Mars & Saturn Degree Conjunction Libra: ‘Blue Star Operation’ Now In Aquarius What It Foretells ?

by astrodocanil

“Mars & Saturn Degree Conjunction Libra: ‘Blue Star Operation’ Now In Aquarius What It Foretells ?”

‘Operation Blue Star ‘ Took place in which Golden Temple was stormed by the Indian Army. The Conjunction of Mars and Saturn  was in the 6th house  of the India Foundation chart over the Natal Jupiter at 25 degrees. The operation was another black day as the attack was on the holiest shrine of Sikhs which involved killing of hundreds of Sikhs alienated the whole Sikh Community and led to militancy which took long to suppress. The Chart of the 3rd June 1984 with Taurus Ascendant is below.

The Left Hand side is the Chart of the Blue Star Operation which Started on the 3rd June 1984. The right side is the Chart of Assassination of Indira Gandhi on the 31st Oct 1984 at 09-30 hrs New Delhi.

 The Following parameters are of Concern at the time of the ‘Blue Star Operation’

  1. Mars and Saturn almost in degree conjunction on the 3rd June 1984 at the time of the Blue Star Operation and in the same navamsha.
  2.  Have a Look at the degrees of Saturn and Jupiter. Saturn aspects Jupiter degree-wise in the 8th house .
  3. Mars and Saturn over the natal Jupiter in the 6th house which is at 25 degrees.
  4. Mars also aspects Sun in close degrees by 8th strong aspect.
  5. Moon about to join Cancer sign and have aspect of Saturn.

The Following parameters are of concern at the time of Assassination of Indira Gandhi as per chart on the right side.

1.Sun and Saturn together in Libra.

2.Saturn aspects Mars by 3rd aspect degree-wise at 24 degrees

3.Mars with Jupiter

4. Moon activates the Moon at the time of the ‘Blue Star Operation’

Mars and Saturn will be in very close degrees at the time of the Pisces New Moon chart and the Total Solar Eclipse on the 8th April 2024 Have a Lok at the chart below.

The Combinations at the time of the Total Solar Eclipse and the Pisces New Moon Chart on the Left side of the above chart.

  1. Mars and Saturn almost degree conjunct and will be on planetary war on the 10th April 2024 which is identical to the Conjunction in Libra sign at the time of the Blue Star Operation and in Airy sign.
  2. Saturn aspects Jupiter in close degrees again identical.
  3. Saturn with Mercury and Sun degree-wise on the28th Feb 2024.
  4. Fr5om 6th to 14th April and then from the 16th to 23rd April 20245 will like a bolt from the blue for war like conditions and specially in the middle east Countries.
  5. Eclipse Point is 25 degrees at the time of the Solar Eclipse in the sign Pisces. Mars will reach these degrees in Pisces on the 26th May 2024 most explosive.

Now On the 6th July 2024 the Planetary positions are identical to the 31stOct. 1984 the chart is on the right side.

  1. Have a look at the degrees of Saturn and Mars and Saturn aspect on Mars degree-wise at 24 degrees . Mars in Fiery sign like the time of Indira Gandhi Assassination it was in Sagittarius.
  2. Mars about to join Jupiter in Taurus on the 14th July 2024.

Asper the Pisces New Moon Chart of the Sagittarius Lagna  the Conjunction of Mars and Saturn is taking place in the 3rd house of Boarders. Asper the Ingress of Mars in Aquarius on the 15th March 2024 at 18-09 hrs in the 7th house . All this shows Involvement of War like situations in the Country and Terrorism and Boarder clashes.

As per the India Foundation chart  the Conjunction of Mars and Saturn will take place in the 10th house from the Taurus Lagna and in the 8th house from the Moon. Mars aspects the Rahu in Lagna and Saturn aspects the Ketu in the 7th house. Thus the Conditions in the Country will not be conducive, I fear the Govt. will bring some ordinance which may be opposed by the opposition parties and there may be a stir for the same in terms of Strikes and even Riots. It also points out Security lapse aa per the Dates 26th May and 6th July 2024.

From Lagna of the Foundation chart of India Aquarius is the 10th house and Saturn the 10th Lord and from Moon also Mars is the 10th Lord and both in the 10th house from the Lagna.  Mars is also the 7th and the 12th Lord hence Espionage from foreign elements to spoil the image of the Prime Minister is on the Cards . Hence Total Security for the Head of the Country is most essential from the 28th Feb. to 7th July 2024.

As already pointed out the Countries Prone to catastrophes are  US, Iran, Israel, Russia, Canada, in a nut shell for Catastrophes , Economy Break, Earthquakes, Volcanos, Political Hazards.

Solar Eclipse and Pisces New Moon Chart For Canada of the 8th April 2024 14-20-20 hrs  On Monday Hence the King of the Year is Mars and the Minister is Saturn and both are placed in the 8th house where the Planetary war is taking place. The relations with India will become ugly as per the above Parameters discussed.


 The Chart below shows War like conditions in the world due to Vedha between Mars and Saturn in the same star  as per the Nakshatra Sanghatta Chakra from the 24th March to 5th April 2024 and then from the 12th April to 27th April 2024 . These combinations are taking place in the 7th house of the US foundation chart over the natal Moon most precarious for the Country to be involved in a war like conditions in the Red Sea. These Parameters are for the complete Globe and specially fore India and the US and so many other Countries. As per the Rashi Sanghatta chakra the vedha between Mars and Saturn remains from the 15th March to 23rd April 2024

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner

Anil Aggarwala BSc. Engg. PEC Ch. Year 1971

14th August 2023 17.30 hrs  Reproduced on the 26th Nov. 2023 at 5-00 am Dubai UAE AND NOW ON THE 28TH NOV. 2023 10-00 AM DUBAI and Now on the 19th Feb 2024 11-00 am  New Delhi. Now on the 25th Feb 2024  15-00 hrs. New Delhi

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