Cold Moon 2020: Lunation Chart of 30th Dec. Know About Last Highest Full Moon 2020 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

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Cold Moon 2020: Lunation Chart of 30th Dec. Know About Last Highest Full Moon 2020 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

 The year 2020 winds up with the Full Cold Moon on Tuesday, the last of the 13 full moons this year. The Cold Moon in December will be accompanied by Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, spotted high in the southern skies after sunset. The month of December 2020 had another surprise when we witnessed the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn.  According to the Almanac, the Cold Moon is known as so because it is during this time that the nights become long and dark and the winter cold fastens its grip. The temp. may drop in the Northern Part of the Country. The Lunation chart is not very conducive  for Good results coming in the fortnight  and aggression of the Neighbouring Countries cannot be ruled out
The Lunation is taking place on the 30th Dec. 2020 at 8-58 hrs  today. Let us see the Chart of the same below
The Day is Wednesday and the Lord is Mercury Placed in the 12th house of the chart is not good. The Lord Jupiter is placed in the Lagna Debilitated and Lost in Planetary war with Saturn the Ascendant Lord Placed in own house forming a Shasha Yoga although the Lagna is strong Jupiter weak shows that there will be no prosperity wealth and health. The Day Lord is placed in the yama of Taurus the 5th house of the chart and where Rahu  is Placed . The Yama Lord Venus is placed in the 11th house afflicted badly by Ketu and Mars from the 4th house . The 4th house is also the house of the Farmers . Hence it is crystal clear of the Farmers taking an aggressive stance . The 4th house also has a Strong Ruchika Yoga.  Lagna is strong but since there are Malefics in the Kendra from Saturn and the Lagna there may be strife and Struggles on account to the Farmer’s agitation and no peace
The Moon is placed in the 6th house  and  has aspects by 6th Lord and the 8th Lord . Moon is also the 7th Lord  and placed in the 6/8 axis with the Lagna and Lagna Lord  clearly shows the Opponents will  not leave any stone unturned to spoil the image of the Ruling Govt. specially with regard to the Farmer’s agitation.
Capricorn sign Rising in the Lagna is the 9th house of the Foundation chart which has  aspects by 5 Planets in the foundation chart from the 3rd house of neighbours . Hence Concern of the Relations with the neighbouring Countries China and Pakistan cannot be ruled out . Religious Fundamentalism also on the cards
The Following Parameters are of Concern
1. Venus the Lagna Lord of the India Foundation chart afflicted badly in Scorpio till the 3rd Jan 2021
2. Taurus-Scorpio axis afflicted  by Nodes
3. Capricorn Sign has Jupiter and Saturn in Planetary war
4. Mars and Saturn in square position and both in own house . Mars is stronger since in own navamsha  where as Saturn in the Pisces navamsha .
5. Mars is placed in the 12th house of the Foundation chart and owns the 7th and the 12th house  and aspects the Venus and Ketu in the 7th house asper the Foundation chart. Hence espionage from the Foreign elements cannot be ruled out.
After the 3rd Jan 2021 Precious Metals may become bullish
Mercury will join Capricorn sign on the 4th Jan. 2021 this will add fuel to the fire being the 6th  and 9th Lord . Precious metals will also rise further . Jupiter  joining shravana star  on the 7th Jan 2021 Gold and Silver will turn Bearish
Mercury west Rising on the  15 days  and Saturn getting combust on the 10th Jan 2021 Bullish Trend in the Stock Markets . Increase in Diseases and Virus. Suffering to Mankind . Rains  some where more and somewhere less.
Saturn and Jupiter in the ascendant  the Country will be influenced by both these Planets and hence cold wave, Progress , Prosperity and Health may suffer. Mars and Saturn in Square position Earthquakes cannot be ruled out. Aggressive stance by Neighbours on the Cards as predicted

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First Astrologer To Predict Virulent Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer Anil Aggarwala. Not a Single Astrologer gave all these detailed Predictions on the Coronavirus Spread in 2020. 

    The most Important Article Conjunction of Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reeling in Anguish and Pain link

Also My Articles in the ‘EXPRESS STAR TELLER’ in the Nov. 19 and Jan 2020 edition LINK…/my-article-rahu-and-ketu-in…/
Please Read My Articles on my Webpage link…


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner
 30th Dec. 2020 10.00  Hrs. 
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