Coronavirus Could Prove Fatal For US And See More Deaths Compared To Sept 2001 & Pearl Harbor Attack Every Day Next 4-5 Months Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1459 Articles and Predictions in just 68 months from April 2015

Coronavirus Could Prove Fatal For US And See More Deaths Compared To Sept 2001 & Pearl Harbor Attack Every Day Next 4-5 Months Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

This Article is written with Reference to the Coronavirus spread in US after the Solar Eclipse which could be worst for the US as can be seen from the Planetary positions. Jupiter the jeeva Planet will be in afflicted condition in Capricorn till the 5th April 2021  is a matter of Concern for the Mankind for diseases, Prosperity and wealth. The Luminaries in the Gandantha at 29 degrees adds fuel to the fire along with Rahu adverse for 28 days in the month of Dec. 2020. Why specifically US is for thereason that Saturn is the 6th and the 7th Lord for Leo Ascendant of US and Jupiter the 5th and the 8th Lord . This conjunction therefore is most malefic for the Leo ascendant more so the Conjunction in the 8th house from the Gemini sign allocated to US by Varahamihra and the Solar Eclipse in the 6th house from the Gemini and the 6th Lord Fallen at the time of the Solar Eclipse 

The Total Solar Eclipse on the 14th Dec. 2020 could prove enigmatic for US India and China as already mentioned by me in my Article “Conjunction Of Jupiter & Saturn From 20th Nov.-5th April 2021 Turning Point For Nations Specially India China & US Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

The Solar Eclipse of 14th Dec. 2020 taking place in the 7th house of the Foundation chart the sign Scorpio for India  In the Ascendant of the China Foundation chart  In the  4th house of US foundation chart and in the 6th house from the sign Gemini allocated to US by Varahamihra. We have already seen the ill effects of the Eclipse even before the actual happening  in India and US and needless to mention any thing here .

My fear that US will see more deaths every day as compared to  Pearl Harbor Attack and 11th Sept. 2001 Terrorist Attack in the coming 4-5 months as can be seen from the planetary positions

Attack on Pearl Harbor

7 December 1941 LocationOahuHawaii Territory, U.S
2,335 killed
1,143 wounded

The Attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service upon the United States against the naval base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, just before 08:00, on Sunday morning, December 7, 1941

From Dec. 1941 US is  running the 80th year  hence the Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn now as against Jupiter and Saturn conjunction in Taurus

See the Chart Below  of the 7th Dec. 1941 and the Planetary positions today and compare them

Now see the Planetary Positions parallel on the Day of Solar Eclipse  14th Dec. 2020 and 7th Dec 1941

  1. Saturn and Jupiter Conjunct  in Earthy sign in both cases
  2. Jupiter Fallen at the time of Pearl Harbor attack Now Debilitated and will be in Planetary war with Saturn
  3. Mars in Pisces in both cases
  4. Sun and Mercury in Scorpio in both cases  and Eclipse over this sign now on the 14th Dec. 2020
  5. Now Rahu over the Saturn and Jupiter over the Sign Taurus at the time of the Pearl Harbor
  6. Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn sign now over the Venus at the time of Pearl Harbor

September 11 attacks

11 September 2001
The September 11 attacks, often referred to as 9/11, were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Wahhabi terrorist group Al-Qaeda against the United States on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001. Wikipedia
Date11 September 2001
 Have a Look at the chart Below  of the 11th Sept. 2001 and compare with the Transit on the 26th Dec. 2019 and also with 14th Dec. 2020
The Following parameters acquire important dimension
1. Rahu-Ketu at the time of 9-11 in the Gemini-Sagittarius axis at 9.11 degrees  and in the Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019  Sun and Moon were in the same axis at 9.56 degrees in Sagittarius over Ketu  . Mars was very close to Ketu the disease karka  on the 9-11 and we all know at the time of the Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019 there were 6 planets in Sagittarius
 Now this Eclipse  of the 14th Dec. 2020 is taking place after the completion of the 19th Year and the 20th year running from 2001  and Every 20 Years the Effect of the Jupiter and Saturn conjunction is seen. The 9-11 episode took place after the conjunction of the Jupiter and Saturn in the sign Taurus now in Capricorn. The worst could also be when Jupiter and Saturn both Retrograde and in Capricorn from the 15th Sept. to 21st Nov. 2021 
26th Dec. 2019 Solar Eclipse
From  the cases above  we come to the conclusion that In all the Cases   Jupiter and Saturn  Conjunction has brought untoward happenings. Also Rahu and Ketu in the Gemini-Sagittarius axis is most Venomous and when activated also were responsible  for untoward happenings
 The  5 Planets in the sign Scorpio is most Enigmatic now  when the Solar Eclipse is taking place now on the 14th Dec. 2020
 The Jupiter immediately loosing in Planetary war with in 7 days from the Eclipse is enigmatic one for  Wars, Virus, Earthquakes, Political Turmoil , Strikes, Agitations  and Disturbance in weather also since Mercury is totally eclipsed by Ketu. The Virus  spikes are not ruled out . A new Virus also cannot be ruled out since Moon is in Jyestha star also most enigmatic . Rahu Adverse  in transit at the time of the Eclipse at a stretch and US running the Dasha of Rahu-Rahu placed in the 12th house  till 27-6-2021 is most  Venomous and Enigmatic
The Grace will only be if it rains  with in 7 days of the Eclipse before the Planetary war of Jupiter and Saturn. Please note this then there could be some relief else it could be worst. This is asper the Matsya Purana the Omen Classics of Astrology

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    The most Important Article Conjunction of Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reeling in Anguish and Pain link

    Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
13th Dec. 2020 09.00 hrs  NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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