Dera Chief Convicted ‘As Predicted’ Event Chart Shows Date Of Conviction

by astrodocanil

735 Articles and Predictions in Just 45 Months from April 2015
Rahu Moon Connection for Untoward happening most Venomous and any event which takes place bring the Person to Book as per Prashna Jyotish is the Nut shell of this Article and accordingly Dera Chief will be brought to Book since these parameters exit on the day of Murder and also on the day of he being convicted and also on the final day of Hearing the 17th Jan. 2019
This is with Reference to the Dera Chief Convicted By the Sirsa Court Today link
I have been Predicting about him since he has be Arrested and all Predictions are proving on dot. The Following Articles were written
1.”Dera Chief Bound For Punishment Today The 11th Jan. 2019 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” link…r-anil-aggarwala/
2. “Fallen Stationary Retrograde Roman God Saturn On The Wheel,Fate of Dera Chief Ram Rahim Hanging” link…am-rahim-hanging/
3. “Verdict on Dera Chief Ram Rahim: What Stars Foretell ?” link…t-stars-foretell/
4.”Whereabouts Of Honeypreet Insan ‘Papas Angel’ Through Tamil Texts Using Prashna Jyotish”…-prashna-jyotish/ ‎
5.”What Fate Awaits The Rape Convict Ram Rahim? Fallen Stationary Saturn Mars Conjunct Rahu, Bolt From The Blue” link…lt-from-the-blue/ ‎
All Articles and Predictions made in advance and not a single one is a Post Mortum
Read the Verdict as per the media link for the Conviction of the Dera Chief which was Predicted well in advance today I found some interesting Parameters for Research as per the Prashna parameters which I want to shre with the AStrology Students and the Astrology lovers
As per the link
It was around 7:45 pm on October 24, 2002, when Anshul Chattarpati, 20, and his family sat down for dinner at their home in Sirsa that they heard gunshots. They rushed outside and found Anshul’s father Ram Chander Chattarpati lying on the ground. Chhatrapati was rushed to hospital but he succumbed to injuries within a few days.
Anshul Chattarpati, in an interview with The Indian Express, recounts that his father had told them that ‘Baba Gurmeet Singh’ was behind the attack on him as he had exposed the Dera chief and the illegal activities at the Sirsa Dera in his regional newspaper “Poora Sach”. Thus started Anshul’s 17-year-long battle for justice.
After getting the Exact time of the Event which i did not have earlier I quickly drew the Chart of the 24th Oct. 2002 19-45 hrs and Found some most interesting facts. The Chart is below

The Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter the Lord of the 8th and the 11th house and placed in the yama of Scorpio which is the 7th house where Malefic Ketu is Placed and adverse
Lagna Nakshatra Rohini and Moon and Rahu also in the same nakshatra at the MEP of the Lagna Rahu In Venomous motion clearly shows untoward happening not only for the Person who has been murdered but also for the Person who has Planned the Murder. Rahu in venomous Motion with Moon shows a conspiracy and 7th Lord is Mars the Lord of the 12th and the 7th Conspirator and aspects the 8th house . Mars is also at the MEP of the Lagna and 11.45 degrees and a ishraaf yoga with Moon and conspiracy a day before for the act

The DBA Planets are Moon-Rahu-Ketu on the day of the Murder, Now after the lapse of 16 years 2 months and 17 days the Dasha of Rahu-Rahu-Ketu has started as per the Prashna on the 11th Jan. 2019 and again on this Day Rahu and Ketu are in Venomous Motion and connected to Moon since Moon and Rahu are in the Nakshatra of Jupiter today the day Lord at the time of the Murder . As per Prashna Jyotish when Rahu and Moon are close and the Nakshatra Lord is same is most Malefic Time frame for Court cases and Scams sprouting and the Culprit will be brought to Book

Amazingly On the day of Murder Rahu and Moon were in the same Nakshatra of Rohimi in the sign Taurus

Today at the time of the hearing after 15-10 or so Lagna was same as that at the time of the Murder Taurus and in the nakshatra of Rohiniand Moon in the nakshatra of Jupiter P Bhadrapad and Rahu in the nakshatra of Punarvasu. The Lagna Degrees and the Moon degrees were same but Moon placed in the 10th house of the Court Decision
Today Rahu is Over the Jupiter when the Murder took place and today Jupiter from Scorpio aspects the Rahu at the time of Murder
On the day of Merder Jupiter was the Day Lord and Mars the 12th and the 7th Lord , today they have exchange and connected to each other
Today Mars from Pieces aspects the Mars in Virgo at the time of Murder.
Today at the time of the Hearing as per the Event Chart Dasha of Rahu-Rahu-Ketu and Rahu and Ketu at the time of Merder wer in the 1/7 axis Lagna is the Person who is Murdered and 7th house the opponent and the culprit
Today Rahu and Ketu are Most Venomous and in Adverse motion and the Court has given a verdict against The Dera Chief who planned the Murder
Court has given the Date of 17th Jan. 2019 Amazingly moon will be in the sign of Taurus that day and Mostly in the Nakshatra of Moon and the Verdict will come from the Court before Moon changes the Nakshatra from Rihini to Mrigshira is My Research and Predictions
Let us see the Chart of the 17th Jan. 2019

The Court Verdict will come after 13.45 hrs to 15.14 hrs and more so at 14.37 hrs on the 17th Jan. 2019. On the 11th Jan 2019 when the Verdict was announced the Lagna Lord Venus was in the 7th house at the MEP of the Lagna 10.42 degrees and on the 17th Jan. 2019 Moon will aspecthis Planet degreewise Venus in the 7th house of 11th Jan. 2019


Amazingly Moon will be at the MEP of the Lagna at the time of the Murder and Rahu again in Venomous Motion

Written on 11th Jan. 2019 016-00 Hrs. New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of
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My Interview by a University of Repute from US in Nov. 2018
My Interview by the Express Star Teller Magzine published in Sept. 2017 edition on the page 44 link on my webpage
My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link…/
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