Dec. 2020 Vaccines : Venomous Time Mars Fallen Luminaries In Gandantha Total Solar Eclipse Jupiter In Planetary War Rahu Adverse Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1455 Articles in just 68 months from April 2015

Dec. 2020  For Vaccines : Venomous Time Mars Fallen Luminaries In Gandantha Total Solar Eclipse Jupiter In Planetary War Rahu Adverse Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

I have been mentioning in all my Articles regarding Coronavirus that the most Venomous time frame for the Vaccines to be launched after the 8th Dec. 2020 due to the following Parameters

  1. Jupiter the Jeeva Planet is Vargottam till the 8th Dec. 2020 and after that it is reaching the Debilitation point after it goes in the Aquarius Navamsha . A Planet in Vargottam state is like in it’s Moola Trikona sign and strong but after that weak specially when entering Planetary war with Saturn at 6 degrees very close to Deep Debilitation point
  2. 14th Dec. 2020 Total Solar Eclipse at 29 degrees the Most sensitive parameter since  junction point of the Watery and Fiery sign and Luminaries are the life giving force and afflicted badly. The effect will be experienced more in the Countries where it is visible in the South America, Brazil, Argentina, Peru Pacific Ocean, but other Countries will also experience  but with lower intensity. The Luminaries in Gandantha  Rahu Adverse Planetary war of Jupiter and Saturn are parameters which will be experienced every where I feel so
  3. Mars the Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord of the Natural zodiac  and the Karka for diseases and Planet of Cure is fallen in the sign Pisces in the star of Mercury Revati again at the junction of Watery and Fiery sign and afflicted badly due to being fallen from the sign Aries in Pisces on the 4th Oct. 2020 and will remain in this state till the 24th Dec. 2020
  4. Planetary war between Jupiter and Saturn at 6 degrees on the 21st Dec. 2020
  5. As per Matsya Purana  the Classics for Omen  Planetary war between major Planets with in 7 days of the Eclipse is most Venomous  for the mankind due to diseases spread and other untoward happenings, wars, earthquakes ,  famine . But if there is rain in these 7 days then some grace. If after the Lunar Eclipse there is Solar Eclipse  on the first New Moon day Rulers and people suffer  at the hands of the Soldiers.
  6. Hence  the Month of Dec. 2020 and till Jupiter in the sign Capricorn after the 21st Dec. 2020 will be in Precarious condition
  7. Rahu Adverse  for 28 days in the month of Dec. 2020 . “Sura Suram Rahu Rog Harnam and Ketu Rog Karnam. ” Rahu unafflicted is amrit and brings out the Diseases from our body . Ketu Gives Diseases . Rahu Help in Research for Medicines . In Dec. 2020 is  in most afflicted condition specially from the 10th to 17th Dec. for what ever is happening in the Country may be it is Farmers agitation and Doctors agitation all is connected to Rahu Adverse .
  8. The Solar Eclipse will be there for 5 hours and the effect will be for 5 months precisely specially till the 5th April 2021 till Jupiter leaves the sign Capricorn and Mars in Pisces till 24th Dec. 2020
  9. After 24th Dec. 2020 Mars will be in Ashvini star supposed to be good for cure and vaccines . Specially Vaccines should be used after Mars in Aries only  to give the mankind some relief. In fact Vaccines should be launched only after Mars reaches the sign Aries after the 24th Dec. 2020

Have a Look at the Rahu Transit when Adverse in the Chart below

All the Above parameters indicate there cannot be total relief from the Vaccines and there could be side effects also specially when Vaccines are launched in Dec. 2020

Now Look all this was Predicted long back and now read the media News below

Why you should not worry about vaccine side effects

Why you should not worry about vaccine side effects (

About 2-10% of vaccine recipients can expect a reaction, data from the ongoing trials shows. It seems a small figure, but if 1 crore people take a shot, we are looking at 2 lakh to 10 lakh of them feeling sick for a day or two afterwards.

The Reason is crystal clear since at the time of Launch the Planetary positions are not conducive  as stated in the 9 points above. Comparing Coronavirus with Spanish Flue the Coronavirus may disappear only after Rahu goes in Aries  in Ketu star and Ketu in Libra in Rahu star after the 8th Feb. 2023.There can be some relief felt after Jupiter over takes Saturn  after the 5th April 2021  Unfortunately Jupiter in Aquarius is also not very strong since cannot Exalt in the navamsha but when it goes in the sign Pisces  in 2023 will give relief to the mankind since a Jeeva Planet .



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    The most Important Article Conjunction of Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reeling in Anguish and Pain link

    Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
10th Dec. 2020 22.00 hrs  NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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