Coastal Countries Prone To Catastrophic Natural Disaster 12th Jan.-28th May 2025

by astrodocanil

“Coastal Countries Prone To Catastrophic Natural Disaster 12th Jan.-28th May 2025”

The Solar Eclipse  and the Pisces New Moon Chart fall on the same day on the 29th March 2025 16:27 hrs New Delhi

The Chart is of Leo Lagna and the Lord is placed in the 8th house  and the 8th Lord in the 10th house , there is also exchange of the 8th and the 10th Lord is most explosive parameter for the Head of the States and the Prime Minister of the Country. There are 5 planets in the 8th house where the Lunation is taking place and in few hours Saturn will also join the 8th house  and aspects the 8th house and the 8th Lord. This also indicates a major Catastrophe is on the Cards from Feb. to May 2025 in India and the whole world which people may not imagine. Some Coastal Countries may be influenced adversely by Tsunami. Demon Rahu in Pisces watery sign will be on the steering wheel and has the capacity to turn the tables and prove catastrophic along with Mars in Watery sign. The worst is the 12th-13th Jan. when Mars will be closest to the Earth

The nakshatra’s in the Pisces are that of Jupiter the Lord of the 12th house of the natural zodiac, Saturn himself Lord of 10th and 11th of the Zodiac and that of Mercury the Lord of the 3rd and the 6th house, Saturn and Mercury are friends where as Saturn and Jupiter are not friends and are neutral towards each other. Hence till 3.20 degrees Saturn will not give good results  and more so after Saturn in direct motion crosses 20 degrees in Aquarius on the 28th Dec. 2024

Eclipse in the totally watery sign Pisces-—– It will effects the shores of Ocean, pearls, sea bed, foresters, scholars, people dealing in water products. Much mortality among people. Destruction of fish and sea food and trouble to people living around Coastal area and sea. Coastal Countries Like Japan, Indonesia, Philippines , US and Bangladesh may be  Most  Prone to Earthquakes of high intensity and Tsunami.

A major catastrophe is seen in the world from the 12th Jan to 28th May 2025—— Note this time frame . One the 12th -13th Jan. and then between the 3rd to 5th April 2025 are most prone dates .This Catastrophe will be the News of the world. Mark my Predictions. Demon Rahu is also afflicted  for 54 days between Feb  and May out of 85 days

The Solar Eclipse will be influenced by Saturn since with Rahu and Mars will aspect Ketu, this may cause death by assassination of Politicians and Celebrities. The Eclipse point is14.47 degrees and will be activated by Mars when in Leo after the 7th June on the 2nd July 2025 and can prove ammunition dump for the world. Mars from Leo will also be with Ketu and aspect Retrograde Saturn in Pisces at this time is most explosive .

Also Read my Article 54 Days Demon Rahu Becomes Catastrophic Feb-April 2025 For Stock Markets Tsunami, Earthquakes Geopolitical Situations – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala


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