Coronavirus Epidemic Far From Over In Asia Started To Take Ugly Dimensions As Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1258 Articles and Predictions in just 59 months from April 2015

The Planetary War betwen Mars and Saturn Proves enigmatic One for the COVID-19 although the Good Part may be a Developement of a Vaccine which may have limitations till 28th May 2020 when Mercury and Moon come out of the Grip of the Nodes
As per Medic News The coronavirus epidemic is “far from over” in the Asia-Pacific region, and current measures to curb the spread of the virus are buying time for countries to prepare for large-scale community transmissions, a WHO official said on Tuesday.

The Mars and Saturn Conjunction is Proving dreaded one as Predicted and there may not be much relief specially till Moon and Mercury get out of the Grip of the nodes on the 28th May 2020. The Mars Saturn and Jupiter in the U Shadha Nakshatra are conducive for a Vaccine to be developed but will have some limitations since all the planets in the present scenario are in the Aroha Kaal Sarpa Yoga and Rahu and Ketu are in the Most dreaded Nakshatra ‘ARDRA’ lord of Storms and Tears and ‘MOOLA’Lord of Destruction for violence clalmities and virulant virus respectively. If the Lockdown is not continued till 28th May 2020 then there is a possibility of a relapse in the COVID-19 after Jupiter Falls back in Sagitarius in most afflicted condition which may also be worst for China since China has the 22DK Lord Kharesh Fallen in the 12th house in the sign Sagitarius and will be activated by the Transit Jupiter in fallen state from the 30th June 2020 to 27th Sept. 2020. In the case of India also Sagitarius sign is the 22DK and the 8th house . The Solar Eclipse on the 21st June 2020 will add woes to the COVID-19 since Mars the ammunition dump will activate the eclipse point of 6 degrees between the 28th to 30th June 2020. Unfortunately Jupiter will also join Ketu in 22DK sign of the China and India on the 30th June 2020, this may prove to be most venomous
I had Recorded another Video on the COVID-19 On the Link

Unfortunately the Video Recording was not complete. Let me complete by way of the Text here below

India is running the Dasha pf Moon-Saturn-Mercury and unfortunately Sun Venus Ketu Saturn and Mercury are in Sarp Dreshkanne supposed to be enigmatic specially Ketu the disease Karka for Virus and Diseases and this Dasha exactly started on the 11th March 2020 when the Cases started to increase in India . The Dasha of Moon-Saturn-Ketu from the 31st May to 4th July 2020 may be enigmatic one since as per the Rudramsha chart the Ketu is placed in the Lagna with Rahu and Mars and Saturn the anter dasha Lord in the 8th house as the Lagna Lord . Hence this dasha may be enigmatic one for India more so the Jupiter will fall back in the 8th house and the 22DK sign on the 30th June 2020 and Both Ketu and Jupiter will be in this Khar Dreshkanne till 20th Sept. 2020 May be most enigmatic . One Parameter which cannot be ignored is that between the 25th to 28th May 2020 Moon and Mercury will be out of the Aroha Kaal Sarpa Yoga which may give some relief but Jupiter Falling back giving relapse is not ruled out since Jupiter will be in most afflicted condition and till both Jupiter and Ketu are there in Sagitarius will be time of COVID-19 Taking a Magnitide again . Finally when Ketu leaves the sign and is out of the Gandantha on the 27th Sept 2020 may give some major relief and when Jupiter also leaves the Sign on the 20th Nov. 2020 may give some more relief. Finally when Mars goes in the sign Aries on the 24th Dec to 21st Feb 2021 will be a good time and the world and will be free from the woes of this Virus.God Bless us all.
Also Read the following Articles
My Articles
The most Important Article Conjunction odf Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reel ing in Anguish and Pain link

Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala



Read My Articles below
1. ” Planetary War Of Superior Planets in ‘ZENITH’ Capricorn As Predicted Rashi Sanghata Chakra Foretell’s Dreaded Time Frame Till 16th April 2020 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”
2. “The Conjunction Of 3 Superior Planets In Capricorn ‘ZENITH’ Planetary War Of Mars Saturn 29th March – 2nd April 2020 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”
3. “A Comprehensive Astrological Study Of The Planetary Positions For ‘COVID-19’ What They Have Up Their Sleeve’s ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
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