Venus under affliction and Nodes in forward motion are most venomous for people involved in…
Mundane Astrology
Transit Of Jupiter in Scorpio From 11th Oct. 2018 to 5th Nov. 2019: What It Foretells ?
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 649 viewsJupiter is the largest planet in our Solar system and is considered an auspicious planet in Vedic Astrology. This divine planet gives benefic results and is the only planet which…
Astrology Predicted Loud And Clear For Venus Affliction In Natal and Transit From 1st Sept. to 1st Jan 2019 : Venomous
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 584 viewsI wrote in the morning on my facebook page Astrologer-astrodocanil- at 07-00 hrs Regarding…
The Planetary positions have been sickening specially all the Planets in the shadow of the…
Full Moon Chart of 25th Sept. 2018: Mars Activating Eclipse Point Of Lunar Eclipse Most Venomous
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 663 viewsMars and Rahu Affliction from 26th Sept. to 4th Oct. 2018 may act as Ammunition…
Can Kim Jong-un Launch The Biggest Missile Of ‘North Korea’s Ever Breaking 285 day’s Silence Tonight ?
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 605 viewsMars and Saturn Stationary points have been activated . Mars till 31st August and Saturn…
Could US and Russian Troops ‘Start War By MISTAKE’ in ‘War Prone Torn Syria’
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 614 viewsThis is reference to my earlier Article “Could Syrian War Escalate The Brawl Between US-Russia…
Astrology Predicted Loud And Clear Japan Earthquake 6th Sept. 2018
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 606 viewsThis is with reference to my Article “28th June 2018 Lunation Sagitarius Sun-Saturn Opposition Mars…
Astrology Speaks Loud And Clear On The Stock And Financial Markets
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 689 viewsASTROLOGY PREDICTED LOUD AND CLEAR ON THE STOCK AND FINANCIAL MARKETS . The Spikes disappeared…
Venus The Godess Of Love And Beauty In Libra for Over 121Days : What It Foretells ?
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 592 viewsThis is with reference to my Article “Paksha Kundali of the 26th August, 9th Sept.…