Cloud of Terrorism By ISIS Looming over the World: What Stars Foretell For2016

by astrodocanil

According to the Theory propounded by Mr. K . N Rao as per the Book “The Nehru Dynasty by Vani Publications” when eclipses fall  in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Sun, Moon , it is supposed to be a malefic stance . I have also observed if this Eclipse falls in the 2/8 axis it can also bring havoc, specially when there is major dasha of Rahu or Ketu or a planet influenced by these nodes., When Mars reaches or aspects the eclipse point then it would mean an ammunition dump, which is only possible by Mars to ignite this point and in this context .

Also as per the Paper Produced by Shri K.N Rao “Glimmer of Hope in a Strife Torn World” in the year Oct. 2010″

Placement of Mars in the horoscope of a nation defines its war mongering tendencies.

1.Placement of Mars in the chart of the nation . Placement of Mars in the 3,6,7 and 12th house  shows troubling  neighbours, getting involved in boarder clashes, war or suffering as a result of foreign plots. This can also happen when Mars aspects these houses and their Lords, or conjunct with them.

We can further divide it into  two different categories, Most Prone and Prone.

(A) Most Prone  category will be the countries who have Mars placed in the  12th house and the 3rd house /aspecting the Lords or in conjunction .

(B) Prone will be Mars in the 6th , 7th , 9th and Lagna/aspecting 3,6,7,and 12th lords /conjunction. Countries having Mars in the 7th house will try to dominate on other countries , this is another sensitive point in the chart , since 7thhouse being the house of foreign affairs and war, we can take it as Most Prone as well. Prone Countries having Mars in the 7th house will also be subjected to war like conditions  more than in the Mars in the  6th or the 9th house . Hence Mars Placed in the 7th house will be Category B .

( C) Category C  Prone Mars placed in the 6th and the 9th house Prone

2. According to same authority (Shri K.N. Rao) the role of the 7thlord its Maha-dasha/Anter-dasha /Pratyanter-dasha  or its conjunction or aspect on other planets can cause war and strife. We can further analyse it by 7thhouse/Lord affliction as well .

Dasha of planets who are aspected or influenced by Mars in the chart specially who have Mars placed in the most critical houses as explained above.

Role of Pratyanter-dasha could be terrorist activities clashes on the boarder etc..

Role of Anter-dasha could be terrorist activities, clashes on the boarder for a longer period which can lead to war like situations.

Role of Maha-dasha will be same but in segmented portions when PD is also involved.

Transit Parameters which influence the War like situations, Man made, Natural calamities in the Present context.

1.Saturn in Rahu-Ketu axis. or Influencing Rahu-Ketu. In the Present transit Saturn will aspect Rahu in Leo after Rahu ingresses in Leo on the 9th Jan 2016                                                                                                

2.Conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, strangely are the times of disaster and blood shed. Hardeo Shastri Sharma Trivedi use to make brilliant use of this time tested principle given in the  classic “Mayur-Chitram”. Jupiter and Venus were conjunct in Leo this year we all know in the month of  July-August 2o15

 4.Role of Eclipses .28th Sept. 2015 Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Pieces at 10.35 degrees in U. Bhadra Nakshatra critical for Virgo and Pieces Lagna, Moon sign and Sun Sign. Eclipses in March 2016 when the Divine Planet Jupiter Totally afflicted by its Retrogression and with Rahu  Forming Guru Chandal Yoaga and afflicted by Saturn.In the Solar Eclipse on the 9th March 2016 Mars aspects the Eclipse and in the Lunar Eclipse of 23rd March 2016  Saturn aspects the Eclipse are crucial Parameters for untoward happening  and more so Mars will aspect the Eclipse again and again since it will go in retrogression and activate the Solar Eclipse point will produce venomous results pertaining to War, Terrorism, Blasts.

5.Saturn –Jupiter conjunction/mutual aspect, which mitigates or even saves the situation. This opposition was there in Oct. 2011 , since Saturn was in Virgo and Jupiter in Pieces. Further when Rahu and Ketu activate this axis there are major Changes in the World after the Eclipses  as mentioned above by Mr. K N Rao Theory . Finally when  Mars activates the Eclipses in this axis Trigers the untoward happening for terrorism, Blasts , War with in the country or with neighbors .In the Present Context  Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu have activated the Virgo-Pieces axis and Now Mars is activating the  Virgo signon the 3rd Nov. 2015 we have experienced the most turbulant and brutal time with respect to Brutal Terrorism and  most venomous events have taken place in Egypt the downing of the Russian Plane KGL-9268, Paris Massacare , Mali Terrorism, Tunasia Firing.

6.Mars and Saturn in  Mutual aspect or in conjunction. On the 20th Feb. 2016 Mars and Saturn will be Conjunct in Scorpio for 211 days till 21st Sept. 2016. Mars will go in Retrogression and fall back in Librs for 25 days on the 18th June 2016 will be most crucial in the Present Scenerio for warlike situations . The Terrorism may escalate into a war between the Countries .

The Lunation chart of the Fortnight Starting from 5th June 2016 is adding Fuel to the fire, since Lumanaries aspected by Mars and Saturn both in Retrogression, Venus in Planetary war with Saturn and Jupiter in Guru Chandal yoga aspected by Saturn.

7. Rashi and Nakshatra Sanghatta Chakra to seen for affliction of the Rashis and the Nakshatras.

 8.Mars,Saturn and Rahu-Ketu in Kendra from each other or in conjunction. Mars and Rahu are in conjunction since 3rd Nov. 2015 and the Brutal events listed above. Mars and Rahu were degree conjunct on the 13th Nov. 2015 and the Paris Masacare took place. Mars will ingress in Scorpio on the 20th Feb. 2015 for 211 days and aspect Ketu in Aquarius till 21st Sept. 2016 and Saturn aspect on Rahu will be the most critical factor in the present Scenerio since Mars will also go in Retrogression and activate the Eclipse Point of March 2016 again and again, could trigger the warlike conditions with multifold magnitude. This period can provoke the war mongering countries to take aggressive steps towards disturbing the Peace of the Globe since either there will be Terrorism in their Countries or they will take part to Combat the Terrorism of ISIS. Middle East Countries could become the epicentre of war.

Countries MOST PRONE  Category A  who could be responsible are those having Mars Connection to the 12th or the 3rd house in the foundation chart or connected to their Lords . The Following are the Countries.


Chart 14th May 1948 16.00 hrs Tel Avis Israel   Virgo Lagna   29.54 degrees chitra nakshatra. Mars is placed in the  most sensitive 12th house and aspects the 3rd, 6th, 7th house , makes the nation most vunerable for war mongering. Mars is also 8th Lord.Since 3rd Nov. 2015 transitting over Lagna along with Rahu. Mars will transit over natal Ketu on the 24th Dec. 2015 and on the 20th Feb. 2016 will transit in Scorpio along with Saturn for 211 days , Eclipses taking place in the month of March 2016 will be instrumental for Israel getting into War like situations . The Dasha Mars Starting in Feb. 2016 will be instrumental for the same. After 20th Feb. 2016 Rahu will Transit over natal Mars and Natal mars will activate the Transit Mars in Scorpio in the 3rd House with Saturn. Hence till 21st Sept. 2016 will be critical for Israel, Mars will fall back in Libra over Natal ketu after 18th June 2015 for 25 days will be the time of War for the Country.


In the horoscope of Syria  Mars is placed in  the twelfth house making it war mongering and losses in war . In April 2014 the eclipses  had fallen over the Lagna and Moon of the foundation chart of Syria and ever since then Syria has been in war like situations .

In the Present Scenerio the country is running the dasha of Jup-Jup-Venus from 12th July 2015 and Venus the sub sub dasha Lord has been under affliction  and also fallen till 30th Sept. 2015. Jupiter for this chart is also a  functional malefic. Jup-Sat Dasha from August 2016 for Syria will be worst since the Sub Dasha Lord of Saturn is the Debilitation lord of Jupiter and will have maximum damage and terrorism taking a Toll in the country. The Country general condition will be very bad.

Most critical Period after Rahu-Ketu transit over natal Rahu-Ketu after 9th Jan. 2016 and after 20th Feb. 2016 and Periods when mars and Saturn both will be in Retrogression between april and June 2016


Iraq 28th June 2004 10-26 hrs Bagdad Iraq has  Leo Lagna Eclipses in the 2/8 axis In the horoscope of Iraq Vimshottari dasha of Jupiter-Mercury from 20th Nov. 2015 is running at present. Jupiter is under the aspect of sixth and seventh lord Saturn showing long running strife and war. Jupiter is  5th and 8th Lord  for the Leo lagna of the fondation chart,  which shows the possibility of nation being divided into two parts  by the Terrorist the Dasha of Jup-Sat till 20th Nov. 2015.

 Horoscope has Mars in the 12th house , making the country war mongering and getting involved in war like activities by foreign plots permannently . Indicating  trouble from neighbours, particularly from the insurgents of Syria,the strong holds of ISIS. Then if Iran is helping Shias then there are  Sunni countries as well.    Placement of Mars debilitated in the 12th house as lord of 9th and 4th (12th house Terrorist Camps )  and as mentioned Mars Placement in the 12th house giving aspect to  the 3rd,, 6th and 7th Makes the Country prone to war like situations as mentioned by me as per the paper produced By Mr. K. N Rao . The 12th lord Moon placed in the 3rd house in Rahu-Ketu axis  and getting under the aspect  by deblitated Mars is making absolutely clear what is happening in the country . Terrorist plots by foreign elements .  Saturn giving aspect to the Lagna  and 8th lord Jupiter as 6th and 7th Lord also a crucial factor in the chart. The Eclipses of March 2016  in the 1/7 axis of the Foundation chart will be crucial for the country and war like situations in the country could sprout with magnitude .



4th July 1776 10-21-30 hrs Philadelpha PA

The country has Leo Lagna and goes with out saying that the country will also involve in war like situations , since the Eclipses of march 2016 will fall in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna and the Moon.Rahu will transit the Lagna after 9th Jan. 2016  and Natal moon by Ketu.  On 20th Feb. 2016 Mars will ingress Scorpio and Join Saturn placed there . In the chart of US Saturn and Mars have return aspect and in transit both will be in the 4th house , will be crucial . Malefics will be transitting the the Kendras will be most Venomous for US till 21st Sept. 2016 since mars will be in Scorpio for 211 days and on the 18th June 2016 Mars will fall in Libra for 25 days .8th Lord Jupiter will be under the influence of Rahu-Ketu and Saturn 

The dasha running is Mars-Mer till 11 -4-2016 and then Mars-Ketu. Mars makes the Country war mongering and Mercury is placed in the 12th house with Rahu for war losses and losses of all kind . Mercury significations will sprout with magnitude.  Hence till April 2016 US may have losses through Terrorism, War , etc. Nodes Transitting in the 1/7 axis  and Dasha of Mercury placed in the 12th house with Rahu could sprout  manifold losses of all kinds . Mars will then be Transitting in the 3rd house aspecting the 6th , 9th and the 10th house will further aggravate the situations . Mars Ketu will be still worse after April 2016

8th house afflictions  28th Sept. 2015 Eclipse has taken place in the 8th house and Mars and Saturn both influencing the 8th Lord Jupiter. Signs critical are Pieces, Gemini,Cancer , Libra and their Lords when get afflicted then there will be untoward happenings with strong dimensions . Mars transit in the Scorpio with  Saturn in Scorpio sign will be  crucial. Mars Transit over Natal Saturn in the 2nd house and aspect on the 8th house and activating the Eclipse point on the 20-21st Nov. 2015 was  instrumental for US to take some strong measures for the Shia  and Suuni Countries From the above it is self evident that the Globe will be encircled with war like situations between the Shai and Sunni Countries and sprout with greater dimension as mentioned below ISIS will will suffer losses as predicted but since the 4th lord is in the 8th house with 8th Lord and mars and Saturn both aspecting the Sagitarius Lagna the ISIS will keep on changing the key place for operations . There may also be change  of there Leadership due to mishaps.

Jan. 2016 will be crucial for US  . As per my Research of 8th house/Lord/Navamsha sign/Navamsha 8th Lord , when ever in affliction can bring disaster for any Country or Individual. Jan. 2016 will be worst for US in this connection since Jupiter the 8th Lord of the Foundation chart of the Country will be eclipsed in Stationary condition by North Node Rahu on the 9th Jan . 2016. Pieces sign is a Totally watery sign   and Jupiter the 8th Lord will then be placed in the Lagna  will sprout Negativity concerning Jupiter  significations and that of Pieces sign  which is totally Watery sign. The Navamsha sign of Jupiter is Aquarius and Eclipses shortly  can sprout untoward happenings before the eclipse as well when Jupiter is in Degree conjunction with Rahu.The Most Crucial time will be when Mars and Saturn join Scorpio on the 20th Feb 2016 and Mars transits the sign for 211 days  will be a period of untoward happenings pertaining to these Countries making issue of Religon. The Solar Eclipse of the 9th March 2016 will be instrumental for a choas in the Political affairs anfd Financial Stagnation in  the world and War like situations for the Country . Terrorism in any case cannot be ruled out . Dasha of Mars -Mercury till April 2016 and the Mars -Ketu will be damaging for US. The Eclipses in March 2016 are taking Place in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna and Natal Moon. 


Pakistan  14th August 1947 00-00-01 hrs Pakistan . Mars is placed in the 3rd house   Terrorism and Earthquakes  could be main feature.  Lagna is Aries  Mars is placed in the 3rd house aspecting the 6th house.Prone to create terrorist activities for the neighbouring countries.    Pakistan is running the dasha of Venus-Rahu Both Connected to the 7th house of international relations and War. Saturn and Mars Transit in the 8th house of the foundation chart over natal Ketu  will be crucial for the Country for terrorism with in the country or involved with neighboring Countries in war. Pakistan can have mass happenings during this Period. A military coup cannot be ruled out against Nawaz Sharrif in this Period. After 9th Jan. 2016 the Country will reel in Terrorism, natural and unnatural disasters and more so after 20th Feb. 2016 as mentioned above.



ISI Could be instrumental in creating terrorism in India taking the route through the Western Part through rivers , since ththe 7th house of indis is Scorpio and Ketu ahds been activated by Stationary Saturn between 27th July to 7th August 2015, now when Mars is Positioned in the Sign of Virgo with Rahu and aspecting the 8th house Terrorism could sprout before 24th Dec, 2015 and more so after 24th dec. 2015 since then mars will be over the 8th Lord Jupiter in the foundation chart of India .India is not a war mongering Country but Placement of Ketu behaves like Mars in the 7th house of Wars. Fear of Terrorism will persist around 19th to 27th Jan. 2016

Now Countries who have Mars Placed in the 7th house Category B 

Let us know analyse the Chart of Russia Category (B) of 12th June 1990 13-45 hrs Moscow, Taken from Paper Produced By K N Rao 


Chart with   Virgo Lagna and Eclipses have taken place in the 1/7 axis. Natal Mars is placed in the 7th house at 15.05 degrees , Mars is also the 8th lord of the chart . The Dasha running is also Rahu-Mercury till 14/8/2016. Effects—  Natural calamities ,War Prone. On the 28-29th Nov. Transit Mars will be over the Natal  Mars at exact degrees of 15.05 . Rahu and Mars conjunction in the 7th house is most crucial for Wars, specially when the Dasha running is also Rahu-Mercury.After 24th Dec. 2015 will be most sensitive Period for Russia since then the natal Rahu and Saturn will be aspected by Transit mars from  Libra.Russia has already cutoff Economic ties with Turkey after the Shooting of the Russian Aircraft . PUTTIN HAS DESCRIBED THE EVENT AS MOST UNFORTUNATE AND MENTIONED IT AS STABBING IN THE BACK.THERE ARE VERY STRONG  CHANCES THAT RUSSIA MAY RETALIATE STRONGLY AND WAR MAY ESCALATE  AS THE nATO COUNTRIES MAY COME AT THE DOOR OF TURKEY FOR HELP

In my article “Red Planet Mars, Saturn and Ketu afflict Watery Signs , Earthy signs Near Eclipses :What it Foretells” link

Read these Paras “

  1. Countries with Pieces , Virgo Lagna, Moon sign, Sun sign will be adversely influenced . US has Pieces in the 8th house and Eclipse is taking place in the 8th house of mass happenings. . In my article “Saturn Stationary in Transit: What it Foretells” link I have mentioned the Countries in a Nut shell where Saturn has activated the sensitive Planets and Points.”
  2. Also read this “Syria Libra  Lagna . Stationary Saturn 4.13 degrees  over Natal Mercury  at 6.42 degrees in the 2nd  house  and aspecting Ketu in Leo at 5.41 degrees  Strong results expected regarding the 2nd and 9th house , Transit Saturn is placed in the 8th from Natal Moon and Saturn in the 7th house . ,Hence adverse happenings and strong ones .”
  3. Russia Virgo Lagna Mercury in the 9th house in Taurus at 6.52 degrees is crucial for Russia since Stationary Saturn aspecting the Lagna Lord at close degrees in the 9th house. Strong results could be experienced

From the above it is clear that Puttin will be all out to help the Bashar-al-Assad regime in Syria and get into war like situations due to Russia being a  War Mongering Country  and adverse Planetary positions. Till 9th Jan 2016 Russia will Pounce on the ISIS and countries supporting ISIS with Greatest magnitude The dates of Dec. 2015 are also very important in this regard 


Chart 1st Oct. 1949 15.15 hrs. Peiking China has Capricorn Lagna and and Eclipses have taken place in the 1/7 axis of Sun who is also the 8th Lord and Rahu-Ketu over the natal in 1/7 axis . The country is also running the dasha of Saturn -Rahu. China has Mars Deblitated in the 7th house and aspects Moon the 7th lord . Effects —Earthquakes, Natural calamities  and War Prone, specially the Eclipses of March 2016 taking place in the 2-8 houses of the chart after 9th Jan 2016 will be most critical for china due to natural and unnatural disasters  Rahu and jupiter in the 8th house aspected by Saturn from the 11th house the Country will reel in Economy Meltdown and unnatural Events can sprout with magnitude . Pieces sign has been activated by Saturn , Jupiter, Nodes and Mars , hence Effect of Pieces can Influence the Country in a Big way


Foundation chart of Yemen 22 nd May 1990 09-00am  GMT. The Lagna is Leo and Mars is placed in the 7th house of international relations and War. The Country is running the Dasha of Sun-Jupiter from 19-9-2015 and Both Sun and Jupiter  are connected to Mars . The Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the foundation chart in March 2015 will sprout warlike conditions in the country specially after 20th Feb. 2016 when Transit Mars aspects the natal Mars in the 7th house  and Transit Saturn aspects the natal Saturn in the 6th house  when the dasha will also be of Sun-Jup-Sun. Situations will be worse when dasha of Sun-Saturn Starts  and Transit Mars and Saturn will also be activating the Natal Mars and Saturn for 211 long days from 20th Feb. 2016, there will be Fierce fight in the middle east during this period.

Jammu& Kashmir Capricorn Lagna  Saturn and Mars in the 7th house , Eclipses over the 2/8  axis in the Month of March 2016  and dasha of  Moon-Ketu and Moon Venus will be critical for the State. Mars is in Debilitation. Conjunction of Mars and Saturn in the 7th house  showing its trouble –Ridder history of the past and the future . Makes it prone to war like situations , Earthquakes and Calamities of all kind

Category C

Iran As per the Republic Chart of Iran of 1st April 1979 15-00 hrs Teheran Iran.Iran has Cancer Lagna  Eclipses on the 1/7 axis of Sun and degrees of Sun 17.32 Dasha of  Jup-Saturn  till 5/7 /2016 is most crucial . Mars is Placed in the 9th house . War Prone and natural Calamities

Afganistan Chartof 22nd Dec. 2001 16.49 hrs Kabul Afganistan   has  Gemini and Jupiter in Lagna at 18.03 degrees ,  Mars is Placed in the 9th house , fullfilling the conditions.Dasha of Saturn-Mars from 21-12-2014.  Earthquakes  and untoward happenings.  War Prone

Libya Libya 24th April 1951 00-00 hrs CED -2.00 Libya Tripoli  Lagna is Leo and Saturn and Mars are conjunct in Virgo . Eclipses have taken place in the 2/8 axis of the chart and now Mars and Rahu are Transitting over Natal Mars and Saturn . after 9th Jan 2016 Rahu and Ketu will be over the natal Rahu -Ketu axis and Eclipse of the March 2016 will be over the 1/7 axis of the Lagna will be Crucial for the country.Dasha of Mercury-Mars and then Mer-Rahu . War Prone and Calamities

Turkey Chart 29th Oct. 1923 20-30 hrs  EET-2-0  Ankara 39N56  032E52 Eclipses over natal Rahu anfd Ketu in March 2016. Mars placed in the 4th house at 14.36 and Transit Mars and Rahu over Natal Mars  was responsible for the shooting of Fighter plane of Russia



Map of Middle East

The above is the map of Middle East Countries and it so seems that the War on Terrorism will continue in the year 2016 and concentration in the above Countries for eradication .

ISIS origin

The Above chart shows from 2000 to 2014 when Large parts of Syria were captured by ISIS and  Abu-Bkr-al-bagdadi came in power on the 29th June 2014

As per the chart of ISIS below taken from Shri VishVijay Panchang Solan 2015-2016

On 29 June 2014, the organisation proclaimed itself to be a worldwide caliphate. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi—known by his supporters as Amir al-Mu’minin,

Chart of ISIS

The Lagna is Sagitarius a Codand Rashi  at 21.10 degrees in the nakshatra of Venus who is the 6th and the 11th lord placed in own sign in the 6th house . The Lagna Lord is Exhalted and placed in the 8th house with Moon who is also the 8th lord , indicative of Secret Mission , The Conjunction is also aspected by Saturn from the 11th house who is in Retrograde Motion with Rahu. Saturn is also Marak and Connected to 8th house and the  Lagna Lord Jupiter along with 8th Lord Moon is a Malefic combination for the Longevity of the Organisation. Jupiter is Exhalted and also vargottam and is stronger then the 8th Lord , hence the ISIS group may sustain for some time frame . The aspect of mars and Saturn on the Lagna is showing the struggles  and Pains what the Founder and the organisation will face due to militancy.

Mars as 5th and the 12th Lord  the planet of Wars is Digbali and Placed in the 10th house in its own nakshatra aspects the Lagna gives strength to Fight makes it war mongering as 12th lord and very close to the MEP of the 10th house  . 5th house has Ketu aspected by Saturn retrograde a marak. Ketu is also aspected bt Mars by 8th aspect, hence Ketu is badly afflicted in the 5th house of Thought Process. Saturn also aspects the Lagna along with Mars makes the ISIS a war prone Organisation . Lagna is also aspected by 9th Lord Sun  and 7th Lord  Mercury in Retrogression who is about to fall back in Taurus sign the 6th house of the chart . Sun and Mercury is a Rajyoga, but since Mercury is weak and about to fall is also showing the weakness. the 4th Lord in the 8th house and movable sign shows , the Founder will change his working place and Residence as time passes and is subject to Attacks. 4th Lord is also with 8th Lord Moon . All the 4  Parameter Lagna Lord , Moon, Mercury and the 5th house are aflicted badly shows the mental condition of  Abu-Baker-Al- Bagdadi at the time of announcement . . Mars and Saturn aspecting the Lagna and Mars aspect on Herchel in the 4th house makes Mars Explosive for Wars, hence bloodshed is inevitable , more so after Mars transits over natal Mars after 3rd Nov. 2015 with  Venus . At the time when these 2 planets ingress in Virgo, Rahu is already Placed there , making the combination explosive for Wars, Blasts and Bloodshed.

The Most Critical factor in the chart of the ISIS foundation chart is that Mars is a fallen Planet in the 10th house Digbali and Most Malefic being the 12th and the 5th Lord It has the Capability to bring about warlike conditions for the Group itself and for the World , But it has been observed that such a Planet causes more harm to others , Mars was in Airy sign and has fallen in Earthy sign , hence It will create war on the Earth and Air. In Libra it was with Rahu and Saturn . Hence Mars will create havoc when with Rahu and Saturn in Transit  and in the sign Libra where it had conjunction with Rahu and Saturn   . It had ingressed in Libra on the 4th Feb. 2014 and became Retrograde on the 1st March 2014 at 3.28 degrees and Fall back in Virgo on the 26th March 2014, It became Direct on the 20th May 2014 at 14.58 degrees . On the 1st  March 2014 Mars was very close to Rahu and Saturn when it was Stationary before going in Retrogression at 3.28 degrees . Rahu was 5.22 degrees in the same Navamsha and Saturn at 7.05 degrees , Hence when Mars Transits Libra on the 24th Dec. 2015 and Reaches these degrees could create havoc for the Globe and the countries ISIS plans  Terrorism  Mars will Cross 3.28 degrees on the 30th Dec. 2015 , Hence from 30th Dec. 2015 to 1st week of Jan 2016 will be the Most Sensitive time for terrorism.

Navamsha and Dashamsha  Jupiter lagna Lord of Rashi Chart  is strong in both the charts , 10th Lord of Foundation chart is strong in Dashamsha along with 10th lord od Dashamsha , hecne the ISIS will fight with Strength , irrespective of the Outcome, Since they will produce disasterous conditions in the globe and Financial Recession, Escalation in the Prices of Petrolium Products and Blood shed is on the Cards .The 1/7 axis of the Navamsha with 8th Lord Moon of the Rashi chart opens the mission the ISIS may have . I have already written a separate Article on the Financial Stagnation in the globe after the 9th March 2016 Eclipse.

The Dasha at the time of Formation of the Organisation is of Saturn who is Exhalted, Retrograde, Marak and with  Rahu indicates the Future and their mission. The Dasha at the time of  Foundation is Saturn-Venus-Mercury, Mercury the Sub Sub Dasha Lord  Mercury with Sun the 9th Lord shows the Mission  for  the War . Dasha of Sat-Sun, Sat-Moon, Sat-Mars and Sar-Rahu  and then Sat-Jup till 24-12-2023 ,but the Periods of Sat-Sun till 27th Nov. 2015 and then Sat-Moon from 27th Nov. 2015 will be crucial for the Globe since there will be Bloodshed in this Period , which is likely to be continued till 6-8-2018  a Period of Sat-Mars from 27-6-2017 to 6-8-2018 will be worst. In fact when Mars Transits Libra on the 24th Dec. 2015 could bring about more terrorist activities by the Group. A Period till Mars is over natal Mars could also be a Period of Blood shed by the Organisation .Mars transit in the sign of Scorpio from 20th Feb. 2016 for a Period of 211 days could also escalates the war like situations  specially when it becomes Retrograde and fall back in Libra over Natal Rahu and  Saturn .The Eclipses in March 2016 and Mars Activating the Eclipse point again and again , since in Retrograde motion and then in direct motion will prove fatal for the Globe and specially between the Shia -Sunni Countries . Needless to mention the Countries . 


This Article is in fact in Continution to my article “” dated 27th Nov. 2015. The Year 2016 is Durmukhi as per Vedic Astrology and the Famous Astrologer R.G Krishnan .The sensitive Parameters in the year 2016 are as follows are as explained above .

The New Moon chart of the 22nd May 2016 New Delhi could be Crucial for the Globe. 

22nd May Full moon

In the Lunation chart Moon is Debilitated and with mars and Saturn who are both Retrograde. Moon and Mars are almost same degrees  and both Mars and Saturn also aspect Sun and Venus who is Combusted in Taurus. When the Lunation is aspected of Conjunct with Malefics then the Fortnight indicates maleficiance . Saturn aspects Jupiter degreewise  close degrees with Rahu in Leo.Mars aspects Ketu .

In navamsha Mars and Saturn have return aspect and the Lunation sign is afflicted by Rahu and Ketu as per Rashi Tula Navamsha

Lumanaries afflicted , Venus snd Jupiter afflicted, Saturn and Mars Conjunct in Retrogression and Rahu-Ketu afflicted  by Saturn ans Mars respectively is the most Venomous Parameter for war to escalate against ISIS and in the Process those supporting ISIS and Those against ISIS.The Countries who will take active Part are the Category A and B. Category C may not be involved directly in the War like situations.

The Chart of Japan is not discussed  since not war Prone, but Prone to natural disasters and Rahu and Jupiter Eclipsed  will bring unnatural Disaster and Economic Melt down after 9th Jan. 2016 

In a nut shell after the Eclipses of March 2016 the Period for terrorism, Blasts and War will strengthen  for Terrorism and Efforts to combat Terrorism will be on the cards. A period from 20th Feb. 2016 to 21st Sept. 2016 will be a Period of War with Terrorism, when mars will be in Scorpio with Saturn for 211 days 

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 29th Nov. 2015 18-00 hrs 




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