Can Indian Astrology Predict The Future Accurately ? The Answer Is Yes Predictions Made On 17th Sept. 2019 & 23rd May 2020 Prove Spot On Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

234 You Tube Videos 1568 Articles and Predictions Proving Spot on and 96 % Predictions”

“Can Indian Astrology Predict The Future Accurately ? The Answer Is Yes Predictions Made On 17th Sept. 2019 & 23rd May 2020 Prove Spot On Astrologer Anil Aggarwala ”

Astrology Speaks Loudly ! My Predictions As Per Research Article Of 23rd May 2020 For Virus & Vaccines Proves Spot On

Read this Article  Link  Eclipses in Moola & Jyestha Nakshatra May Pose Hinderances In Vaccine Developement For COVID-19 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

This Article was written 11 months back when the Virus had just initiated . All my Predictions pertaining to Virus spread from China made in the Article dated 17th Sept. 2019  link  Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala ( and the above Article for the Virus and Vaccines have proved spot on. I had Predicted that even after the Ketu ingress in the Jyestha Star and when afflicted by Mars  will be most prone time for the Virus spread again from the 22nd Feb to 14th April 2021 and there may be no ease in the spikes of the Virus specially till the 10th May 2021 till Ketu in Jyestha star. The Vaccines may be developed when Mars is in Aries sign and specially in Ashvini Star and specially between the 24th Dec. 2020 to 22nd Feb 2021 . All the Predictions made for Virus spread and the Vaccine have proved spot on. Not a single Astrologer Predicted and did any reseach on this subject and all were  just dong Post-mortem  which is the normal way of the 99 % Astrologers which spoils the image of ‘ASTROLOGY’. Using my Research Techniques I had Predicted the same  and all has come true . Now wait for the Virus ease after the 10th-18th May 2021 specially and after the 20th July 2021 when Mars again becomes strong in Fiery sign toi give ease in the Virus and Ketu also leaves the Jyestha Star considered to be most enigmatic

Also Read My Article in which the same was reproduced  on the 23rd Dec. 2020

Read My Research Article On Eclipses in Moola & Jyestha Nakshatra May Pose Hinderances In Cure From Diseases Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

Let me Now Here reproduce the same here for Ready Reference and see what was Predicted way back in May 2020 when the Virus had just initiated . No Astrologer had Predicted the Virus Spread and no Research was done by single Astrologer . My Predictions on the Virus Spread from China dated 17th Sept. 2019 and the Research Articles written on the 23rd May 2020 and then 23rd Dec. 2020 seems to Prove Spot on


Read My Research Article On Eclipses in Moola & Jyestha Nakshatra May Pose Hinderances Cure From Diseases Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

As per the Planetary positions it seems there will be difficult situations for Vaccine development specially till Ketu in Moola and Jyestha Nakshatra till 10th May 2021  and even more  as can be seen from the Planetary positions

“Why we might not get a Coronavirus Vaccine”

Earlier this week, England’s deputy chief medical officer Jonathen Van-Tam said the words nobody wants to hear: We can’t be sure we will get a vaccine

More than 30 years Scientists isolated HIV, the virus which causes AIDS, we have till date no vaccine. The Dengue Fever was identified in 1943 , the first vaccine was approved last year even then it made concerns and in some cases it gave worst results. The Fastest Vaccine developed took 4 years for mumps. Scientist have worked for Coronavirus before so not starting from scratch. Two Coronavirus have caused lethal outbreaks before , namely Sars and Mers. The Lessons learnt will help Scientists to create a Vaccine for CORONAVIRUS, but still a lot to learn about the awful virus

As per Astrology I find  similar happenings like the Coronavirus  in the Jan 1918 when Spanish Flue outbreak took place in the  Period: January 1918 – December 1920.

On the 28th Dec 1917 there was a Lunar Eclipse in the Ardra Nakshatra involving 5 planets  and a absolutely parallel Solar Eclipse on the 26th Dec. 2019 in the Moola Nakshatra when 6 planets were involved . Let me Put the Charts here for Read y reference 

28th Dec 1917 Lunar Eclipse 

Have a Look at the chart below when the Spanish Flue disappeared as per the link after December 1920. See the Chart of the 1st  Dec. 1920 Below

The Planetary positions acquiring special dimension are as follows 

  1. Have a Look at the Ketu Degrees just entered Ashvini Nakshatra   from Bharini Nakshatra  and Rahu in swati Nakshatra
  2. At the time of the 28th Dec 1917 Eclipse Rahu was in Moola and Ketu was in Ardra . As per the Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019 Rahu was in Ardra and Ketu was in Poorva Shada. Hence for Coronavirus to disappear similar Planetary positons may help Coronavirus to disappear. Let us see when we have similar Planetary positions in the Future when Rahu and Ketu are also in the same axis as the above  on the 7th Feb 2023

Have a Look at the chart below first of the Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec 2019 parallel to the Spanish Flue

Now trying the above research of the Nodes going in the trinal house from the house of Eclipse and in own Nakshatras 

This Analysis is purely on the basis of the Spanish Flue which is absolutely Parallel conditions as the 26th Dec 2019 and specially the Rahu and Ketu in the Sagittarius-Gemini axis  and both Rahu and Ketu in Nakshatra Exchange . We had Parallel Conditions on the 12th Feb 2020 when Ketu joined Moola and Rahu was in Ardra Nakshatra .

The Above Planetary conditions show that Till Rahu and Ketu join back their Nakshatras in the Trinal signs and in own Nakshatras there may not be any relief from Coronavirus

This article is totally Research oriented and what ever happens as per Astrology it has some special message also as far as the Research goes . The Ingress of Rahu and Ketu in the Taurus-Scorpio Axis may not be enough for the Coronavirus to disappear . The number of spikes may reduce after the  Ketu leaves the Jyestha Nakahsta as after the 10th May 2021 primarily. ——–Note this Parameter

I absolutely agree with the Medical officer and the past experience for Development of the Vaccine it  is a hard nut to crack to develop a Vaccine for the COVID-19. Ketu in Moola and Jyestha Nakshatra it may not be possible for the Scientists for a good break through. Hence Till Ketu in Jyestha Nakshatra  till 10th May 2021 there will be difficulties in the development of Vaccines and for the Cure of the Virus. There can be spikes in Virus when Ketu is afflicted in Jyestha star by Transit Mars from 22nd Feb. to 14th April 2021  and specially till 10th May 2021 there may not be any ease from the Virus spread .The reason is the Jyestha nakshatra supposed to be equally malefic for Diseases specially the Crippling’s and Lingering ones like the Cancer specially the sign Scorpio the most important sign for lingering and crippling diseases . My observation when ever nodes Change sign they sprout Cancer and Diseases specially in the signs Sagittarius and Scorpio and then the worst Solar Eclipse of the year on the 14th Dec 2020 and Eclipse point 29 degrees at Gandantha and Luminaries the life giving are in most malefic state . If ASTROLOGY is used now it could be helpful. From the past we have seen no vaccine developed for HIV, Dengue, and any other Disease for that purpose in such a short duration. I fear the same as per the Planetary combinations and Eclipses taking place one after the other and each one has a  negative parameter attached to it . 

Let us  see the Eclipse falling this Year which could pose hinderances for a good development of the Vaccine for COVID-19

Have a Look at the Solar Eclipse of the 21st June 2020 at 12.12 hrs below 

The Day is Sunday and the Lord is Sun and Placed in the Yama of Leo the 12th house of the Chart and the Yama Lord is placed in the 10th house totally eclipsed and having aspects  by 8th Lord Mars in close degrees  who is also Placed very close to the MEP and aspects the Lagna and is also the Star Lord where the Eclipse is taking place . These Planetary combinations are most enigmatic

The Eclipse is taking Place in the Nakshatra of Mrigshira and the Lord is also Mars aspects the Eclipse point and will activate the same degree-wise  between the 25th to 30th June 2020 which may prove Ammunition dump. This Eclipse is taking place in the 2nd House of the India Foundation chart over the natal Mars and in close degrees of the Natal Mars . The Sign Lord Mercury will also be placed there and will have an aspect of Mars the 8th Lord . The Lagna is also of the 5th house of the Foundation chart and signifies the Entertainment and Educational Industry in Trouble

The Karna Lord is Malefic and Kimstughna hence the Karya Siddhi may not take place due to this Solar Eclipse . The Nakshatra is in the Central Zone and the Maximum suffering may be in the Central Zone of India as per the Koorma chakraas already Predicted by me

The Yoga  for Diseases is  Gandha and the Lord is Saturn and ill placed from  Ketu and Moon is not good for Recovery and any ease from the Virus . 6th Lord from Moon is Mars is well placed from Moon and Saturn but in the Navamsha the Yoga Lord and Mars are in 6/8 axis and Mars is also debilitated in Navamsha as the 6th Lord from Moon

In the D6 Chart  Saturn the 6th Lord is ill placed from Ketu the disease Karka . Sun and Moon gone in the house of Chronic Diseases

After the deadly Solar Eclipse on the 26th Dec. 2019 in the nakshatra of Moola  there are Solar Eclipses in the Year 2020 in the following Nakshatras  21st June 2020 in Mrigshira 0n the 21st June 2020 and we have analysed as above. On the 14th Dec 2020 In the nakshatra of Jyestha . The Eclipses in the Moola and Jyestha are not supposed to be good ones 

As per the Astrological Classics  Moola and Jyestha stars are Teekshna-Daruna( Ferocious & Bitter). They are good for starting tantrik acts as directed to harm others from a distance, killing , black magic, deadly deeds, divide others  to train animals  and control animals and for “Sadhana” or “Hatha -Yogas”. These Stars are also classified as facing upwards, facing downwards and facing forward.

Moola Adho-mukh star Lord is Godess Nriti and Jyestha  Tiryang-Mukha Lord is Indra

The Solar Eclipses in the Scorpio Sign  on the 14th Dec. 2020 at 21.47 hrs  acquires important Dimension since there are 5 planets in the sign Scorpio and there is Planetary war between the Saturn and Jupiter in the sign Capricorn and Mars as the sign Lord of Scorpio is also Fallen in Pieces   and having aspect of Saturn

The Chart is Below

Cancer Disease 

Scorpio sign is the prime sign for  Cancer, though the word indicates the 4th house . The Scorpio sign has the greatest relation with Cancer Disease. The Diseases associated are TB, Cancer and both are seen from the sign Scorpio. Moon Debilitates in the sign Scorpio and Scorpio is the 8th house of the Natural Zodiac and deals with chronic and incurable diseases. Now in Scorpio he have  the star Lords of Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury. Jupiter has one charan only , Saturn and Mercury have 4 charans each. Hence since Mercury holds the Lordship of the 3rd and the 6th house of the natural Zodiac becomes the most Volatile Planet and coming in the 8th house of the natural Zodiac as the star Lord and Gandantha star becomes extremely malefic and a dreadful planet. Rahu-Ketu Associated with Scorpio sign give Cancer. Hence Association of Moon-Rahu, Rahu-Mercury, or Rahu-Mars shall Give Cancer . If these Planets are well associated with Mars  then these diseases can be cured . Suppose Moon, Rahu, Mercury and Mars are in Scorpio, death will come from Cancer . In D8 Ashtamasha Chart is having any connection then one will be having Cancerous growth

If 6th Lord of the Rashi Chart is Connected to Ketu or a Disease giving Planet in the D8 one will have lingering diseases, but placed in a good House from Scorpio or Mars  who is also well placed from Scorpio may be good

In the D6 chart In the Solar Eclipse above the 6th Lord Jupiter is in the house of Chronic Diseases and ill placed from Rahu and Ketu placed in the Lagna of the D6 chart is most malefic . The Eclipse taking place at 29 degrees in Scorpio in Gandantha is most malefic one  since the Luminaries are in Gandantha and are life giving source .

Although this Eclipse is not Visible in India it falls in the 7th house of the india Foundation chart.  These Planetary combinations also suggest no repite from the woes of the Diseases  and Virus

Hence it seems as already Predicted by other Methods there may be respite after 27th July and 22nd August 2020 but the woes of the COVID-19 may continue for Long  as already Predicted After  Jan 2021 the Life may become normal but the Fear of the COVID-19 will remain Finally till 8th Feb 2023. As per the Ketu in Jyestha Nakshatra till10th May 2021 is also a Parameter which cannot be ignored .. The Solar Eclipse of the 14th Dec. 2020 is visible In the South Pacific Ocean, South America, Parts of South West Africa and there these Countries may be influenced more than the other Countries where it is not visible

Hence broadly speaking the possibility of a Vaccine development  is remote in the near future specially till 10th May 2021 which may bring very good results , even if it is developed there may be constraints in the same as already Predicted  and the Results may not be long lasting. The vaccines may have to be injected again and again

There  COVID-19  may start to ease from the 27th July, 22nd August, 29th Sept. 2020 slowly and slowly and then when Saturn and Jupiter are out of the Nigda Dreshkanne after the 5th and 25th Jan 2021 Respectively there may be Business  and Infrastructure development and betterment in all directions slowly and the woes of the  worker class may also may be taken care of . There may be ease in the day to day situations to quite an extent  and specially after Jupiter crosses Saturn after the 5th April 2021, but the fear of the COVID-19 may remain for Long as can be seen by the above analysis and if the Research Proves true then not  till 8th Feb 2023  parallel situations like the Spanish Flue  when Nodes transit in the trines from the signs where the Eclipses took Place. Some relief is seen after Ketu leaves the Jyestha Nakshatra on the 10th May 2021 and when Jupiter crosses Saturn on the 6th April 2021 —– note these predictions .

VACCINE DEVELOPEMENT  WILL BE GOOD WHEN MARS WILL BE IN THE SIGN ARIES FROM 24TH DEC 2020 TO 22ND FEB 2021 specially when Mars is in Ashvini star. These Vaccine may give good results after Ketu leaves the Jyesthsa star on the 10th May 2021——– NOTE THESE PREDICTIONS


The Next date will be when Rahu and Ketu leave the Taurus-Scorpio axis on the 17th March 2021 and finally on the 8th Feb 2023 when there an exchange between the stars of Rahu and Ketu we may get major relief from the COVID-19

When Time Comes I shall write more using the Pisces New Moon Charts of the Year 2021-2022 which may hold importance along with Mundane Chakras  Mars and Saturn Transit which may also influence the Virus spread


The One Vaccine Side Effect Dr. Fauci Is Worried About

The One Vaccine Side Effect Dr. Fauci Is Worried About (






To the above Let me add my Further Predictions made for the above as per My Articles Below

1.Red Planet Mars Puts It’s Foot On Full Throttle Virus Surge Beyond Expectations Lock Downs Untoward Happenings Predictions Spot On Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

2.Pisces Hindu New Moon Charts 2020 & 2021 Hard Malefics Influencing Ascendant Enigmatic For Virus Spread Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

3.Mars & Saturn Hard Malefics In Square Position Sept. 2020 : Peak In Coronavirus 24th April- 2nd July 2021 Most Prone Time Frame Since Similar Positions Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

4.100 Days of Precaution Red Planet Mars Roman God Saturn Demon North Node Rahu On Wheel Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

5.Chaitra Shukla Paksha Pratipada Pisces New Moon Chart 12th April 2021 What It Has Up It’s Sleeves For Virus Spread ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

 All My Predictions for the Vaccines and the Virus spread seems to be Coming True. First the Start of the Coronavirus from China written on the 17th Sept. 2021 and then after the  Ketu ingress in Jyestha star I had Predicted that the Virus will not ease till the 10th May 2021 and Now Using the Chaitra Pratipada Pisces New Moon chart till the 20th July 2021 and then another time frame which could be disturbing is between the 14th Sept. to 20th Nov. 2021 but with lesser strength  and then after the 17th March 2022 and 8th Feb 2023 the Virus will disappear

The Peak Period will be from the 24th April to 18th May 2021 both dates inclusive after which the Virus will start to ease slowly  and totally disappear after the 8th Feb 2023 and the Dates given above and in all articles 


Medical intervention may help to some extent and Vaccines launched between 24th Dec. 2020 to 22nd Feb 2021 will start to give good effects after the 10th May 2021




First Astrologer To Predict Virulent Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”

    The most Important Article Conjunction of Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reeling in Anguish and Pain link

    Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
16th April 2021 9.30  hrs  NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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