This is with reference to my earlier Article “Roman God Saturn in Sagitarius : Bane…
Eclipses and Effects
Astrological analysis of two major Tsunami incidents in the known world history…. Please read My…
What Stars Foretell For Election Results of 5 States,Using Solar Ingress,Twin Eclipses,Paksha Kundali of the12th March 2017
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 542 viewsIn this Article I am going to use the Solar Ingress in Capricorn, Twin Eclipses…
The Election Commission announced the schedule of the assembly elections to be held in five…
Immigrant Community Fearing Donald Trump’s Deportation Bolt From The Blue
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 588 viewsAs an Astrologer I always use the Natural Zodiac for Mundane Predictions using the Aries Sign.…
I must share why I was prompted to write this Article . I was to…
Enigmatic Paksha Kundali of the 29th Dec.2016: What It Foretells
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 618 viewsIn my previous Articles I have been mentioning that the Month of Dec.2016 and Jan.2017…
This is in continuation to my earlier article “Rahu Demon Becomes Most Venomous Like Snake…
Will Bhandan Yoga On 15th Dec. 2016 Trigger Tug Of War Between China and US
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 565 viewsThe Media News are Horrifying .Read Below the Sequence of Events Between US and China.…
In this article I am going to analyse the situations arising in the Country as…