Devendra Fadnavis Takes Oath As Chief Minister Of Maharashtra What Star’s Foretell ?

by astrodocanil

“Devendra Fadnavis Takes Oath As Chief Minister Of Maharashtra What Star’s Foretell ?”

Devendra Fadnavis has officially taken the oath as the Chief Minister of Maharashtra for the third time at a grand ceremony held at Azad Maidan, Mumbai on the 5th Dec. 2024 17:37 hrs

Let us see the chart below to see  how his tenure will be for 5 years.

The Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter placed in the Lagna of the Oath Chart. The Day Lord is placed in the Yama of Virgo and the Yama Lord is Mercury  is totally combusted as the 2nd and the 5th Lord and placed in the 7th house  with Sun makes the Lagna adhomukh.  Mars debilitated and aspect on the Moon Lagna Lord Venus and the 10th Lord  Saturn is a constraint in the horoscope . The Grace is the Lagna though Prishtodayo and adhomukh has Jupiter in  and Lagna is vargottam in the Rashi, Navamsha and Dashamsha.  The Lagna Lord is strong in all the Varga charts. Saturn forming a Pancha Mahapurush  in the 10th house is very good but aspect of Mars can give bickering in the Cabinet

The Tithi is SP-5is not bad

Moon in the star of Shravana is also not bad

The Karna is Bava is good but not related to the 10th house or the 10th Lord

The Yoga is Dhruv and is inauspicious

As per Panchaka Rahita Muhurta it is a good muhurta over all.

As per Pancha Nadi System  in Mundane Astrology Moon is placed in the highest Nadi is very good for the Tenure. Aspect of Jupiter on Moon and Venus is also good

Saturn in no way afflict Moon , hence this parameters is also not there is good.

Saturn in the Malefic Nakshatra and afflicted by Mars is definitely a short coming . Saturn is Karka for Masses and democracy and destruction placed in the 10th house is good but having affliction is not good as mentioned above.

Devendra Fadnavis is Born on the 22nd July 1970 10:45 hrs Nagpur Maharashtra

The Chart is below

 Garbshishta Planets are placed well from the 10th house, 10th Lord and also from the MCL of the 10th house is very good. The Present Dasha is of Ketu- Saturn till the 24-12-2024

Dasha Lord Ketu dispositor is placed well in all the Rashi, Navamsha and Dashamsha, Saturn Debilitated  gives vipreet Rajyoga in the 8th house and aspects the 10th house , it is also strong in own sign in the Dashamahsa, in the Navamsha it is with Rahu in a benefic sign.  Saturn is also Avyogi and in the 8th house gives Vipreet Rajyoga is very good. The Future Dasha is also conducive of the Ketu Mercury as seen in the Varga charts.


Dual Transit of Saturn and Jupiter has already activated the Sensitive Arc of Scorpio 12 degrees for Rasdi in Status and Authority is very strong parameter to put him at a higher pedestal in Politics

The Only Constraint is the Saturn Transit over the Rahu and Moon in the 6th house and very close degrees of the Moon. Saturn reaching the 22.59 degrees on the natal Moon after 31st Dec. 2024 to 31st Jan 2025 will be pose some issues in his career.

Transit of Saturn  over Natal Moon as per ashtavarga  bindoos 30 and Bhinashtak Varga bindoos of Saturn 5 are also not bad. Hence till 29th March 2025 may or may not  have much issues but the Transit of Saturn in Pisces may pose hinderances in his career since the Ashtak varga bindoos are only 24 and Saturn Bhinashtak Varga is only 2 is very poor score.

7th Dec . 2024 06:00 Hrs  Dubai UAE   Phone Number


Jyotish Acharaya Anil Aggarwala

BSc. Engg. (Prod.)  PEC Ch. Year 1971

Student of Diploma in Marketing Management FMS New Delhi

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY  By K N Rao and Many More

Total 22 years of Experience . 8th Years spent under the Guidance of Shri K N Rao in BVB New Delhi. From 2007 and did Jyotish Acharaya 3 Times and spent 2 years in Research. Started Jyotish Predictions from 2002 under the guidance of Stalwart Astrologer Narayan Pandit In Kilokari Maharani Bagh New Delhi




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