Demon North Node In Watery Sign Brings Jal Pralay In China And US. Saturn Brings Trade Wars: Astrology Predicted Loud And Clear

by astrodocanil

Mars, Saturn and the Nodes on the job after 9th Sept. 2018 since all the Planets are in their grip.ASTROLOGY PREDICTED LOUD AND CLEAR The Paksha Kundali of the 9th Sept. 2018 is Precarious for the Globe since all the Planets are gripped in the shadow as mentioned above and Natural, Unnatural disasters are on the cards…/paksha-kundali-of-the-26th-…/
Also read the Link…/astrology-predicted-loud-an…/
Clearly pointed out that China could also face disaster like situations since the Ascendant for China is Capricorn and the Eclipses have tane place in the 1/7 axis and also in the 1/7 axis of the Debilitated Mars in watery Rashi and Moon in the ascendant at 10.1 degrees where exactly the Lunar Eclipse has taken Place and which has been activated and hence Jal Pralay
Read this Article sspecially ASTROLOGY PREDICTED and I am my self surprised that all is on dot…/28th-july-2018-lunar-eclips…/

The North Node in Watery sign and adverse in the month of Sept. 2018 is responsible for the Jal Pralay in China and the US and ASTROLOGY PREDICTED LOUD AND CLEAR in the Article “28th July 2018 Lunar Eclipse What It Foretells For Trade Wars, Natural and UnNatural Disasters For China and US ?” link…for-china-and-us/ dated 8th July 2018

Read the Following Para in this Article

The Time Frames when Mars activates the Eclipse points can prove disastrous on the 27th-28th July , 26th Sept. and when Mars and Saruen are in Stationary mode 4-5 datys before and after 27th August and 6th Sept. 2018 Respectively and till 4th Oct. 2018 specially after 9th Sept. 2018 when all the planets will be in the gripp of the Nodes, Mars and Saturn. This Time frame will be worst for China and US for the Trade wars escalation and both the Countries in Jal Pralay

The trade confrontation of white house and China is intensifying, but the White House is confident the US will come out on top. According to me it may lead to a world Recession and both will lose in the Trade war Since Saturn is on the verge of Completion of the 90 year cycle from the 24th Oct. 1929 the time of the Great Recession The Time frame from the 25th March 2019 to June 2018 will be most venomous it so seems and the seeds of the same may be sown not around the Eclipses in July 2018. The Mas and Ketu Conjunction after 205 years for 187 days and a Complate Lunar Eclipse will definitely influence the Asian Countries in a big way it so seems


Significations of Rahu 

Crimes, War, Violence and Disasters of the worst kind. It is a Planet of aggressiveness and stands for rebellion and Mutiny. Aerial navaigation Electronics and Radio. Roits and Political plots. Death by Suffocation, Anti religious and anti social. Muslim and immigration to Foreign Countries. Cancer disease since Rahu is also in the Sarp Dreshkanne and Present Rahu over the natal Rahu till 25th March 2019 . It is akin to Saturn in Hindu Astrology  Since Rahu is Afflicetd in Transit and Over the Natal Rahu may create the worst kind of enemies . It is a very Potent evil in the 6, th, 8th and the 12th house. Rahu in a Watery sign and when Adverse in the month of August and Sept. 2018 will be responsible for Jal Pralay in the number of Countries specially the China and the US. Indonesiaand Phillipines are also among other Countries which may fall prey of the Adverse Rahu and specially between the 9th Sept. to 4th Oct. 2018


Nut shell

 As per the above analysis US  being a War mongering Country and a Chidra dasha in operation will be the first to take aggressive steps for Wars of all kind , may be it is Trade ,or any Escalation of Brawl with other countries. Terrorism is not ruled   and since Rahu dasha is on the Brink US  seems to suffer the most since as per Varahamihra the Sign for Mundane events is Gemini sign and the Eclipses are taking place in the 8th house as per Gemini sign and in the 6th house over the natal Ketu as per the Foundation chart. It seems US is Trapped from all sides and may be the main reason for Crisis in the Financial and Stosk Markets . China will be aggressive but he anter dasha of Jupiter is not of an Aggressive planet , but may be involved in Wars and Untoward happenings  specially the Natural Disasters since the Eclipse is taking place on the Janam Nakshatra at exact degrees in the Lagna hence the Nation as a whole could be influenced . The Nakshatra is not 3.5 or 7th which are worst hence the Untoward happenings also may not be of the worst kind , but could definitely there . For US the Eclipse is also in the 12th house from the Natal Moon and in the Atimitra Tara which is supposed to be neutral and not good as the Mitra Tara , It could behave like 2 people fighting  and no help but when some is injured he is taken to the Hospital and till then they are spectators , unlike the Mitra Tara who also joins the fight and helps the native to fight against all ods and helps in every respect . Hence US could  suffer the Most it so seems . Writing again here Rahu in a Watery sign and when Adverse in the month of August and Sept. 2018 will be responsible for Jal Pralay in the number of Countries specially the China and the US. Indonesia and Phillipines are also among other Countries which may fall prey of the Adverse Rahu and specially between the 9th Sept. to 4th Oct. 2018. The Trade wars could only be sorted out after Venus goes in Retrogression and hence after 5th Oct. 2018 and then after 25th Oct. 2018 till the 1st Jan 2019  for a short while it so seems 

Another Article on the Vedic Progression chart of China “Vedic Progression Chart of China Oct. 2017-2018 : What it Foretells ?”…hat-it-foretells/  17th August 2017
Now the Media News 

“Hong Kong On Lockdown as Typhoon Mangkhut Arrives”

“Hundreds are still trapped from Florence’s flooding, and ‘the worst is still yet to come’ link

Hurricane Florence in Pictures: ‘1,000 year event’ storm lashes US East Coast

THESE shocking pictures show the true extent of Hurricane Florence – a powerful storm dubbed a “1,000 year event”.


‘Like a WAR ZONE’ 100 homes on fire after mass EXPLOSIONS tear through US towns


‘King of Storms’ China issues emergency alert as deadly horror Typhoon Mangkut looms ”

Seven dead and 40 gold miners feared trapped in Philippines landslide


“Trade-war fears to loom large over stocks “


ASTROLOGY IS AMAZING AND HAD PREDICTED LOUD AND CLEAR and the exact time frame from the 28th August 2018
Yes Saturn Direct and in its normal motion from today the effects can be seen , but Mars behind Ketu can also be instrumental in the since curve for stocks till 26th Sept. 2018 only
“Astrology Speaks Loud And Clear On The Stock And Financial Markets” More after 26th Sept. 2018 and 25th Oct. 2018
ASTROLOGY PREDICTED LOUD AND CLEAR ON THE STOCK AND FINANCIAL MARKETS . The Spikes disappeared after 28th August as Astrology predicted and not a single day the market has behaved with any spikes. Wait for some more news on this in Sept. 2018. Mars, Saturn and the Nodes acquire a special dinmension in the present scenario due to their changing their state of Motion . Rahu adverse and Gripping all the planets after 9th Sept. could prove venomous.
What ever is happening in the Stock and the Financial Markets is exactly in line . Wait for some more time and you will see more of this happening specially between the 6th to 11th Sept. 2018 and when Mars activates the Eclipse points of the Lunar and Solar Eclipses of the 28th July and 11th August 2018 on the 26th Sept and 25th Oct 2018 respectively. The worst will be when Saturn Stationary from 6th Sept. to 11th Sept. 2018 when Rahu will also be adverse till 8th Sept. 2018 and then again Rahu adverse just before the Mars activates the Eclipse point of ther Lunar Eclipse. Rahu can be most venomous from the 17th Sept. to 22nd Sept. 2018. As mentioned below the Paksha Kundalis of the 9th Sept. 2018 is most enigmatic due to the fact that there is Aroha Kaal Sarpa yoga from the 9th Sept. 2018.
This is with reference to my Article “Paksha Kundali of the 26th August, 9th Sept. 2018 Most Venomous: What They Foretell ?” link…at-they-foretell/
Mars and Saturn are now in Normal motion and Saturn and the Nodes reaching a point of Concern after the 25th-29th March 2019 and Saturn completing its 90 year cycle from 1929 after March 2019 can be a bolt from the blue for the Stock and the Financial Markets

In the present Scenario the worst time starts from the 17th Sept. to 4th Oct. 2018 for the Natural and Unnatural Calamities with magnitude . The Stock Markets could be impacted as well as already pointed out. Rahu adverse may add to the woes in the Financial Markets with magnitude . The Trade wars will not ease till 5th Oct. 2018 and more so till 25th Oct. 2018 for a short while till 16th Nov.2018 – 1st Jan 2019 , but 2019 will be worst as already predicted in my articles 




anil aggarwala Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 16th Sept. 2018 08-00 Pm  
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