Eclipses and Rahu on the Driving wheel for Untoward happenings and Escalation of Tensions between Countries and Stocks enetrr Bearish Market
Financial Astrology
Gold Hits All Time High As Predicted Crosses 1445$ Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 696 viewsSun, Jupiter Mars and Rahu adverse till 19th July will push the Prices to New High, even if it Drops for a little while it will surge beyond unexpected levels
Will The Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Sagitarius & Capricorn Bring Global Recession ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 639 viewsMost Enigmatic Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturnin Sagitarius and Corn
Sensex Falls More Than 1100 Points After 4th July 2019 Asia Stock Slide Monday North Node On Wheel As Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 536 viewsNorth Node on the Driving wheel and at A stretch in Adverse motion and has the Capacity to turn the Tables as we are witnessing
Rahu North Node On Driving Wheel Budget 2019 Gets Thumbs Down From Markets Predictions Prove Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 513 viewsNorth Node is On the Steering wheel and at a stretch in Adverse motion and has the capacity to turn the Tables upside down and Prove accordingly . Critical till 19th August 2019
Vedic Progression Chart Of US July 2019-July 2020 May Prove Most Enigmatic With Eclipses Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 658 viewsEclipses Falling in the 1/7 axis of Sun In Gemini which is allocated as Sign of US By Varahamihra and the Enigmatic Progression chart of Us may put Us In Difficult situation
Research On Global Economy Predictions Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 559 viewsIf the Stock and the Financial Markets are not influenced during the North Node Adverse from 2nd July to 19th July and from 25th July to 1st August 2019 then the 5 Planets in the sign Sagitarius a Fiery sign specially Ketu, Saturn ,Jupiter and Venus will add fuel to the fire it so seems after 5th Nov. 2019 and to be more specific after 22nd nov. 2019. Sagitarius sign is known for the Bubble Burst in the Economy specially when the Eclipses are also in the 1/7 axis of the Sign Sagitarius on the 26th Dec. 2019
72nd Year Vedic Progression Chart Transit Of Jupiter Mars & Venus What They Have Up-Their Sleeves For India ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 654 viewsMars, Venus, Jupiter and Rahu on the Steering wheel mand Indicates as per the Previous Experiences an Enigmatic one for India Broadly till August 2019
Astrology Predicts Last Bubble In Stock and Financial Markets As Tensions Rise Between US-China US-Iran Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 550 viewsMars Mercury Transit in Gemini and then in Cancer , Saturn, Ketu, Pluto, and Jupiter connected to Sagitarius sign and Changing Navamsha to Capricorn can be Venomous for Stock and Financial Markets and North Node Rahu adding Fuel to the Fire between the 2nd July to 19th July 2019 can Prove to be Venomous
Gold To Cross All Barriers And Cross $1500 Mark Soon As Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 568 viewsSun, Mars joining Leo / Sagitarius most instrumental in surge of Gold in 2019