Bihar Elections on the 12th Oct.2015: What Stars Foretell

by astrodocanil

On 9 September 2015, Election Commission of India announced the dates for Bihar Assembly elections
Phase Date No of assembly constituencies
I 12 October 49
II 16 October 32
III 28 October 50
IV 1 November 55
V 5 November 57
Counting 8 November 243
Source: Election Commission of India
The decision comes when Moon is in Pushya Nakshatra and with Debilitated Mars and Fallen Venus in Cancer Sign. the results also come when Saturn crosses its Retrogression mark of 10.56 degrees . hence Saturn most crucial in the Elections .
The First Phase will start on the 12th Oct. 2015, normally the Elections start at 07-00 am.Now as per the link “ 
Voting in Bihar polls starts on Monday” link the Voting Started at 07-00 am  Read this “Lakshamanan said voting would start from 7 AM. While in majority of seats polling would end at 5 PM, in some constituencies time has been cut short to 4 PM and 3 PM on the basis of law and order situation feedback in the Naxal-hit areas, he said.”

 Let us see the chart of 12th Oct. 2015 at 07-00 am as anounced the time of Start of Elections 

Bihar Elections
The Panchang Parameters on the 12th Oct. 2015
Day Monday
Tithi Amavasya Bad
Nakshatra Haste
Yoga Indra
Karna Chatuspada Malefic Karya Siddhi not good the Ruling Govt.
Lagna Libra
Navamsha Sagitarius
Day Lord Moon in Yama of Taurus is the the 8th house of the Muhurat Chart, hence  Failure for the Ruling Party .  Hence the failure will be on account of the Party itself since 8th Lord is also Lagna Lord .
Day Lord Moon in 12th house with with 12th Lord Mercury ,Sun,  and Rahu shows weakness of the event inrespect top the Ruling Party in Bihar
Rahu Stationary
Moon ill placed from Lagna and Lagna Lord. Lagna Lord Venus representing the Present Govt. and Mars the Opponents . 7th Lord Opponent is Placed in the Yama of Virgo a friendly sign as per Tamil Texts  and the Dispositor is Exhalted  Making the opposition Stronger than the Present Ruling Party Ruled By Nitesh Kumar.  Venus the Lagna Lord is Placed in the Yama of Saturn who is placed in inimical sign of Scorpio and aspected by Mars , Making the Ruling Party weaker than the Oppositions . 7th Lord Mars is also Vargottam and Venus the Lagna lord is Placed in Inimical sign , hence loses strength . In Dashamsha also Mars is Exhalted and Placed in Lagna , Venus in Navamsha is in Gemini and in Dashamsha in own sign, Hence there could be a competition between the the contenders but the Opposition ruled By BJP and Other will come out with flying colors since Mars is stronger and is the 7th Lord 

Uday Lagna is Libra  and a Shirsodayo sign but in Paap Kartari yoga , Arudha Lagna is Gemini and again a shirshdayo sign not aspected by any benefic or Malefic  shows the Past and Chaitra Rashi is Virgo and has 2 Malefics Specially Rahu and ill Placed from Lagna and 4th from Arudha Rashi is not at all a Benefic Placement of Chaitra Rashi, since it signifies the Future and Hidden things. Hence the Future of the Ruling Party is bleak

Lagna Lord Venus and 7th Lord Mars at the time of the results will also be in Virgo indicative of weakness of the Lagna Lord in Debilitation and in Aquarius Navamsha

&th Lord Mars in Virgo in the 6th from the 7th house aspecting from the house of competitions and in Exhaltation shows the Strength of the Oppositions and its allainces  

10th House from Lagna is Cancer  the Battle field of the Ruling Party aand not aspected by any Planet the lord is weak and afflicted .

10th House of the Opposition  is Capricorn and aspected by its Lord Saturn from the 6th house from the 7th house . At the time of the Results on the 8th Nov. 2015 Saturn will be in the Libra Navamsha clearly shows the Opposition Party and BJP and its alliances will come out will Flying Colors.

Navamsha and Dashamasha discussed above  

. Hence the Winner is the Party representing the 7th house by Mars  . The opposition is  Governed by BJP and other Parties and are stronger than the ruling Parties and their allainces . The Day is also not good Chosen for a good Muhurat for Bihar elections. Day lord placed in the 8th house as per the Yama chart. Chaitra Rashi is Virgo and not good for hidden things and future , negative for the future of the Ruling Party .

5 Parameters very important in the above Muhurat apart from the Parameters mentioned above for the Success of the Opposition.
1. Rahu Statiuonary with Sun, Mercury and Moon most malefic for the out come and unexpected Results and Negative results for Ruling party .
2. Moon the Daylord placed in the yama of Taurus the 8th house of the muhurat chart signifies cancellation of the event and Loss of the ruling Party .
3. Varesh is ill placed from Lagnesh and Opponent
4.Karna Chatuspada the karya siddhi will not take place properly for ruling Party .
5. Saturn acquires a special dimension since the day of announcement Moon in the nakshatra of Pushya and at the time of the results on the 8th Nov. 2015 Saturn crosses the Retrogression mark and Becomes Exhalted in navamsha and comes in the 11th house of thre Navamsha . Hence only a disciplined and a Proper Political Party will come in force to rule the State . Narinder Modi will be the winner for his efforts along with othere joining him.

Let us also see the Day when the Election Results will be declared on the 8th Nov. 2015 . I will make the Chart of 8th Nov. 2015 with same Libra Lagna and 9.50 degrees to assess the strength of Planets with respect to the time of Start of the elections . The chart is Below 

Day of Results 8th Nov. 2015

The Day is Sunday and the Lord is Debilitated in Lagna, and dispositor is also Debilitated , in navamsha the Day Lord has become Exhalted. Sun is also Govt. 

Tithi KP-12

Nakshatra Haste 

Yoga  Vishkumbha Lord is Saturn 

Karna  Taitila Lord is Mercury No connection with 10th Lord , Mercury is with Debilitated Sun , Karya siddhi difficult for the Ruling Govt. to take place in their favour.

Rahu In Forward Motion and and Eclipsing Venus almost at same degrees and Venus is also Debilitated . Venus is thus weaker in strength then the opposition the 7th Lord Mars , who is in friendly sign and Exhalted in Navamsha , Dispositor of Mars Saturn  in Navamsha is also Exhalted . Venus is in Rahu-Ketu axis in Aquarius in Navamsha , Since Rahu is in Forward motion Planets with Rahu in navamsha will lose strength , specially Venus the Lagna Lord at the time of Start of the Elections. 10th Lord in the 12th house at the time of the Start of the elections and also at the time of the Results being declared . 

Karka for Politics Saturn becoming Exhalted in Navamsha and in 1/7 axis with Sun Exhalted  Strong Change in the Govt. of Bihar 

All the above Parameters are indicative that the Ruling Govt. in Bihar may lose the Elections, but may sit in the opposition .

Day is not good since The Day Lord Sun is Debilitated and in the Lagna of the chart of the Elections , clearly indicates the Fall of the Nitesh Kumar Govt. Rahu is also in Forward motion and Moon is also with Rahu, untoward happenings indicated in Bihar  cannot be ruled out , since 8th Lord is totally eclipsed and with Mars 

This method of Prediction is also my Research and I have found good results in almost all cases , Specially when there were Elections in Delhi and when BJP Govt. came in Power My Predictions were 100% using the Time of Start for any event.
God bless

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 10th Sept. 2015 16-00 hrs

Updated on 12th Oct. 2015 7-10 Am and now on the 3rd Nov. 2015 10-00 am 

Updated on 8th Nov. 2015

On the 8th Nov. 2015 the Results have come and My Predictions wrong. I accept.

Rahu is in   Forward motion at the time of the results being declared and is capable of Turning the tables upside down. Venus and Rahu and Friends and Rahu and Mars are Bitter enemies, inspite of Mars 7th Lord Exhalted in Dashamsha and Vargottam in Navamsha 7th Lord has lost and hence NDA Govt. and Allies have lost the elections. This also Proves that Rahu can be stronger than an Exhalted or Vargottam Planet , See the chart above of 8th Nov. 2015. Rahu is in the nakshatra of Sun , both the nakshatra Lord and the dispositor are connected to Sun Debilitated and Rahu becomes extremely strong to turn the Table. Rahu becomes extremely strong when the dispositor and Nakshatra Lord are connected to a debilitated planet and that Planet is connetced to 7th house then it damages the 7th house , the same is also applicable for marriage Parameters . I escaped this Parameter 

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