Delhi Legislative Assembly Elections 2020 Arvind Kejriwal The Winner Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1121 Articles and Predictions in just 56 months from April 2015

In this Article I am using unique methods of Predictions other then Parashar.This will interest the Astrology Students . I am using the Dasha Varga charts , D6 of D10 for Career , Rudramasha chart and the DPYH chart for Progression by Mannu Smriti . The Results show Success for Arvind Kejriwal but issues of Health may also be on cards

As per the link the Delhi Legislative Assembly Elections will take place on the 8th Feb. 2020. In this Article I will discuss What the Star’s have up their sleeves for the Arvind Kejriwal ?

Let us see what the Date 8th Feb 2020 indicates for the above . The Election time is not stipulated but at 07-00 hrs the Lagna Rising is Capricorn and at 08-00 hrs the Lagna is Aquarius , in both cases the Lagna Lord is Vargottam in the Navamsha and the Dreshkanne Chart .The Lagna is represented by the Ruling Govt. till the Date of Elections and the 7th house denotes the oppositions . In Both cases the Lagna Lord seems to be stronger then the 7th Lord Moon at the time of 07-00 am and Sun at the time of 08-00 am. The Day Lord is placed in the yama of Taurus and the Yama Lord is placed in Exhaltation in the Prashna chart, hence it crystal clear indicates the Victory of the Ruling Party and hence the AAP The Sun placement with Saturn in the sign shows bhandan yoga and shows the interference of the Govt. at every Stage.
At the time of 07-00 am the 7th Lord is Moonand placed in own sign is good but it losses strength in the navamsha, saptamsha , although it is Vargottam in the Dreshkanne chart.
The 7th Lord moon and Sun at the time of the 7.00am and 8.00 am are in the yame of Mercury who is again places in the Sign of Saturn in the chart and indicate Saturn is stronger then the the 7th Lord in the time between 07-00 am to 08-00 am at the start of the Elections
Moon in the yama of the sign Gemini the house where Rahu is placed is not good for the opposition party and Yama Lord ill placed from Moon
If we take the 7th Lord as the Sun then Sun is placed in the yama of Leo and at that time the 7th Lord goes in the sign Virgo the 8th house of the Chart , hence both conditions the opponents are extremely weak .
Hence the win of Arvind Kejriwal coming out with Flying colors is certain

Let us have a Look at the Natal chart of Arvind Kejriwal of the 16th August 1968 07-30 hrs Bhiwani Harayana

The Native is Born with Leo Ascendant and the Garbshishta Planets are Sun and Rahu and ill placed from Venus 10th Lord shows the power loss in the Career, but fortunately the Mid Cusp Lord of the 10th house is Mars and well placed from the Garbshishta is a saving in the Chart. Another weakness in the chart of Arvind Kejriwal is both the Sun and Mars are in Sarp Dreshkanne and the Mid Cusp Lord of the 10th House is Debilitated , who is also the yogakarka for Leo ascendant.
If Lagna Lord is in Sarp D3 then he may not be able to grasp the things. Any thing he will not be able to react immediately . This kind of deficiency one will have in life, if LL is placed in sarp D3, life may have many emotional hurdles sprouting .In his chart the 9th Lord is in Sarp Dreshkanne , hence he will get benefit from Foreigners.
Achievements in life are also seen from the Lagna of the Dreshkanne chart showing our poorva janma karmas . Here the Lagna is represented by Jupiter in the sign Sagitarius and the dasha of the same is also in operationand with Venus the 10th Lord in the Lagna is good , but unfortunately both are ill placed from the MCL of the 10th house . The Anter Dasha in operation is of Moon who is well placed from jupiter, Venus and Mars , hence Jupiter-Moon dasha will give some achievements and he may rise to the pedestal again in the Delhi Legislative Assembly Elections. Strong Planets in the Lagna of D3 Jupiter, Venus and Moon most favourable in the Present Scenario NOTE THIS PARAMETER WHICH IS GOOD FOR CAREER

10th house from the Lagna is Taurus and empty , this factor is negative and he will have lot of Politics in his Career and get frustration
This factor controls the 60% effect in the Career
10th house from Moon is again empty but aspected by Sun and MCL of the 10th house, is good and he will work with complete devotion. this part only gives 30 % effect
10th house from Sun is again Saturn and Moon not very good a Vish Yoga
10th house from Saturn governs the Longevity and effect is only 10 % and is again as the above , hence the Career is only 50% Strong

KARKA SATURN The Planet which walks slowly is debilitated in all the Varga charts

This house is aspected by Jupiter, Venus and Mercury is Strong . It is the Shoooksham sthan of the Career and cushion, Since Strong the native will be work Alcholic, since the Lord is placed in the 9th house the person will have Position and Money , since connected to the Anter dasha Lord Moon in the Present Scenario will give Position from the July 2019 onwards to Nov. 2020 specially in the Dasha of Jup-Moon-Jup till 21st Feb 2020. NOTE THIS PARAMETER

The Lord is Mars and discussed above . There are 7 parameters to evaluate the Career from the MCL of the 10th house
1. First Condition is the MCL should be placed in Kendra or Trikona from the 10th house and the 10th Lord . Here MCl is Ill placed from the 10th Lord Venus. and MCL is not in Kendra or Trikona from the 10th house either, but in the 3rd from the 10th house and in 3/11 axis is not bad either
2. 2nd Condition is it is not in the upchaya house from Saturn
3. 3rd Condition is it is not in the 7th from Bhavat Bhavam
4. It is not in the 11th house from 10th Pada
5. Relation of MCL with 10th Lord 2/12 axis not good
6. Nakshatra Lord of Venus the 10th Lord is Venus and again in the 2/12 axis
7. MCL of 10th House placed well from Garbshishta Planets the native will get good Results . The Most Important Parameter for Career NOTE THIS PARAMETER FOR GOOD PLACEMET IN CAREER

The 10th Pada is Scorpio and is the shadow strength of the career , mishappenings are deliniated from this house . It is the sustaining capacity of the Career
Saturn is ill placed from this house but well placed from the Lord Mars
This sign is not afflicted , although the Lord is Debilitated is another weakness and hence gives suffering specially in the Dasha.

The Jupiter, Venus and Moon connection in the above chart in the sign Capricorn which is the 6th house of the Birth chart and the fate of ther Profession may give hin competition and gain in the same CONNECTED TO MCL OF 10TH HOUSE MARS. NORE THIS PARAMETER

The Sign is Gemini and Lord Placed in the Lagna with Jupiter and the 10th Lord is Good . 3/11 connection with 3 Planets in Lagna is very good , but Malefics in the Kendra from it difuses the situations . Since the Dasha is of Jupiter-Moon-Jupiter it will give good Results NOTE THIS PARAMETER FOR ELEVATION IN STATUS

In this chatt both are iin benefic vargas and placed in the trikonas . Hence achievements in the Dasha of Jupiter-Moon_Jupiter


Transit Saturn from the 24th Jan. 2020 will aspecT the MCL of the 10th house Mars will be excellent for him to win in the Delhi Assembly Elections . NOTE THIS PARAMETER FOR ELEVATION

The Sign is Sagitarius and is being aspected by both Jupiter and Saturn , This will impart elevation in Status for him in the coming Elections on the 8th Feb. 2020. NOTE THIS PARAMETER FOR ELEVATION IN STATUS

The Chart is of Cancer Lagna and Venus is placed in own house Libra who is the 10th lord of the Birth chart and the 9th Lord of the Dashamasha chart is strong . The Dasha Lords Jupiter and Moon are forming a Rajyoga in the sign Pieces indicates success in the immediate f=uture NOTE THIS PARAMETER FOR SUCCESS IN ELECTIONS

Jupiter Moon and Saturn placed well from the 10th house and Sun for elevation in Career . NOTE THIS PARAMETER FOR SUCCESS

The Chart is of Libra Lagna and Having Exhalted Saturn in the Lagna , although Jupiter is Debilitated in the 4th house but anter Dasha Lord Moon is very strong in the 10th house as the 10th Lord and with Sun the 11th Lord is strong Yoga for Success

The Jupiter-Moon-Saturn dasha from the 21st Feb. 2020 success and rising on the pedestal since Saturnis ERxhalted in the Lagna of this Dasha Varga chart

The Results are very good , but the sustaining power is low


Moon as the 10th Lord of the chart is in Amrit Bhaga is showing success for the Native , 10th Lord of Birth chart in own sign, Saturn the Nakshatra Lord of Moon in Amrit Bhag are good for Career and growth but affliction to Moon and Saturn health issues , specially when there is an eclipse formation in the 6/12 axis
The Lagna is Libra and the 3rd house of the natal chart and shows competitions and contemporaries, struggles in life . Moon in the nakshatra of Saturn who is in Amrit Bhag and is the YogaKarka for libra Lagna , the Lagna Lord is Placed in the Lagna and is also the 10th Lord of the Birth chart. Unfortunately Moon and Sun both are in Rahu Ketu axis and Saturn although in amrit Bhag is Fallen, hence Arvind Kejriwal although may rise to the Position may have health issues and relating to Chronic Throat Troubles, Water Born Diseases. He has to be careful since of the Eclipse formation

In the D60 Chart of the Progression Jupiter in the Lagna and Moon in Kendra excellent yoga


7th Jan. 2020 6.30 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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“Natal Chart Reflects Past Karmas,Deeds Of The Present Life Can Be Effectively Depicted,Only Through Prashna” My Interview With’EXPRESS STAR TELLER’

My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link…/
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