Court Admits Charges Against Tharoor, Summons On July 7: What Stars Have Up Their Sleeves ?

by astrodocanil

Court admits charges against Tharoor, summons him on July 7 2018  dated 6th June 2018 .This is with reference to my earlier Article “Shashi Tharoor Abetted Sunanda Pushkar’s Suicide, Says Chargesheet: What StarsForetell ?” link…at-starsforetell/ dated 14th May 2018. Please red the last Line of the Article and point no. 9  “9. Further Saturn Degree conjunct and aspects by Mars on  – 7th June 2019 will be most venomous for him apart from the Present Transit of Mars and Saturn “9. Further Saturn Degree conjunct and aspects by Mars on  – 7th June 2019 will be most venomous for him apart from the Present Transit of Mars and Saturn ”  I had mentioned the 6th-7th June would be most Venomous for him and my Predictions have proved on dot for the same since the News from the Court comes  and summons against him on the 6th June to appear before the court on the 7th July 2018

First see the Chart of the 6th June 2018 w.r.t the planetary positions from the Natal Planets of Shashi Throor below. The Transit is as on the 6th June 2018(Today From Lagna)


Let us have a look at the chart of the 7th July 2018 to see what could happen on this day

The Panchang of the Day

The Day is Saturday and the Lord is Saturn

The Tithi is KP-9 a Rikta tithi and a malefic one

Nakshatra  Ashvini

Karna upto 13.12 Taitila and then Gar

Rahu Kaal 08-59 to 10-42 hrs

Lagna Sarni

08:35 – 10:52 Simha
10:52 – 13:09 Kanya
13:09 – 15:28 Tula
15:28 – 17:47 Vrischika
17:47 – 19:51 Dhanu 

The following planetary positions acquire a special dimension on the 7th July 2018 with respect to the Planetary positions in the Day of Birth of Shashi Throor 

  1. Transit Moon will be over the Natal Venus the Karka for Spouse in the same nakshatra and the same navamsha .
  2. Transit Venus will be over the natal Jupiter in the same navamsha and very close degrees . Natal Jupiter Retrograde and at 00.33 degrees and transit Venus will be 2.11 degrees .
  3. Transit Saturn Retrograde over the natal Mars in Sagitarius at very close degrees . Natal Mars 12.53 and Transit Saturn 11.04 and hence in the same navamsha. Transit Saturn also aspects the natal Rahu and Saturn by retrograde aspect in Scorpio. 
  4. Transit Mars and Ketu over the natal Moon  and Mars Retrograde and aspects the Natal Mars in Sagitarius by retrograde aspect . Transit Mars aspects the Natal Venus in the sign Aries and the Transit Venus  in the sign Leo by 8th aspect.
  5. Transit Sun at20.11 degrees aspects the Natal  Mars at 12.53 and the Transit Saturn at 11.04 degrees

Let have a look at the chart using the date of Death 17th Jan. 2014 and the time of the PCR call of 19.30 hrs and correcting the same as per the Jeeva Query as per Prashna Jyotish and the Time for a Jeeva Query could be at 19.12 hrs. Since it has to be in the 7th Navamsha in an even sign .

 The Day is Friday and the Lord is Venus  and placed in the yama of Virgo its debilitation sign and the 3rd house of the event chart where Mars is Placed and the yama Lord Mercury is placed in the 7th house  of the Spouse  where the Planet Sun is placed  which is a planet of detachment . The Day Lord Venus is Fallen in the 6th house  in sign Sagitarius after retrograding from the 7th house of Marriage and a Capricorn sign. The Day Lord  Venus has aspects  by Mars and Saturn 

Mars and Venus have very close inimical ithasla  see the degrees of both the planets . Venus has future ithasla with Saturn and the difference is 4.03 degrees  Hence More then  4years in terms of time and Subramanian Swamy has gone in the court exactly after this time.  

Lagna is in Mrityu Bhag at 22.00 degrees   Moon in the Lagna and Sun in the 7th house  indicate correctly that the person in question for Jeeva query will not survive  specially in such cases .  since one planet is in Retrogression  Rahu Becomes the Dara Karka in the event chart and is Placed in the 4th house  with 7th and 8th Lord Saturn aspects the Day Lord and the Karka for Marriage  Venus who is also a Fallen Planet . 4th House also has Gulika and Rahu is in Vishghati , clearly points out the death of Sunanda took place due to Drugs and Poison in the Food , Jupiter the Karka for spouse is Retrograde and placed in the 12th house and aspects the 4th house  as the 6th and the 9th Lord where Gulika, Saturn and Rahu are placed . As per Shastra Jupiter placement in the 12th house willgive malefic results of the 6th and the 9th house . The Karka for Marriage is afflicted badly along with Jupiter and both are retrograde pointing out both Shashi and Sunanda had multiple marriage . The Trouble will start when Moon was over Jupiter the  6th Lord and the Karka for spouse between the 15th to 17th Jan 2014 it so seems  . Now have a look at the chart below   Comparing the Transit of Planets on the 14th May 2018 and the Planets as per the D.O.B of Shashi Tharoor link

Now the Planets acquiring a special dimension with respect to the day of Death of Sunanda are as follows on the 7th July 2018 when Shashi will be in the Court

1.Transit Ketu on the 17th Jan. 2014 over the natal Venus in Aries  same degrees and same navamsha  and Transit Moon on these 2 Parameters on the 7th July 2018 .

2. Transit Sun at 20.33 degrees over the Retrograde Jupiter in Gemini at 19.51 degrees

3. Transit Rahu and Mercury over the Moon at the time of Death. moon at the time of Death 18.10 degrees in Cancer and Mercury in transit at 16.16 degrees and in the same navamsha .

4. Transit Sun at 20.33 degrees aspects the Venus fallen at the time of the event in Sagitarius at 23.35 degrees  Venus is also Retrograde

5. At the time of the event on the 17th Jan. 2014 Mars, Jupiter  and Saturn  aspects Venus  .Mars aspects degree-wise and Saturnand Jupiter close degrees  very close degrees . This Parameter acquires a special dimension more so since at the time of the Death of Sunanda the Natal Venus was having aspects by transit Mars, Saturn and Ketu was over it degree-wise , Transit Venus was also having aspect of all the 3 malefics if we take the aspect of Ketu also. Venus was also Fallen from Capricorn to Sagitarius

6. Transit Jupiter on the 7th July over the Natal Rahu and Saturn

7. Transit Saturn over the Venus in Sagitarius on the 7th July 2018

8. Transit Mars and Ketu over the Sun and Mercury at the time of the Death of Sunanda  and amazingly Mars over the Mercury in Capricorn at very close degrees and the same navamsha  Mercury 15.26 and Transit Mars Retrograde over Mercury at 14.29 degrees


On the 7th July 2018 the Planets which acquire a special dimension from the above Parameters are

  1. Venus  in Ketu Nakshatra
  2. Moon in Ketu Nakshatra
  3. Saturn in Ketu Nakshatra
  4. Jupiter in Rahu Nakshatra
  5. Mars Retrograde and with Ketu in close degrees
  6. Rahu with Mercury in Cancer sign
  7. Rahu in Saturn Nakshatra
  8. Sun has aspects of Retrograde Saturn
  9. Venus has aspects of Mars
  10. There is a possibility of the Court taking decisions when Moon and Venus have Poorna ithasla  at 2.41 degrees at 12.33 pm when Virgo sign is rising  and Lagna Lord Mercury with Rahu in the 11th house aspected by Mars and Ketu and the 11th Lord Moon in the 8th house  
  11. Once I get the exact time of the hearing I can throw some more light on the case , but looks punitive punishment for Shashi Throor .if the Court hearing with Virgo Lagna between the 10-52 to 13.09 hrs . Lagnesh and Moon both in movable signs if any adverse verdict then he will get a bail.
  12. If the Mercury will be in the 10th house with Libra Lagna rising after 13.09 to 15-28 then the Case will prolong for 2 reasons .Mercury afflicted in the 10th house and Moon and the Lagnesh not related at all. with Libra Lagna another date will be given.



anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 7th June  2018  18.00 hrs 
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