Astrology again Speaks Loud and Clear Read the Article “28th June 2018 Lunation Sagitarius Sun-Saturn…
Eclipses and Effects
Mars-Ketu Long Stay In Capricorn After 205 Years & Total Lunar Eclipse In Capricorn on the 28th July 2018 Most Enigmatic
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 679 viewsThis is with reference to my article “Eclipses And The Theory Of Astrological Inevitability :…
Enigmatic Oath Chart Mehbooba Mufti Proves On Dot Mars Retrogression in Capricorn May Escalate Unrest InTrouble Ridden Jammu & Kashmir
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 631 viewsJammu and Kashmir is Known for its Trouble Ridden History of the Past due to…
Ammunition Dump Mars Stationary Turning Retrograde Sun-Saturn Opposition July 2018 Eclipses Boon Or Bane
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 881 viewsRed Planet Mars Stationary Turning Retrograde Sun -Saturn Opposition and July 2018 Eclipses Boon Or…
Sun-Saturn Opposition Gift’s Mallya With ‘Arrest In Money Laundering Case’
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 623 viewsSaturn opposing the Sun and Activing the Natal Saturn and Sun Proves havoc is the…
Astrology Speaks Loudly ! ‘Sun-Saturn Opposition’ Proves Havoc As Predicted
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 643 viewsWhat Happens to the Stock Markets is anybodies guess My Predictions coming true it so…
Lunation Chart Of June 2018 and Eclipses In 2018 Bane Or Boon
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 644 viewsVarahamihira in his monumental work Brihat Samita has said that”Just as the night devoid of…
Red Planet Mars In Retrogression Conjunct South Node Ketu In Capricorn After 205 years: What They Foretell ?
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 612 viewsThis is a research article and I am going to discuss when Last time Mars and Ketu…
Retrograde Mars Conjunct South Node Ketu Most Venomous From 27th June-27th August 2018
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 804 viewsThis is a Research Article and I am going to study the events which took…
Eclipses And The Theory Of Astrological Inevitability : What They Foretell ?
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 778 viewsEclipses are caused by the Nodes Rahu and Ketu when they overshadow the luminaries, the…