Can ASTROLOGY Predict Wars ? War Imminent In 2018-2019

by astrodocanil

This is a Research Article and I am going to Discuss the Planetary positions at the time of WW1,WW2 some other wars between nations in the globe and compare with the Planetary positions in the year 2018 an 2019 for a Possible WW3. This also has reference to my earlier Article “Celestial Drama Of Planets 26th Oct. 2017- 6th Nov. 2018 and Mars in Capricorn for 187 Days Ammunition Dump” link…-ammunition-dump/ dated 23rd Oct. 2017

The Paksha Kundali of the 20th Sept. 2017 is an enigmatic one due to the fact that all the planets are in the shadow of the Nodes, Mars and Saturn and till Mars and Saturn pass the Sign Capricorn the darkest sign of the Zodiac there may be fear looming over the possible big war in the Globe where US may be largely involved 

Please refer to my Article “Enigmatic New Moon Chart of 20th Sept. 2017. What It Foretells For the Globe ?” link…ls-for-the-globe/  dated 14th Sept. 2017 and what ever was Predicted proved on dot 

Read this Article “‘Second Half Of The New Moon Chart 20th Sept. 2017 Proves Most Enigmatic As Predicted ” link…tic-as-predicted/ dated 27th Sept. 2017 

Read some of the Main Predictions which Proved on dot

Now Read this “The Daily Prophet: North Korea Proves Adept at Market Timing
The following Happenings on a single Day on the 27th Sept. 2017
1. GST & cash ban have hurt, but oil prices could be the straw that breaks the economy’s back link
Market Drops 439 points Sensex and Nifty 135 points
Trade Setup for Thursday: Top 10 things you should know before Opening Bell Traders are advised to remain cautious and avoid creating fresh long positions as technical indicators point towards 9,685 in the near term.
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3. China threatens US with ‘REAL WAR’ over North Korea saying Trump made ‘miscalculation’
4. North Koreans ready for apocalyptic ‘do-or-die battle with US’
5. How Bali volcano could kill ‘in SECONDS’ after eruption
6. Hydrogen bomb REVEALED: Unseen pics of blasts 20 TIMES more powerful than Hiroshima 
7.  North Korea moves jets, missiles and fuel tanks as world on brink of WW3
8. ISIS and Taliban claim rocket attack on airport was targeting NATO and US leaders
9. Towns and villages EVACUATED as explosions rock Ukraine
10. Trump Says U.S. Is Ready to Use ‘Devastating’ Force on North Korea
11. Donald Trump North Korea Clash Is a Threat to Russia and Human Civilization, Says Russian Senator
12. Venezuela Prepares for War With U.S. With ‘Rifles, Missiles and Well-Oiled Tanks at the Ready’
13. Trump Impeachment Vote Could Happen Next Week in Response to President’s NFL Protest Comments
14. North Korea Can Attack U.S. Mainland With Missile, Top American General Warns
15. Shock photos show Korea preparing for nuclear attack TODAY
16. 72 Dead As Hurricane Irma Batters Florida
It seems Saturn nearing the Gandantha Position, Nodes , Mars and Saturn over shadowing all the planets to form the most Venomous Kalpa Aroha Sarpa Yoga and Planets in the 5 Eclipsed Nakshatra taking the world for a bumpy ride 
The Dates mentioned by me in other Articles hold good for the Financial Markets and other Man made, Natural, Unnatural Disasters, Earthquakes etc.
As Predicted the 26-27th Sept. 2017 Prove to be most Venomous ASTROLOGY IS AMAZING

Let me start from the WW1 Chart  of 1914 As Per  The War started on the 28th July 1914.  and was till 11th Nov. 1918  

In each case I will be using the Moon Chart since we don’t have the exact time of the Happenings with us 

Parameters acquiring an important dimension as below 

  1. Mars, Venus and Ketu in Leo Fiery sign and all in nakshatra of P Phalguni
  2. Jupiter Debilitated  Retrograde and Fallen and aspects Moon in Virgo Earthy sign .
  3. 2 Planets in Earthy sign Jupiter and Moon 
  4. Saturn aspects Mars and Ketu and in Navamsha Mars and Saturn are conjunct in Scorpio and in Square from Rahu-Ketu
  5. Karna Lord is Mars with Ketu and Venus in same Nakshatra and Placed in Dagdha Rashi and is also an Avyogi planet , hence Mars acquiring a special dimension
  6. Moon Very close to Rahu or Ketu and Rahu In Forward motion
  7. Ketu or Rahu Influenced By Mars or Saturn in Navamsha as well, Affliction to Ketu Must 
  8. Venus In Leo and In Navamsha the Leo Lord Sun Debilitated and with Venus 
  9. Jupiter Saturn in the Nakshatra of Mars ,3 Planets in the Nakshatra of venus and all afflicted

Moon chart at the time of WW2

Planets acquiring a special dimension

  1. Moon in Dual sign close to Ketu and Rahu in Forward Motion with a Day or so from the Day of War 
  2. Moon in Dual sign and In Dagdha Rashi with Jupiter  Retrograde
  3. Saturn and Ketu Conjunction Degree wise in a Fiery sign  Aries and in Gemini navamsha 
  4. Mars and Saturn in Square position having Return aspect 
  5. Saturn Retrograde and Debilitated and Mars Exhalted and in Earthy sign
  6. Venus In Leo and about to Join Sun in Navamsha of Leo
  7. Rahu in Forward Motion for 3 -4 days at the time of War 
  8. Mars Exhalted and Vargottam

Korean War

Please refer to my article “Is Korean War Inevitable in 2017” link dated 7th July 2017

Chart at the time of 26th June 1950 to 27 Jul 1953

Parameters Acquiring Special dimension

  1. Moon Just Changed from Dual sign Virgo where Mars and Ketu are Placed in very close degrees in an Earthy sign and then in Fiery Navamsha 
  2. See the Degrees of Ketu 9.47 and was with Mars in Fiery Navamsha  conjunct
  3. Saturn and Rahu 6/8 axis 
  4. Rahu Stationary 
  5. Saturn and Mars aspect each other in Navamsha 
  6. Sun , Jup, Moon in Rahu Nakshatra 

China War with India

Now have a Look at the chart below of Oct. 1962 when we had war with China

Planets Acquiring a special dimension

  1. Mars, Moon and Rahu in the Sign Cancer and same degrees of 11.00 . Mars Debilitated 
  2. Saturn and Ketu same degrees in the sign Capricorn at 11 .0 degrees in Earthy sign 
  3. Mars and Saturn aspecting each other degree wise 
  4. Have a Look at the Navamsha and Saturn and Ketu in Fiery Navamsha 
  5. Jupiter Retrograde and in Rahu Nakshatra 
  6. Moon , Mars and Rahu in Saturn nakshatra 
  7. Rahu Stationary for 3-4 day

Before we take up the Future Planetary Positions also read My Articles of Saturn since it ingressed in Sagitarius on the evening of 26th Oct. 2017 

  1. 59 Years Back Roman God Saturn Was Fallen In Scorpio on the 2nd June 1958: Unfolded ? link…ne-1958-unfolded/  and After Saturn Went back in Sagitarius it Created havoc  in the year 1959 to 1962 when China War took place.
  2. Roman God Saturn Fallen in 1990 Sprouted Gulf War, What It has Up his Sleeves In 2017-2019 ? link…ves-in-2017-2019/. In 1990 Saturn was Fallen in Sagitarius and there was Gulf War 
  3. Roman God Saturn Transit In Sagitarius : Boon or Bane link…ius-boon-or-bane/
  4. Red Planet Mars,North Node,Roman God Saturn Crossing Gandantha Points, What They Have Up Their Sleeves ? link…up-their-sleeves/
  5. Hence this Transit in Sagitarius till 25th Jan 2020 will not be good one . At the time of War with China in 1962 Saturn was in Sagitarius with Ketu  which will take place in the year 2019 and Degree conjunction with Ketu on the 12th May 2019 can be explosive one 
  6. At the time of the Great Financial depression in the world Economy Saturn was at 3 degrees in Sagitarius 

Read My Articles on the Planetary cycles on my webpage “Astrology Speaks Planetary Cycles Repeat Behaviour : What They Foretell For Oct.-Nov. 2017” link…for-oct-nov-2017/ 

When Saturn was Fallen 59 years back in Scorpio there was surge in the Market and the same  has been repeated after Saturn was Fallen from 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017 taking the Markets to a new High , Now After Saturn crosses the Gandantha Points it could prove most Venomous for the Stock market as explained and discussed in this article in the Fortnight from 4th Nov. 2017 to 18th Nov. 2017. On the 3rd Nov. Venus Joins Jupiter which is a Combination of Blood Shed and Venus and Jupiter will be conjunct on the 13th Nov. 2017 and Venus will leave the sign on the 26th Nov. 2017 when it joins Scorpio. Mars will join Libra on the 29th Nov. 2017 and aspect Ketu and in Navamsha on the 16th Dec. 2017 Mars will join Rahu in Capricorn Navamsha . This Time frame is also Venomous  and the Ultimate is when Mars Joins Ketu in Capricorn on the 3rd May 2017 till 6th Nov. 2017. The Fear of  Brawl between US and North Korea and other allies of North Korea will hang for a long time and take the most ugly shape for 187 days as discussed in this article 

Now Have a Look at the chart Below  for the Present Transit of Planets on the 29th Oct. 2017

The Parameters acquiring a Special dimension

  1. Saturn in Fiery sign and Fiery Navamsha in Debilitation, in Gandantha and in Ketu Nakshatra , till 26th Oct. 2017 it was aspecting Ketu 
  2. Saturn and Mars in Square position and return aspect and both in Fiery Navamsha , Mars in Earthy sign at 10 degrees most Crucial point 
  3. Moon and Ketu same degrees of 27 .0 and same Navamsha of Earthy sign Virgo
  4. Venus In affliction and in Earthy sign with Mars and Both in Fiery navamsha 
  5. Jupiter and Sun in Rahu Nakshatra, Moon and Ketu in Mars Nakshatra , and Saturn in Ketu nakshatra and Jupiter Combusted and about to change the Navamsha to Capricorn and Join Sun in Navamsha an Earthy sign
  6. It has been observed that when ever war has taken place Venus is under affliction and in Leo Navamsha 
  7. 3rd Nov. 2017  00-05 hrs. Rahu and Ketu will change Navamsha in Transit to Ketu in Leo and Rahu in Aquarius , This Change may sprout some untoward happenings concerning the Brawl between the Countries , Surge in Oil Prices , Surge in Gold Prices and a Break in the Financial Markets of the world after Nifty crosses the 10500 mark it so seems , Since the North Korea -US Brawl may escalate and take an ugly turn till Saturn is in Gandantha and some Untoward happenings cannot be ruled out Natural, Unnatural and Man made and hence Wars , Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Volcanos, Fires and Blasts .
  8. Real Estate Prices will again take a Hit as already Predicted by me in my earlier articles written 6-8 months back that 2018-2019 will be worst for Real Estate  Prices , since Mars has reached the declination point after 1990 

  1. The Full Moon chart of the 4th Nov. 2017 of 10.53 hrs. India  is an enigmatic one since the day Lord Saturn in affliction is placed in the yama of Gemini and the Lord is Placed in the 8th house and there is exchange of Mercury and Mars .

We are More concerned on the North Korea and the US Brawl hence let us see the Full Moon chart of the 4th Nov. 2017 of North Korea Below 

The Day is Saturday and the Lord is under affliction and Placed in the yama of Leo whose Lord is Debilitated and Placed in the 9th House .

The Lagna is Aquarius and the Lord is Placed in the 11th house under acute affliction and having return aspect with  Mars placed in the 8th house as the 10th Lord and having exchange with 8th Lord is Most malefic component in the Fortnight starting from the 4th Nov. 2017 to 18th Nov. 2017.In navamsha Mars aspects Ketu and has just changes the Navamsha from Aries to Taurus an Earthy sign seems that this Fortnight may not bring good Results for N Korea due to the Sun under Debilitation and exchange of the 8th and the 10h Lord and as explained above . The Escalation of the Brawl between US and N Korea may take an ugly dimension it so seems but the Actual war will only take place when mars and Ketu will join on the 3rd May 2018 till 6th Nov. 2018

Read My Article “Celestial Drama Of Planets 26th Oct. 2017- 6th Nov. 2018 and Mars in Capricorn for 187 Days Ammunition Dump”

I fear till 26th Oct. 2017 North Korea was in Aggressive stance , Now US will be in aggressive stance and getting involved in war like activities either by the Terrorist groups with in the Country or by War with other Nations and specially North Korea, Iran and Gulf Countries  . The Fear of War will still loom over the Globe till Mars and Saturn are in Square position from 26th Oct. 2017 to 29th Nov. 2017 after which Mars will join Libra and aspect Ketu in Capricorn. This aspect on Ketu  could further Trigger the Brawl between the Nations and take an ugly shape when Mars Reaches Sagitarius and Capricorn signs .Mars will join Sagitarius  on the 8th March 2018 where Saturn is Posited and are degree conjunct on the 1st-2nd April 2018 and also aspects Rahu by 8th Aspect . Saturn becomes Retrograde for the 2nd time in Sagitarius on the 19th April 2018 at 15.02 degrees till 7th Sept. 2018 at 8.25 degrees .On the 3rd May Mars Joins Ketu in Capricorn . There is Degree conjunction of Mars and Ketu on the 8th June 2018 and on the 27th June 2018 Mars becomes Retrograde at 15.06 degrees and again meet Degree wise Ketu at the time of the Lunar Eclipse on the 28th July 2018, at this Point Mars will activate the Eclipse Point as well on the Day of Eclipse and will work as Ammunition dump. Mars will again cross Ketu for the 3rd time on the 26th Sept. 2018 after it becomes direct on the 28th August 2018 at 4.29 degrees . Mars will stay in Capricorn from 3rd May 2018 to 6th Nov. 2018. Hence this Period will be most Explosive for the Nuclear Exhibit and its use into a Big War it so seems and hence the Seeds of the same will be sown now as I have been mentioning in all my articles on my webpage that the Conjunction of Mars -Ketu and Sat-Ketu are Explosive then the Present Transit of Saturn aspect on Ketu , but the Planets in the Shadow of Nodes, Mars and Saturn is definitely a concern  . In the Year 2018 Mars will remain in Capricorn from 3rd May to 6th Nov. 2018  for 187 days could be most Venomous and can prove ammunition dump.

For War the Conjunction of Mars-Ketu, Saturn- Ketu and then Mars-Rahu and Saturn -Rahu Conjunctions are most Venomous in order  and This Factor I have been mentioning in all my Articles , Since the Conjunction of Mars and Rahu was for a Short Period from 27th August to 9th Sept. 2017 the War possibilities were contained and Provocations took place .The First Missile was Launched over Japan on the 3rd Sept. 2017 when Mars Activated the Eclipse point . Hence this Conjunction of Mars Ketu may prove most Catastrophic it so seems 

In the Month of July there will be One Solar Eclipse on the 13th July and one Lunar Eclipse on the 28th July 2018 and the Lunar Eclipse seems to be most Enigmatic one . See the Chart below 

From the Charts of the War Discussed in this Article it seems that the Date 28th July 2018 will be most Venomous since Mars the Ammunition dump will activate the Eclipse point and Ketu degree wise 3 times in Capricorn and stay conjunct with Ketu for 187 days  from 3rd May to 6th Nov. 2018 could Sprout a Big War it so seems, since all the Parameters in this chart are Parallel to what we have discussed above and the Combinations for a Long Period could be killing .

See the Chart below 

The Chart of 2019 of the 12th May is also most enigmatic and Venomous for Wars escalation due to Saturn and Ketu conjunction degree wise having aspect of Mars and Mars also influencing the Nodes and Saturn in Navamsha 

There Could Be dispute between the Countries and as mentioned in my Previous Article , US, Japan, N Korea, South Korea, China, Russia, Gulf Countries , May be involved in the War like conditions and there fore the Indo -China Dispute along  with Pakistan can take an ugly shape. The US may be Involved in War Mongering activities and the Korean War may sprout again it so seems after 2nd April 2018 and for 187 days from 3rd May to 6th Nov. 2018 will be most Venomous. Hence Mars Proves to be ammunition dump for when in Conjunction with Ketu. and can prove most Venomous in the Year 2018 and on the Cards in 2018-2019

Natural and Unnatural Disasters cannot be ruled out like a Strong Earthquake as well as per the Time and Dates Mentioned in this Article 

Saturn will cross the Aries Navamsha on the 29th Nov. 2017 and the same Day Mars will join Libra is also a Crucial and a Venomous Planetary combinations . The Financial Markets can be influenced then as Saturn will be in the same Position as 1929 Deep Depression Year 

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 26th Oct. 2017  2017  Time 16-10 hrs. New Delhi Charts of the Korean War added on the 26th Oct. 2017
  • Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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