Pakistan May have to Beat a Hasty Retreat for his aggressive Stance till 22nd March 2019
Mundane Astrology
Vedic Progression Chart By Mannu Smriti Of India What It Foretells ?
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 650 views3rd House Rising , 3rd Lord in Mrityu Bhag , Lagna afflicted and Lagna Lord in 8th house a Concern for India
Red Planet Mars, North Node Rahu & Saturn On Wheel : Fear Of Secret Plans Of China Looming Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 549 viewsTransit Mars activating Natal Mars and Transit Rahu over Natal Mars and also afflicted Ny Transit Mars . Saturn Aspecting Transit Sun and Natal Sun Most Venomous Parameters
Astrology Speaks Loudly ! Both Pulwama Terror Attack And IAF Strike On Jaish Camp Predictions On Dot Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 597 viewsCancer-Capricorn and Taurus-Scorpio axis Affliction along with Luminaries is most Venomous for India as Per Varahimihra
India Jets Pound Terror Jaish Camps ‘ASTROLOGY ON DOT’ For 25th Feb. 2019 Attack Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 519 viewsAstrology Proves On Dot for 14th Feb. 2019 Pulwama Attack and Now 25th Feb. 2019 Attack on Terror Camps of Jaish
Will The Pulwama Terror Attack Escalate In Battle Frenzy With Pak ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 623 viewsAffliction to Taurus-Scorpio axis and Cancer -Capricorn Axis is most Venomous for India when Mars is also in the 12th house and can be responsible for the Espionage from Foreign elements and hence war like situations
Will Mars Ingress In Taurus Escalate The Unrest In Trouble Ridden Kashmir ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 529 viewsThe Unrest In War Prone and Torn Kashmir Seems to Escalate After Dasha Lord Mars Transit from the 7th March to 7th May 2019
Stars Foretell Pakistan In Hot Waters Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 562 viewsDasha Lords Venus snd Jupiter Both connected to the 7th house of Wars and Mars Placement shows war Mongering Activities and may prove most Venomous for them
Stars Foretell Troublesome Period At The Boarders From 21st Feb. 2019 Onwards As Saturn, Mars and Nodes On Wheel Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 529 viewsTaurus-Scorpio Axis and Capricorn -Cancer Axis Affliction is a Serious Parameter for India Boarder clashes with Pakistan and China. Mars Ingressin Taurus may aggravate the same
My Article In The ‘EXPRESS STAR TELLER’ Saturn’s Cycle Of 30 Years And Mundane Impact Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 538 viewsSaturn 30 year cycle is Phenomenal and Repeats the happenings specially when it is also connected to Sun