have to see the relations with Birth Lagna Lord Mars and Saturn. In this Mars Mars is withKetu in the 12th house and Saturn in the 7th house aspects the Venus and Sun both in Sarp Dreshkanne in the 9th house is a malefic parameter 

D6 Chart 

 In this Chart 6th Lord Mars  of the Rashi chart is placed in Debilitation and in the 8th house of Chronic and incurable diseases  most malefic combination . 6th house in this chart has Rahu-Ketu and Moon and the Lord is Venus Kharesh and Placed in the 12th house  of Confinement . The Relation of the Lagna Lord of the Rashi Chart and the Lagna Lord of the Dreshkanne chart are seen with respect to Ketu and Jupiter is ill placed from Ketu  since the Lagna Lord of the D3 chart and gives hinderances in the cure . Mars Placed as the 6th Lord in the 8th house gives no resistance to the disease is most malefic Parameter 

D8 Chart 

6th Lord Mars of the Birth chart in the 8th house of chronic troubles 

Sun Venus Rahu-Ketu in the 12th house  Losses in Profession 

Lagna Lord Saturn is debilitated and the Dasha of Saturn would start from the 21-9-2022 not good at all even before this the Dasha of Jupiter-Rahu-Mars  and even the present jupiter-Rahu-Venus is extremely bad for his good health and Transit of Saturn overthe trinal house from Libra after the 29th April 2022 and Transit of Ketu over the Libra after the 17th March 2022 is most crucial for his good Health and being physical fit  to work as the President of the Country . He may be fit now after the Surgery but I am afraid the future is not secure after the Ingress of Ketu disease larla in Libra on the 17th March 2022 and Saturn ingress in the trine from Libra from the 29th April 2022  specially when the Dasha chidra is running . He may be advised complete Rest and May not be physically fit after these time frames  around End of 2022 and Beginning of 2023 and even before this the time frame is most  Venomous when Venus is afflicted from the 30th Dec ro 27th Feb 2022

 The Planetary positions right from the Present Transit till the Dasha of Saturn  will make him physical unfit to work and may prove to be most venomous as can be seen from the Planetary positions 

The Planetary positions are taking the world for a Rough Ride it so seems after the 7th Sept. specially in this year till Dec. 2021 . FOR 2022 I SHALL WRITE ANOTHER ARTICLE GIVING THE EXACT DATES


This is only Astrological analysis and on the bases of the earlier happenings .  This Can Have an Adverse impact on the Stock and the Financial Markets and The writer does not hold himself responsible if any person invests according to the above Predictions. He shall be doing at his own whims and Fancies . The Writer of the Article is Not at all Responsible for any bodies loss note this

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch

 28th Nov  2021 11-00   NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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Anil Aggarwala” 

Disclaimer Clause applicable.  The writer of the Article is not responsible for any losses made by any individual, Company or Corporate . This is a Research Article and Predictions for Stock Markets can also fail . Keep this in mind 






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#Joe Biden Health

#astrological analysis of Health of Joe Biden





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