Celestial Drama of Mars- Saturn Conjunction In August, Ammunition Dump in Sept. to Dec. 2016

by astrodocanil


This is with reference to my earlier Articles on the Dreaded Planets Mars and Saturn  Squaring Nodes in 2016 on my webpage www.astrodocanil.com .I have been mentioning that  Starting from the 12th of July to End of 2016 the Planetary Positions will be Explosive for the Mundane Activities of the World, may be it Terrorism. Natural -Unnatural Disasters, Political Turmoils, and even the Global Economy.

Let me reproduce the Text written in on of my Articles “Stationary Saturn, Jupiter,Ms and Solar Eclipses in 2016:What Stars Foretell” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/03/stationary-satur…t-stars-foretell/ dated 8th March 2016 below .

The Planetary Configuration are  acquiring a special dimension Between Jan and Dec. 2016. The Year 2016 is a year of Retrogrades  and as mentioned by me in my earlier Article. A Planet in Retrogression is 3 times more Powerful specially at the time of its Being Stationary may be it a malefic or benefic. Definitely, Stationary Benefic is Better than Malefic Stationary who is worst.

The effect of the Solar Eclipses of the 9th March and the 1st Sept. 2016 will be Explosive for Planets in Leo and Aquarius at the Degrees of the Nodes and Luminaries , Fire if Planets in Leo, Excessive rains where Planets are in Scorpio sign at 22 degrees and 15th degrees , since as mentioned by me in the article these are the degrees of both Mars and Saturn where they will be in Stationary positions on the 25th March, 17th April, 12th August  and then between 23rd to 25th August 2016. Mars Igniting the Eclipse Point of the Solar Eclipses  in Sept. and Dec. 2016 will be a Ammunation Dump and Catastrophic for the Mundane Activities of the Globe.

  1. The Most Sensitive point is the Stationary Position of Saturn at 15.41  on 12th August 2016, Mars at 14.49 degrees on the 17th April 2016  and both Point being Scorpio and the same Navamsha . Jupiter stationary Point on the 8th May 2016 is 19.10 which will be aspected by Saturn on the 21st May 2016. Rahu will activate this point on the 16th July 2016. Hence these Dates and 5 days before and after could prove disasterous.
  2. In Mundane Astrology Saturn is Depression and Jupiter Expansion and Prosperity, Hence Jupiter significations will suffer , since eclipsed already by Rahu on the 9th Jan. 2016 when it was Stationary and now Stationary Saturn aspects Jupiter degreewise between 20th March and 30th March 2016, hence Scandles of all type will sprout . Saturn in Retrogression and Stationary motion will also aspect Jupiter degreewise at 22.20 degrees.
  3. Solar Eclipse in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Sun, Moon and the 8th house or on the Natal Rahu-Ketu on the 9th March and 1st Sept. 2016. The Eclipse Points are the 24.50 Aquarius  and 15.15 Leo  respectively and Mars aspect the Eclipse point of 9th March 2016 after 7th Sept. 2016 to 12th Sept. 2016 in the same Navamsha and at exact degrees on the 9th Sept. 2016. Saturn will aspect the Eclipse point of the 1st Sept. 2016 at the time of Eclipse at Exact degrees , This Can lead to Caotic Conditions in the world. Mars and Saturn will be at the Eclipse point of the 1st Sept. 2016 even before the Eclipse between 23rd to 25th August 2016 can prove disasterous for the world 
  4. I have also used the K.N Rao Principle for Eclipses and Inevitability for Countries. It also influences the Celebrities,Natives of Repute and Top Status. One case of Vijay Mallya has been discussed on my website  already .
    Mars activating the Eclipse Point of 24.50 degrees of the Solar Eclipse of the 9th March 2016 will be after 7th Sept. 2016 will be disasterous , Also the Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 will be at the MEP of the Lagna degrees at 15.15 degrees and Rahu at 18.37 degrees and the Eclipse point aspected by Saturn at 15.58 degrees , Both Mars and Saturn will be at 15 degrees at the MEP of Lagna between 23rd to 25th August 2016 will there fore be an Explosive combination
  5. Let me put the significations of the 4 Major Planets

Scorpio is a negative sign of Mars being the 8th house of the natural zodiac and is a Watery sign. It is a sign of negative source and power. A sign of regeneration. Saturn is a discipline, responsibility , limitations  and stability , where as Mars is a Planet of Energy, Courage and assertion. Saturn is slow moving and also cold, where as Mars is Fast responsive and a Fiery Planet. The conjunction often Produces contradictory effects on the Human beings.


In Greek Language  they call mars  God of War. A planet of Destruction, Violence and War. In Persian it is called Jalad-e-Falaq, or heavenly executioner

Mars  Represents Armed Forces, Navy Air commands, Police, Engineers. It is a Planet of War, Strife and represents Violence in every form  including fires, explosions, Armed conflicts. It is also a Planet of Assassination, Coup, Criminals, Accidents, Murders, Abductioin, Rape , Militancy and Dacoity. It represents Proxy war and Terrorism in all Forms, Mass Happenings, Political disturbances

In Minerals it represents Copper and Gold

In Commodities it represents Masoor dal, Red Chillies, Weapons, Guns. When Conjunct with Saturn it gives extremely evil Results like  Wars,  Mutiny,Earthquakes,Epidemics, Civil Strife and Terrorism of every kind.

It has been observed that Wars have followed  when Mars  is closest to Earth and when in Retrogression. In the 20th Century  Mars closest approach to Earth was on the 20-11-1990 and the historic UN Security Council Resolution Sanctioning use of Force against Iraq for its aggression against Kuwait was made on the 29-11-1990. Mars was then in Taurus aspecting Scorpio. On the 27th August 2002 Mars was closest to the Earth  and in the sign of Leo with Sun and Europe was reeling in the spell of Extreme heat , not witnessed in Centuries before. . Wild Fires in Spain, Portugal and Italy in Early August 2002. Civil War took place in Liberia in which more than three hundred thousand  people died . There was Total breakdown in authority .


Saturn signifies death, national calamities, contradiction, disease,war,loss or gain of Terrority, agitation, strikes, labour class, democracy,. It has been noticed that the first conjunction falling in each triplicity , which is also called a” Great Mutation” has a very important and lasting effect  and when lunation and Eclipses take place important events are triggered  Saturn Stands for D Democracy, Death, Dictators, being the Lord of the 10th house of the natural zodiac, it has much to do with  Rulers of the Country, hence Death of Rulers

Mars -Saturn conjunction and Previous Events 

When there is Conjunction of malefics then they unleash the evil forces, hence Mars and Saturn conjunction is an evil one. it is considered as most inauspicious. Even Jahangir- the Mugal King  of India  was afraid of this conjunction . it is mentioned  in Jahangir Nama”Since the conjunction of two malefics Mars and Saturn had occured I ordered Gold, Silver and other metals and all sort of grains  to be given to  the poor and needy and distributed throughout the realm”

 Battle of  Haldighat in the year 1576 took place when mars and Saturn conjunction took place in Sagitarius and Jupiter was in Debilitation and and Squared by Rahu in Aries

21.3.1739 Nadir Shah invasion and general massacre at Delhi  (Katle aam) The carnage begun at 9.00 am and the Persian Soldiers  forced their way in shops and houses killing  the occupants   and laying violent hands of any thing of value. the money changer Bazaar  and shops of jewellers were set on fire . The massacre continued for 6 hours . The dark day has become proverbial in the history of India and Nadir Shah stands for symbol of Cruelity

All this happened when there was conjunction of Mars and Saturn in a dual sign of Gemini and both Mars and Saturn were in the signs of Scorpio and Capricorn in navamsha  respectively.  Capricorn sign was afflicted by Rahu nand by aspect of Mars  and Jupiter in square with Rahu and Moon was with Rahu and thus Rahu in adverse motion and Sun was aspected by Saturn 10th aspect.

5th June 1984 Blue Star Operation 

1984 Blue Star operation took place in which the Golden Temple was stromed by the Indian Army. At that time there was almost degree conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Libra at 19.36 degree and 17.12 degrees respectively . Both were in Retrogression in the nakshatra of Rahu in the navamsha of Pieces . Rahu was then in Taurus in Rohini the nakshatra when afflicted causes massacre.

The operation  was another black day , since it was on the holiest shrine of Sikhs and involved killing of hundreds of Sikhs alienared the whole  Sikh Community and led to militancy , which took a long time to supress.

The Russo-Japanese War (8 February 1904 – 5 September 1905) was fought between the Russian Empire and the Empire of Japan over rival imperial ambitions in Manchuria and Korea. The major threats of operations were the liaodong Peninsula and Mukden in Southern Manchuria, and the seas around Korea, Japan, and the Yellow Sea. Mars was in Scorpio on the 5th Sept. 1905 and Square with Sarurn , Sun and Rahu.

Murder of  King and Queen  of Portugal .Portugals Black Day on the 4th Feb 1909 when Mars was in Scorpio  6/8 axis with Rahu, there was exchange of Mercury and Mars Nakshatra .

Since the Rahu-Jupiter conjunction is also taking place in Early Jan. 2016 and this Ingress of Mars in Scorpio with Saturn Conjunction will be in Square position with Rahu and Ketu it is most malefic Transit for 211 days.

Attack on America-World Trade Centre on the 11th Sept. 2001   took place on the 07-58 hrs . Mars was with Ketu in Ketu Nakshatra in Sagitarius and in Square with Jupiter and Rahu. In the chart below at the time of Mars ingress in Scorpio Mars is square with Jupiter and Rahu and Mars is afflicted and aspects Ketu in Aquarius.


Jupiter represents Banks, finance, Revenues, it is a planet of good fortune, prosperity, expansion Capitalism and Buisness in general, lawyers, Judiciary, Temples, Religion, Speculation, shipping, Foreign affairs, Education, Educational Institutions, Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Diplomats and Long Travel

In mineral it represents Gold

Comodities Turmeric, vegetables that grow in creepers, Jupiter and Sun have big role in setting the trend of the weather. Afflicted Jupiter means over optimism,extravaganceand exaggeration  as the present Transit. The Expansion and Prosperity will be contained by affliction of Rahu and Saturn till Jupiter is in Leo and aspected by Saturn


Mercury rules the 3rd and the 6th house of the natural Zodiac and has importance since it owns the Sign Virgo. It represents Speed and communications , Transport vehicles,TV, Trade and commerce, Stock markets , Weather changes all controlled by Mercury. In the year 2016 it will go in retrogression 3 times and will be fallen 2 times  indicating Volatility and Bearish Trends in the Stock market and abnormal weathers in the Globe.

In the Article cited above by the scribe has discussed the Foundation charts of various Countries and all Predictions are Proving 100 %, May be Jammu& Kashmir, Europe, USA, China, India , ISIS and the Middle Eastern Countries .

The Paksha Kundalis of 18th August 2016 , Solar Eclipse of the 1st Sept.2016 and then Mars Transiting Aquarius and aspect the Eclipse Point of the Solar Eclipse at 15.15 degrees on the 1st Jan. 2017  and Degrees aspect of Mars on Rahu in Leo at 13.48 degrees on the 12th Dec. 2016 Could Prove Catastrophic for the world . Needless to mention the Countries and the Events

The Crucial Time frame starts from 23rd August to 29th August 2016 , From 1st Sept. to 16th Sept. 2016 4th Oct. to 7th Oct .2016 for the Bloodshed Combination of Jupiter and Venus in Virgo and then 12th Dec.2016 and on the 1st Jan 2017

ISIS will be Most active in these Time Frames and Terrorism may take place with magnitude .

Till 18th Sept. 2016 a Period when Both the Dreaded Planets Mars and Saturn will be in Scorpio the 8th house of  the Natural Zodiac and a Negative sign of Mars Could also Prove Catastrophic for the Global Economy and a Meltdown is inevitable since Scorpio sign the 8th house of Natural Zodiac is Money and Debts and Mass Happenings and Permanent Losses. I have discuused the effects on the Countries on Various Countries on my webpage and hence needless to mention here the Countries Here .

Now read these News Links on the day of writing this Article

Live: Over 200 People Injured In Deadly Kabul Bomb Attack http://www.ndtv.com/world-news/live-isis-claims-responsibility-for-kabul-suicide-bomb-attack-1435191

80 Killed In Blasts During Protest In Kabul, ISIS Claims Responsibility link http://www.ndtv.com/world-news/blast-kills-at-least-80-during-peaceful-protest-in-kabul-1435304?pfrom=home-lateststories


Munich Gunman Who Killed 9 Had No Link To ISIS, Was Obsessed With Mass Killings link http://www.ndtv.com/world-news/munich-gunman-who-killed-9-had-no-link-to-isis-was-deranged-1435175?pfrom=home-lateststoriesmunich_650x400_81469254979

Curfew Lifted From 4 Districts In Kashmir, Few Incidents Of Stone Pelting http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/curfew-lifted-from-4-districts-in-kashmir-few-incidents-of-stone-pelting-1435267


California Wildfire Prompts New Round Of Evacuations http://www.ndtv.com/world-news/california-wildfire-prompts-new-round-of-evacuations-1435315



I have also written the following Articles

Will Mars Ingress in Scorpio Trigger the Fall of the Caliphate ?

Will Mars Ingress in Scorpio on the 13th July 2016 Escalate Unrest For Trouble Ridden Jammu& Kashmir

Will Red Planet Mars Ingress in Scorpio on 13th July Trigger the Down Trend of Britain and Stock markets ?

Will the Eclipses In Sept. 2016 Create a Violent Situation For US

Planetary Positions in the Month of August to Oct. 2016 Catastrophic For the Globe

Red Planet Mars Fallen ,Lumanries in 8th house. Paksha Kundali of 4th July 2016 May Prove Explosive

Celestial Drama of Fallen Red Planet Mars Proves Most Catastrophic As Predicted

What Stars Foretell For US As Per Vedic Progression Chart of July 2016

What Red Planet Mars Foretells For Terrorism From 17th June to 18th Sept 2016

Red Planet Mars in Fallen State on 17th June 2016 For 25 Days : What it Foretells

What Stars Foretell for Japan By Vedic Progression Chart Of Manu Smriti 2016

Mars Stationary Point 14.49 Degrees Global Wreck

The Dilemma and Fear Of A Colossal Wreck in 2016

Hindu New Moon Pieces Chart For India: What It Foretells ?

Vedic Progression chart 2016 By Manu Smriti : Stars Foretell Disaster For China

Red Planet Mars and God Of Romans Saturn Conjunct 8th house of Pieces New Moon Chart of US

Gloomy Fate of United Kingdom After 25th March 2016

Study of 2016 Eclipses for Earthquakes, Terrorism, Political Turmoils and World Economy


Planetary Alignments in 2016: Alarm Bells for World Massacare

Solar, Lunar Eclipses in 2016 Signatures Alarm Bells As Per Varahamihira

My Article “Global Economy Meltdown Inevitable Due to Oil Glut in Oct. 2016” In THE PLANETS& FORECAST April 2016

Red Planet Mars on the Wheels in 8th House of Natural Zodiac

Will The Image of NDA Govt. Suffer For 211 days When Red Planet Squares Sun and Nodes ?

Red Planet Squares Nodes and Sun and Conjunct Saturn: Seismic , Tsunami, Terrorism,On Cards

Prolonged Stay Of Red Planet Mars and Saturn Conjunction in Scorpio: Crucial 211 days

Oil Glut 2016 May Prove A Bolt From The Blue For Global Economy

Cloud of Terrorism By ISIS Looming over the World: What Stars Foretell For2016

What Stars Foretell For Countries Prone to Terrorism By ISIS

In this article I have mentioned all the Articles written pertaining to the Solar Eclipses in 2016 and the Dreaded Conjunction of mars and Saturn Effects on the Globe till 18th Sept. 2016 and the Mars Ammunition Dump and activating the Eclipse Points till 1st Jan 2017.

The Planetary cycles will also complete of Jupiter and Saturn Activating the Virgo three times in 2010and 2011 after 28th Jan 2016 . The Year 2016 is also a Durmukh and The effects of the Mars and Saturn Conjunction and the Solar Eclipse will be felt with Magnitude till 28th Jan 2017

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

24th July  2016 08-20 hrs. New Delhi 

Website :www.astrodocanil.com

Email: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Video on Planetary cycle on https://youtu.be/YpD2jMWCO_Q

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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