Delhi Court Rejects Robert Vadra Travel UK As Astrology Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

934 Articles and Predictions in just 48 months from April 2015

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This is with reference to my Article “What Star’s Foretell For Robert Vadra In Court Tomorrow 30th May 2019 ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
Reproducing some text here for ready reference below
Let Us Have a Look at the Chart of the 30th May 2019 at 10-30 hrs

The Plaintiff is the one who goes in the Court to seek justice and file a suit, In the above Case the Govt is the Plaintiff and Robert Vadra the Defendent
The Plaintiff is signifiesd by the Houses 9th to 2nd and the Defendent the 8th from the 3rd house and which so ever group of Planets have Benefics is the winner . In the above Case the Benefics are on the side of the Plaintiff, hence the defendent losses .

10th Lord Connected to the Lagna Lord or the 7th Lord will indicate who is at fault and who is guilty, since the 10th Lord Mars is connected to the 7th Lord Saturn the defendent is at Fault and also Guilty and intentions are not fair

Between the Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord 7th Lord Saturn is also Retrograde and hence weaker

Venus in the 10th house Fair Judgement will be given by the Court

Lagnesh and Moon are same hence the dispute may not Prolong

The Lagna is on the Fixed side , hence the case will proceed further

The Querist and the Defender will not gwt any relief since Moon and Lagnesh are not in Movable signs

Lagnesh is not in Kendra

Only one Benefic in the Kendra may be little good for Defender

DBA planets are Mer-Mars-Rahu and donot signify any relief for the defendent, but if the Case starts at 10.45 then the DBA Planets will be Mer-Mars-Jupiter , this seems to be good for Little while from 10-35 to 10-45 hrs are good and all other Time frame donot seems to work for him it so seems for travel to UK Specially

After 11.08 hrs the Lagna will change Hence the Only Possibility for Some relief is as Mentioned above and hence Bleek changes getting any Relief from the Court tomorrow
It is essentail to find the Intentions in the case and are indicated as[er the above crystal clear
This is Not my Opinion But Astrological Analysis . This may please be noted .

Now Read this below
“Delhi court permits Robert Vadra to travel abroad except UK for six weeks”
Special Judge Arvind Kumar permitted businessman Robert Vadra to travel to USA and the Netherlands as well as directed him to submit his travel schedule. However, the court did not grant permission to Vadra to go to London.

Astrology is Most amazing. Predictions on dot

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg Prod. Engg P.E.C Ch
BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Written on the 5th June 2019 at 07-00 hrs

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