Could Syrian War Escalate The Brawl Between US-Russia ?

by astrodocanil

As per Media Reports “U.S., Britain and France Strike Syria Over Suspected Chemical Weapons Attack” Dated 13th April 2018. Shortly after the attack, the Syrian presidency posted on Twitter, “Honorable souls cannot be humiliated.” The Attack took place around the 18.56hrs. The strikes risked pulling the United States deeper into the complex, multisided war in Syria and raised the possibility of confrontation with Russia and Iran, both of which were supporting Mr. Assad with military forces. Within 90 minutes, the Russian ambassador to the United States warned of “consequences” for the allied attacks.

While Mr. Trump vowed as recently as last week to pull American troops out of Syria, he said he would remain committed to the goal of preventing further chemical attacks.

 2 Sites were Targeted

Let us have a look at the chart of the Time of Attack to see the future of the Brawl Between the US and the Syrian Regime 

The Panchang of the Day

The Day is Friday and the Lord is Venus placed in the 8th house of the event chart and is placed in the yama of Scorpio and the Lord is Mars  the 3rd and the 8th Lord laced with Saturn the 5th and the 6th Lord In Stationary Motion. The Yama Lord also aspects the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord  Mercury who is Debilitated and in Retrogression and attained Stationary mode , Hence it seems that the Results will be status Quo till Saturn is the Sign Sagitarius till 25th Jan. 2020 and More so till it attains back the Normal Motion on the 6thSep. 2018 . Since Saturn will go in Retrogression on the 18th April and its Stationary Motion as Retrograde will finish on the 23rd April 2018 there is possibility of US attacking Syria again on these dates and the Brawl will continue between the Nations . Both the  Life giving sources Sun and Moon are afflicted , hence there could also be loss of Lives in the attack. Moon connected to the 6th house and the 6th Lord in Stationary motion indicates the same . The Karna Lord is also Venus and placed in the 8th house and after  2nd May Mars the Yama Lord will aspect 8th house , but by then the Karna Lord and the Day Lord will ingress in Taurus  on the 19th April 2018 , Hence till 19th April 2018 the planetary positions may not be good in the present scenario. Though the Escalation in the Brawl between the Countries can take an ugly dimension from 2nd May to 6th Nov. 2018 for 187 days and specially around the July Eclipses in 2018, when Mars and Saturn are in Stationary mode between the 28th August to 11th Sept. 2018 and more likely when Mars activates the Eclipse points of the Lunar and Solar Eclipses on the 26th Sept and 25th Oct. 2018 respectively . This Time frame could be most venomous for the Brawl Between the US and the Russia 

The 10th house from the Lagna is stronger than the 10th house from the 7th house also the Lagna Lord will Gain strength after it Moves out of Debilitation on the 9th May 2018 and the 7th Lord of opponents remains in Retrogression till 10th July 2018. hence US is Stronger here then Syria regime and Russia may come to the rescue of its Friend Assad and join the Brawl with US . As per the timing  Mercury and Mars  attain special dimension and Mars is in the 7th Navamsha, hence the Brawl will be in the present scenario for 7 days  with Magnitude and as per Mercury for 3x4x2 =24 months total Tension between the Nations involved upto 13th April 2020 . The Tension is for 7 days and Russia joining the Syria against US cannot be ruled out  in the time frames mentioned above  


anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 15th April  2018 19.50 hrs.
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