Civil War In ‘War Prone Torn Syria’ What Star’s Foretell ?

by astrodocanil

“Civil War In ‘War Prone Torn Syria’ What Star’s Foretell ?

As per the earlier Foundation charts of Syria Mars placement indicates the Country is war porn and we have seen this since 2012.

The ongoing civil war in Syria  started in the year 2012 after the Arab Spring protests in the region. Due to the active support of Russia and Iran the Syrian ruler Bashar Al-Assad could manage to hold the power. Presently the rebels have captured the important city of Aleppo and Hama in the month of early December 2024 only.
Since the Book Of World Horoscopes does not confirm the correct horoscope of either the 1st Jan 1944 or the 13th  Nov 1970 and  in the event of authentic chart of the Country  not available , Hindu New Year Horoscope of the 8th April 2024 20:20:43 hrs Damascus the predictions can be made more accurately for the respective year.
Let us see the chart below
 The 5 Limbs of the Day are also not auspicious. Lagna is Dagdha Rashi Karna is inauspicious and a fixed Karna. The Yoga is Vaidriti inauspicious

For Libra Ascendant the Jupiter is not an auspicious planet since also owns the 6th house and aspect on the Lagna confirms the Civil War in the Country. Jupiter is at the MEP OF THE LAGNA IS MOST CRITICAL PARAMETER

 The Libra Ascendant is rising . The placement of the  luminaries in the 6th  house of  conflict and civil war is not at all good and shows what ever is happening in Syria. The 10th lord the Moon is in the 6th house is not good for Bashar Al-Assad .  The Lagna Lord Venus is placed in the 6th house exalted  and since  the Ascendant  is getting the aspect of natural benefics Mercury and Jupiter  is good but unfortunately Bashar Al-Assad may not be able to manage the situations since the  10th Lord in the 6th house  will offer huge  hinderances and obstacles  for him to manage to control the capital city Damascus. The 9th and 12th lord Mercury aspect the Ascendant shows that he will get support from Russia and Iran both.
D9 Navamsha 
 In navamsha the 8th house is rising and the Lagna Lord of the Rashi and Navamsha  Venus placed in the 6th house shows extreme conditions for the Head of the Country.
D10 Dashamsha Chart
Jupiter the 6th Lord of the Rashi Chart is in Rahu-Ketu axis and in the 1/7 axis again shows Jupiter affliction for Gemini Lagna will prove like a mad elephant and ruin the peace of the Country. It is no wonder Bashar Al-Assad may have to flee from the Country.

7th Dec.  2024 06:00 Hrs New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya Anil Aggarwala

BSc. Engg. (Prod.)  PEC Ch. Year 1971

Student of Diploma in Marketing Management FMS New Delhi

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY  By K N Rao and Many More

Total 22 years of Experience . 8th Years spent under the Guidance of Shri K N Rao in BVB New Delhi. From 2007 and did Jyotish Acharaya 3 Times and spent 2 years in Research. Started Jyotish Predictions from 2002 under the guidance of Stalwart Astrologer Narayan Pandit In Kilokari Maharani Bagh New Delhi




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