Conjuction of Venus and Jupiter in Paksha Kundali of 2nd June 2015 : Classical Combination of Blood Shed on Earth

by astrodocanil

May has been the Month of Earthquakes and untoward happenings , due to the fact that Mars the significator of Bhoomi in Earthy Sign afflicted badly and in the Nakshatra of Rohini where Moon Exhalts. Moon is mind and also Karka for the People at Large and when afflicted would effect the Masses hence for this reason Malefics in Rohini are not supposed to be Good.  Moon had 27 wives and Rohini was the most Beautiful amongst the other 26. Rohini afflicted till 6th June is another para meter for crime against women.

The Fortnight starting from 2nd June 2015 21.49 hrs till 16th June 2015 is an Fortnight to be remembered and will leave a mark in the history, since as per Classical Text Myur Chitram of Mundane Astrology , Conjuction of Venus and Jupiter in a sign  gives Bloodshed on Earth more so , since the combination is taking place in the 8th house of the Sagitarius Paksha Kundali  for India.

Nepal Capricorn Paksha Kundali for Nepal and this Conjuction aspecting the Lagna of the Paksha Kundali, Nepal has this Conjuction of Venus and Jupiter in Pieces Lagna, unfortunately the Dasha in operation for Nepal is also Venus-Jupiter -Mars , we have already seen the untoward happenings concerning repeated Earthquakes in the Country, Hence till 16th June 2015 it will be most unfortunate for Nepal and all those countries who have this Combination and Dasha in Operation concerning the same  and Specially between the 2nd June to 6th of June 2015 it could be disasterous for Nepal.

Egypt has Combination of Venus and Jupiter in Taurus in the 2nd House and Eclipses taking place in 1/7 axis of Moon  is crucial.

Estonia Has this conjuction of Venus and Jupiter in the 8th house  in Leo.

Indonesia Has this conjuction of the two planets in the 9th house in the sign of Capricorn and in transit this will be activated in the 7th house from the 9th house and will be activated . The eclipses have taken place in the 1/7 axis of Moon natal in Pieces. Strong untoward happening till the fortnight starting from 18th May 2015 and even beyond 2nd June till Jupiter  is in Cancer sign till 19th June 2015.

Israel has this Jupiter and Venus in 1/7 axis in the 4/10 axis of the horoscope .

Malaysia has placement of these 2 planets in the 1/7 axis  and in the 5/11 axis of the Horoscope .

New Zealand  has this conjuction in the 3rd house in Scorpio and Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the Foundation chart .

Norway this combination in Taurus the 10th house of the chart  and Eclipses in the 2/8 axis .

Spain  Has Jupiter and Venus in the 1/7 axis with Pieces Lagna and this conjuction taking place in the 5th house , Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the foundation chart over these two planets .

Japan Saturn in Virgo 16 degrees  is Prone . I have already mentioned in my Paksha Kundali of 18th May 2015 , that the country is Prone to Earthquakes .From 1st June to 6th June Mars will remain in Rohini nakshatra , therefore  most Prone to Earthquakes and more so on the 1st and 2nd June when Lumanaries will be in Earthy sign

Srilanka These planets are in the 1/7 axis  in the 5/11 axis of the foundation chart , this conjuction taking place over the 12th house . Eclipses over the 1/7 axis of Moon.

USA Conjuction of these planets in the 11th house and Transit Conjuction in the 12th house over the Antar dasha lord Mercury and Dasha of Mars  who is with Jupiter and Venus in the natal chart, Eclipses in the 2/8 axis and in the 1/7 axis of Saturn placed in the sign Virgo , Most crucial.

Afganistan  Jupiter and Venus in the 1/7 axis of the foundation chart and this conjuction of the planets taking place in the 2nd house  and  Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of Moon in Pieces in the 10th  house .

The Hot Spots in the world will be in 2 Triangles . One Tensions in India, Pakistan and Afganistan Triangle. Second one  Israel, Palestine and Iran with Sunni Muslim Countries  opposing Israel   also fearing Shia  Domination through  Iran. The Religious Fundamentalism will be the main parameter which would  sprout the Clash of Civilization. Hence self annihilating Crusade is on the cards and inevitable. USA intervening in the above and a Military action on the hideouts of ISIS in Iraq  will escalate the issues and hence the results of the Venus and Jupiter conjuction till 19th June 2015


Let us discuss the same with respect to The Paksha Kundali  of the 2nd June 2015 of 21.49 hrs . is below.

Paksha Kundali 2-6-15

Lagna is Sagitarius the 8th house of the India Independence chart and the Lagna nakshatra is of Venus who is the Lagna Lord of the India independence chart and  the 6th and 11th house of the Paksha Kundali is placed in the 8th house forming a Volatile Conjuctions as Per classical Texts of Mundane Astrology written in Myur Chitram.

The 8th house is the 3rd house of the India independence chart and as already mentioned in all my articles that 3rd house is Neighboring Countries and Significations of the 3rd house mentioned earlier .

The 8th Lord Moon is Deblitated and placed in the 12th house badly afflicted by 12th Lord  Mars and with Mercury the 7th and 10th Lord Mercury signifies Conspiracy and Espionage by Foreign elements.

The Lumanaries are badly afflicted and connected to 6,8 and 12 houses is an enigma of this Paksha Kundali of this Fortnight .

There are malefics in the Kendra and no Benefic aspect on the Lagna or the 8th house on the malefic conjuction.

The Lagna Lord in the 8th house in a friendly sign is a saving, it can go through 8 type of Sufferings 1. Pain 2. Grief 3. Fear 4. Shame  5. Disease, 6. Sorrow. 7. Prison  8. insult and Humiliations . hence the ruling Govt. could go through these parameters .  Lagna Lord is Stronger than the 7th lord Mercury .Hence inspite of the opposition Parties raising a voice against the Ruling Govt. may be able to dent definitely but not successful in their mission, Jupiter and 11th Lord in 8th house , there will be Financial issues  and Dollar may touch a new high. The Public at Large will be unhappy during this Fortnight .9th house of the Paksha kundali is aspected by Mars and Saturn from Trik Bhavas and 9th Lord Sun having mutual aspect of the 9th lord  Saturn of the India Independence chart  and Karka for 9th house in the 8th house and over the 3rd house of the India independence chart . Hence issue regarding Religon may also cropup this fortnight . Jupiter and Saturn Connected to Trik Bhavas with Venus , there may be Vehicular Accidents , Libra an  Airy signs is afflicted  hence ther ecould also be air Crashes in this fortnight .


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala  17th May 2015

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