Can Cancer Disease Be Diagnosed By Astrology ? Yes !

by astrodocanil

This Morning when I opened the Laptop I saw the News of the Famous Actor and Director Rishi Kapoor Suffering from Cancer and in New York getting the treatment  for Cancer Disease . Can Cancer Disease Be Diagnosed By Astrology ? Yes !  Surprisingly no Break through in this field and no Good Medical Doctor is an Astrologer . Only one case of Dr  K S Charak. My feeling is This field should be explored seriously by Medical Doctors who may be able to do miracles and getting rid of the disease before it sprouts 

Let us first discuss the Parameters in Astrology which point out Cancer Disease Treatment for the same . Now Read this “Rishi Kapoor Allegedly Diagnosed with Third Stage Cancer , Brother Randhir Kapoor Reveals the Same ” link 

‘Life is short and unpredictable’ -This seemed to be the brutal truth with Bollywood’s Hawa Hawai, Sridevi untimely demise and Hum Saath Saath Hain actress, Sonali Bendre’s high-grade cancer . And now when , Rishi Kapoor went to the US for medical treatment, speculations went rife that he is suffering from Cancer  too. Rishiji, Neetu Kapoor and their Son, Ranbir Kapoor missed the Funeral of Krishna Raj Kapoor on the 1st Oct. 2018. On the 29th Sept. 2018 Rishi Kapoor Twitted about his short absence from work to go to US for Medical Treatment . 

My Wife also suffered from Brest Cancer and I know the pain one has to go through the same . I have been thinking for long why dont we use the Medical Astrology to forsee what kind of Diseases one can suffer and take preventive measures . I am afraid no Astrologer has seriously taken up this subject to be used for the benefit of the mankind . I can say with confidence Cancer Disease Can be forseen before it occures and Preventive measures can definitely help together with Medical Science . This can go a long way if Astrology and Medical science work together in this field and do miracles.

Never the less in this Article I am going to discuss the Combinations for Cancer Disease and also discuss the Horoscope of Rishi Kapoor . I don’t have the complete bith details but from the Link Rishi Kapoor his birth details are 4th Sept. 1952 . we dont have the birth time never the less I will use the Trasnit parameters to evaluate the same and found amazing results even when we dont have the complete birth details

The Parameters to be seen for Diseases are as follow 

1. Planets in Sarp Dreshkanne . Planets placed in 2nd and  3rd Dreshkanne of Cancer , 1st and 2nd of Scorpio and 3rd Dreshkanne of Pieces.

2.  Planets placed in the 22DK , 64N, 85D and the Lords of these signs 

3. Trishamasha Lords of the 6th and the 8th Lord  

4. Planets in Vish Ghati and Mrityu Bhag 

5. Most Malefic Planets for certain Lagnas 

6. Planets in Gandantha specially between the watery and fiery sign

7. Placement of the Lagna Lord, 8th Lord and Moon are also to be seen in the chart

7. Varga Charts to be seen D1,D9, D3, D6, D6, D8, D12 ,D30, D60

8. Karka Graha Ketu Disease giver , Mars, 6th Lord and 8th Lord  to be given importance 

In this Article I will be mainly discussing the Cancer Disease and the Probable  Horoscope of Rishi Kapoor 

The Chart is Below
Rishi Kapoor – Wikipedia
Rishi Kapoor (born 4 September 1952
D6 Chart Shatiamsha is seen for Diseases ,
1. D6 chart has to be corelated with D3 Dreshkanne chart to find out the cure . For this the Lagna Lord of the D1, D3 and the Disease giving Planet in the D6 chart. Here in the case of the above horoscope Moon and Ketu relation to be seen and they are 4/10 relation not bad  for cure 
2. Position of Mars has to be seen in the D6  and is best placed if in Fiery sign  eben in the 6th house  is good , here it is placed in the sign Sagitarius is good 
3. Mars Position to be seen w.r. t the 6th Lord of the D1 chart  and hence the relation of Mars and Jupiter have to be seen is well placed . Mars should not be in inimical sign  or Debilitated . But this has to be born in mind that both Mars and Ketu are in Sarp Dreshkanne  and can give disease . The sign Scorpio rising in the D6 chart whose Lord is in Sarp Dreshkanne is not good for Diseases  and Scorpio sign also signifies Cancer Disease .
If the Disease Giving Planet Ketu or 6th Lord  Jupiter in this case  or Dispositor of the 6th Lord  of D1 in D3 which is Jupiter in this case  if they are having any kind of Influence in the D8  Ashtamsha Chart  then the Native will remain diseased throughout life and when the 6th Lord of the Birth chart is afflicted by Ketu or Saturn then a Person suffers from crippling disease like Cancer  and hence in the chart of Rishi Kapoor there are perfect combinations for Crippling and Cancer Disease . It has been observed that in Such Cases when Ketu is the disease giver and in Sarp Dreshkanne when Rahu Transits over this Planet the Disease sprouts immedaitely . In the above case Rahu Transitted over the natal Ketu after 9th Sept. 2017 and was on Ketu degree-wise on the 17-18th Oct. 2017 and till it is in the same navamsha as the Natal Ketu it is the time for the disease to surface  and finally when Moon touches the 6th Lord or Ketu the disease sprouts , When these transit Rahu-Ketu come close to Lagna degrees the Disease is in full form, like the above case Rahu is transitting over Ketu at 8.04 degrees and when it touches the Lagna degrees the Disease is crippling and not curable will be in the third stage of the disease 
 Best placement of Mar is in the 10th house in the D6 for good Cure and good placement from the 6th Lord of the Birth chart
Cancer Disease 
Scorpio sign is the prime source of Cancer , though the words indicate the 4th house , Scorpio has the greatest relation with Cancer Disease , In the above case Mars is Placed in Scorpio and in Sarp Dreshkanne and the Scorpio sign is rising in the D6 Chart , Even TB is seen from the Scorpio sign . Moon Debilitates in the sign Scorpio and is the 8th house of the natural Zodiac and deals with Chronic and incurable diseases, Now in Scorpio we have the 3 Nakshatras of  Jupiter Saturn and Mercury and Jupiter has only one charan where as Saturn and Mercury have 4 charan each, hence Mercury happens to be very Volatile planet since also holding the 6th house of the natural Zodiac and coming in the 8th house of the natural Zodiac as the nakshatra Lord  of Kaal Purush and in Gandantha becomes the most malefic and dreadful planet . See the Ketu and Mercury in the natal chart of Rishi Kapoor Both are at Gandanth Points and have excahnge of Nakshatra a dreadful combinationin the chart. In the D8 ashtamasha chart if any Planet Rahu,Ketu, 6th Lord are associated then it gives Cancer . In the chart above Rahu-Ketu and the 6th Lord Jupiter in the 7th house in the sign Scorpio will therefore give Cancer . Mars in this chart is placed in the sign of Saturn the 7th and th e 8th Lord of the Birth chart 
Like wise we can also see the the D12 below 
8th House of this Varga chart gives incurable diseases and the Lord is Mars again  and aspects the Lagna and is in Sarp Dreshkanne in the natal chart , Mars is also the Lord of the  85th Dwadamsha 
Since accurate time of birth is not available and I have tried my level best to match the birth time and seems quite correct 
D60 Chart In this chart Mars is placed in the sign of Mercury and in Rahu-Ketu axis and I have explained that Mercury is alo in Gandantha point and has exchange of Nakshatra with Ketu in Sarp Dreshkanne 
The Dasha in operation as per my calculations id Ketu-Mercury and prone to Cancer Disease 
My Idea of writing this article is for the Lovers of Astrology and the upcoming students of Astrology  who can forsee the issues pertaining to Crippling disease and go for Preventive checkups and Medical Students to Learn Astrology which may help them solve the Cases and take preventive measures so that the Disease is cured before it takes a dangerous shape 
Transit Jupiter the 6th Lord of the Birth chart has ingressed over the Natal Mars in Sarp Dreshkanne and when Jupiter in Transit reaches the Sarp Dreshkanne it could be most venomous for Rishiji. As per the Transit Jupiter will also become attichari and join the 6th house of the Rishi Kapoor and then Fall back on Mars . This Period will be most Crucial  from the 23rd April 2019 to 11th August 2019 when Jupiter is fallen and also Retrograde 
God Bless Him 

Written on 18th Oct. 2018 10.15 Hrs. New Delhi 

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
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