Battle Ground’ GUJRAT’ What Stars Foretell ?

by astrodocanil

Gujarat Assembly Elections 2017 LIVE: Polling on December 9, 14; Results on December 18 2017. 

The Election Commission announced the dates for the Gujarat Assembly on Wednesday. The polls will be held in two phases, voting will take place on December 9 and 14. The results will be declared on December 18. The EC has faced criticism from opposition parties for not announcing the dates for Gujarat polls along with Himachal Pradesh. 

The state has 182 seats, spread across 33 districts.

In Phase 1, 19 districts will go to polls. The districts include Kutch, Surendranagar, Rajkot, Jamnagar, Kota and Valsad, among others. The last date for nominations of candidates is November 21 and last date for withdrawal of candidature is November 24. The polls will take place on December 9.

In Phase 2, 14 districts will go to polls on December 14; Ahmedabad being one of them. The last date for filing of nominations is November 27 and the last date for withdrawal of candidature is November 30. It’s a crucial test of Gujarat Model for BJP.

As the Gujarat Elections 2017 is around the corner, the people are more interest in knowing the fate of BJP after the Gujarat Elections 2017.
According to a survey carried out by Axis – My India for India Today recently reported that the people were highly dissatisfied with the decision of Demonetization and implementation of the GST bill.
According to the reports of the survey, a majority of 51% were not satisfied with the implementation of GST while only 38% were satisfied with the same. On being asked about if demonetization was profitable for the citizens, 53% said No while 44% showed the positives of demonetization. In this scenario, where Congress is leaving no stone unturned to target the BJP government and the people of Gujarat have also expressed dissatisfaction with the decisions taken by the central BJP government growth was 5.7 % for the quarter  from April to June 2017 in the current financial year  as against  6.1 % from Jan to March this year . Previous year it was  7.9 % which has had a dent on it due to Demonetization. It is there fore obvious that BJP will face challenge in the State of Gujrat . Let us see what the Planetary positions are indicating for the most Crucial Election of Gujrat.

In this Article I will use the dates for the Election Starting in the 9th and the 14th Dec. 2017  to find out what could be the outcome of the same . I would also analyse the situations as per the charts of the BJP and the Congress together with the Birth charts of Narinder Modi and Rahul Gandhi 

The First Phase of the Elections will start on the 9th Dec. 2017 at 07-00 am 

The Time of Start is before the Sunrise on the 9th Dec. 2017 and the Day Lord Jupiter is Placed in the Yama of Pieces and the Lord is Placed in the 12th house in a benefic sign with the Lagna Lord hence the Fructification of the event will take place in the favour of the Ruling Party , More so since the Lagna Lord and the 12th Lord have exchange 

In the Saptvarga charts Mars is Stronger than the 7th Lord and in case of Elections the Lagna is represented by the Ruling Party and the 7th By the Opponent  Out of the 7 charts Mars is Placed well in 5 charts and Venus in 4 . 

9th Lord Moon is Placed in the 10th House making a Strong Rajyoga and 10th Lord in the Lagna. Lagna Lord , 9th and the 10th Lord are placed in the Visible half , hence strong Results , also the Lagna is strong since Shirshodayo Hence the Lagna and the hence the Ruling Party stands to win are definitely better chances , it seems that the scores of BJP may be 60-65 % and  Congress 35-40 %

10th Lord from the 7th house is Saturn and placed in the 8th from the 7th house is definitely weaker than the 10th Lord from Lagna Sun and Placed in the Kendra . Hence in the first Phase BJP will score 60-65 % Success against Congress who will score 35-40 % success 

2nd Phase of Elections on the 14th Dec. 2017 07-00 hrs.

The Day is Tuesday and the Lord is Mars and Placed in the yama of Pieces and the Yama Lord is Placed with the Lagna Lord and also Moon hence the fructifications will take place .7th Lord Venus is combusted and also with Fallen Mercury is a Malefic component for the Opposition to win the Elections . Between the Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord the Lagna Lord is more Powerful  

The Planetary Positions are favourable for the rulng Govt. since Mars is stronger than Venus in the shadbala and also as per the Saptvarga charts and attains 6 benefic Positions of the Lagna Lord as against the 4 Benefic Positions of the 7th Lord Venus , who is also with a Fallen Planet Mercury the 8th and the 11th Lord . Fallen Mercury in the Lagna may pose some issues related to significations of Mercury and disturb the Physiology of the Voter. Hence the Voting Pattern will not be as in the first Phase and hence some Struggles for the BJP. Mercury Significations may suffer 

Hence from the above 2 Phases of the Elections in the Gujrat it seems that BJP will score better then the Congress . BJP Score 55-60 % and Congress about 40-45 % hence BJP may get 100- 110 Seats and Congress 70-80 approx.

Now I will Analyse the Charts of the 2 Parties Congress and BJP for the Strength for winning the Gujrat Elections using the Natal chart,  Dashamsha Chart Rudramsha Chart and the Vedic Progression chart to see the Results 

 Chart of Congress 

2nd Jan 1978 12-00 hrs. New Delhi

The Chart is of Pieces Lagna and the Current Dasha is of Jupiter -Venus  from the Year 2017 till Sept. 2019 . Jupiter is the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord and Placed well in the Dashamsha Chart , but Unfortunately the Venus is the 3rd and the 8th Lord  and Placed in the 10th House with Sun and Combusted . —— ——-Negative

Dashamsha Chart

In the Dashamsha Chart the 8th Lord is Placed in the Lagna  and also afflicted  is a negative Parameter for the Congress Party to Gain in the Current Elections .——— Negative

Rudramsha Chart

In the Rudramsha Chart  The Current Dasha of Jup-Ven-Mars has to be seen  with Respect to the following  Parameters

1.10th Lord and Sun

Here Jupiter and Venus are Placed well from Sun who is also the 10th Lord but placed in the 12th house and Debilitated and in Rahu-Ketu Axis . The Sub -Sub Dasha Lord Mars is ill placed from the 10th Lord .  Venus is the 7th and the 12th Lord in the Rudramasha Chart and connected to the 8th Lord Mercury shows the Party may adopt all means to win the Elections AND TRY TO DENT  THE IMAGE OF THE BJP and hence gain some votes , but since the Anter Dasha Lord Venus and Sub -Sub Dasha Lord Mars is Debilitated  in the Natal chart and ill placed from Sun the Power may not be attainted . Akaal Mrityu is seen from the affliction to the 8th house , here the Sub Sub Dasha Lord Mars aspects the 8th house and the Lord Mercury making the Chart Precarious for a Victory .

2. Rudramasha Chart Lagna Has Moon Debilitated with Mars the Sub -Sub  dasha Lord at the time of Elections 

3. MCL of the 10th House, 10th Lord and Jupiter to be seen . MCL of the 10th House is Mars and Jupiter are placed well from Each other is definitely a good Parameter 

4. Strength of Lagna Lord and the 11th Lord has to be assessed , here the Lagna Lord is strong but the 11th Lord is Placed in the 8th house aspected By Sub-Sub Dasha Lord Making the 11th Lord weak. The affliction to Mercury also shows Porva Punya Arishta.

The Results are not strong enough to give Victory. ——— Negative

Hence from the Rashi chart, Dashamsha Chart and the  Rudramasha Chart we can say it is not very strong to give a Victory, though Congress may make a dent in the image of the Opposition party as explained above .

Analysis of Vedic Progression chart of the Running Year 

The Dasha Lord Jupiter and Venus are Placed well but the Sub-Sub Dasha Lord Mars is Debilitated and ill placed from 10th House/10th Lord Saturn who is the Yoga Karka for the Taurus Lagna , But unfortunately the 10th Lord and YOGA KARKA  Saturn is in Mrityu Bhag  will spoil the whole show.—— ———Negative

Dual Transit of Jupiter and Saturn

This Parameter is extremely powerful for the Congress to come back in Power as per the Natal chart since Saturn will be activating the Dasha Lords Jupiter and Venus and also Sun. Mars the Sub-Sub Dasha Lord is not activated , hence some constraint , This also shows till Saturn is there in Sagitarius  on the 25th Jan 2020 there may be some Gain for Congress.——– Positive 

Nut Shell Results for Congress 

The Present Scenario does not seem that strong for Congress to give a Victory over a State where BJP has been ruling for More then 22 years . Congress will definitely spoil the image of the BJP in Gujrat but may not be successful in achieving any Major Success now in the Gujrat Elections .

Out of 5 Parameters 4 Negative One Positive but Good till 25th Jan 2020 , hence some change in the Status of Congress in the coming years 

Chart of BJP 6th April 1980 11-45 hrs. New Delhi

The BJP foundation chart is of Gemini Lagna and the Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn is the Most malefic combination in the chart  and Jupiter attains the Status of the 1st Rate Killer being the Marak , Bhadak and having Kendradhipati dosh with the 8th Lord . I have always mentioned that the chart of BJP is like a Pack of Cards and can fall any time due to the Fact that Saturn in the chart is also Fallen and has been activated by the Transit Fallen Saturn  till 26th Oct. 2017

The Current dasha running is Sun-Venus -Saturn . Sun is the 10th Lord from Moon and Placed in the 10th from Lagna is good but ill placed from the 10th Lord Jupiter . Venus is the 5th Lord  and 12th Lord from the Lagna and the  7th  and the 12th from the Moon and aspected by Fallen Saturn placed in the 3rd house . the 12th House ownership can give the Loss . —— Negative


8th House of the Rashi Chart is rising and the Sun the Dasha Lord is Placed in the 6th house . Venus is the Yoga Karka and Exhalted and Placed in the 3rd House . Saturn is the Lagna Lord in the Dashamsha and is the Sub-Sub dasha Lord  may not give good Results , but as the Lord of the Lagna aspectin ghte 7th House and the 11th house is definitely good , Hence BJP may get some success as per this chart .—— Positive

Rudramsha Chart 

  1. Dasha Lords Should be placed well from the 10th Lord Venus and Sun, Both are the Concerned Planets , but 6/8 axis  some Gains and some Losses , Saturn the Sub-Sub Dasha Lord is placed well . Hence some Success 
  2. Lagna is strong  and Lord is Placed in the Lagna
  3. MCL of the 10th Lord is Ketu and ill placed from the 10th Lord in 2/12 axis 
  4. Strenght of the 11th Lord Mercury placed in the 12th house with 12th lord Moon is not good 

As Per the Above the chart is definitely weak for Success in the Elections ——– Negative

Vedic Progression chart

The Lagna is of Cancer and the Lord is placed in the 10th house forming a strong Rajyoga with Sun in Exhaltation aspected By Jupiter the 9th Lord  who is with Mars the Yoga Karka for this Chart . This Chart has good Promise  it so seems inspite of weak Natal chart .—— Positive

Dual Transit of Saturn and Jupiter 

Both Saturn and Jupiter are aspecting the Lagna and the Lagna Lord Mercury placed in the 9th house . —– Positive

Sade Sati

As per Sadesati Saturn will bestow extremely good results since Saturn has 5 bindoos in the 7th house  of Attainments —- Positive

I have Never analysed the Predictions from the Foundation chart of BJP since extremely weak  and in fact the Chart of Narrinder Modi has played a vital role for the N Modi coming in Power and BJP forming the Govt. 

BJP Has 2 Negative and 3 Positives 

From the Charts of the 2 it seems that the Natal chart of the BJP is weak but the Vedic Progression chart is definitely stronger than that of the Congress and the Positives are more in case of BJP then Congress 

Natal Chart of Rahul Gandhi 19th June 1970 14-28 hrs. New Delhi

The Current Dasha Running is Mars -Venus Saturn  from the 7th Dec. 2017. Using the Tamil Texts for the Garbshishta the Dasha of Venus is not rewarding since ill placed from the 10th Lord Moon , which is the Main concern in the Present Scenario . Dispositor of Mars is connected to the 8th house and Saturn the Sub-Sub Dasha Lord is Debilitated   and there fore the Planetary positions ae not condusive for any substail Victory for this Person .

10th Lord from Lagna is Moon and 10th Lord from Moon is Mercury and both are in the 6/8 axis hence his Body and mind are not in Synchronism more over the 0th Lord from Moon is Placed in the 8th from the Lagna , who is the dispositor of the Dasha Lord Mars.—— Negative

Dashamasha Chart 

The Same Lagna is rising and the Lagna Lord Venus is Placed well from Moon the 10th Lord But here Mars is ill placed from the 10th lord Moon hence this may not give good Results in the Dasha of Mars-Venus , more over the Mars is ill placed from the Yoga Karka Saturn .——- Negative

Rudramsha Chart 

1.Mars the Dasha Lord is ill placed from Sun Placed in the 12th house 

2. Venus is ill placed from 10th Lord Saturn 

3. Sub -Sub Dasha Lord Saturn is ill placed from Sun hence the achievement may not be upto the Mark for Victory 

4. MCL of the 10th House Venus is placed well from the 10th Lord Moon of the Rashi Chart  is good 

5. The Combinations are  not as per Major achievement in life in the Present Scenario

Hence the Achievements are not strong ———- Negative

Sade Sati

Rahul Gandhi will be in the 2nd Phase of the Sadesati and Sagitarius has 26 Ashtakvarga points and Saturn has just 4  hence not a Good score for Good Victory —— Neutral

Dual Transit Of Saturn and Jupiter

10th House ,10th Lord has to be activated for Good Victory along with 11th house /Lord by the dual transit , Saturn and Jupiter both are activating the 11th Lord Sun along with Mars the 7th and the 2nd Lord , hence some achievements it so seems ——- Positive 

Vedic Progression chart

Lagna is Scorpio and the Lord is Placed in the 9th house in Debilitation with 10th Lord Sun is good but Lagna Lord Mars is weak

10th Lord Moon of the Natal chart is Exhalted and aspects the Lagna is good but due to the Lagna Lord Debilitated is not good also 10th Lord from Moon in the Progression chart is Debilitated Saturn and the 10th Lord of the Natal Chart Moon and the 10th Lord from Moon are also in 2/12 axis  may not give the required strength to give Victory , but definitely he will be in the Picture it so seems for the Elections and may gain a bit for the lost image of the Congress till date . —— Positive 

Rahul Gandhi has 3 Negatives and 2 Positives 

Chart of Narinder Modi 17th Sept. 1950 12-12 hrs. Mehsana Gujrat

The Native is running the Dasha of Moon-Mercury till 18th Feb-2018 and as per Garbshishta Planets Moon Dasha Lord   is Placed well from Both the Garbshishta and the 10th Lord Sun and Mercury the Anter dasha Lord is Placed with 10th Lord Sun Forming Budh Aditya Yoga . The Dasha in operation at the time of the Elections in Gujrat will be Moon-Mer-Saturn. Saturn the Sub-Sub Dasha Lord is placed in the 10th house but influenced by the 10th Lord since very close in Longitude hence this Dasha may not be bad for the native ——– Positive 

Dashamsha Chart 

The Dasha Lords are Not Placed very well and indicates Struggles in the Dasha of the Planets , but since Placed in the 6th house of Competition may give results are struggles —— Neutral.

Rudramsha Chart 

This chart is very strong and shows Great Success since Sun is Exhalted and both Moon and Mercury are placed well from Sun and the 10th Lord  Moon

MCL of the 10th House along with 10th Lord Sun being the same will give Victory with Strength  ——– Positive 


2nd Phase of the Sadesati from the 26th Oct. 2017 better then the First Phase  since Saturn has better Bindoos in Sagitarius then Scorpio- — Neutral

Dual Transit of Saturn and Jupiter 

Extremely Progressive since Saturn in Sagitarius will aspect Jupiter and Sun together and Safe-gaurd N Modi till 25th Jan 2020. —– Positive 

Vedic Progression chart

The Chart is of Capricorn Lagna and the Lord is Placed in the 9th house placed in the Amrit Bhaga

The 10th Lord from the  Moon is Saturn and the 10th Lord of the Natal chart is Sun and Placed with Venus and Mercury , making a strong Rajyoga but ill Placed from Moon hence shows Success after lot of Struggles , Venus is also in Amrit Bhaga —– Success after lot of Struggles 

Hence N Modi gets 3 Positives and 2 Neutrals and the Best Part is the Divine Blessings of Saturn aspect on the Jupiter and Sun Simultaneouly to Safegaurd him against all odds 

From the Above using the Prashna Technique, Natal Charts it is clear that Though N Modi May face hinderances and Struggles he may come out with Flying Colors , the Vedic Progression charts of the 2 Years after Sept. 2018 are highly encouraging and Very strong for him to be the Future Prime Minister of the Country .Elections in the 2nd Phase may pose some issues for the BJP it so seems due to the Fallen Mercury in the Lagna at the time of the Elections .

On the 18th Dec. 2017 Sun and Moon will be together in the Sign Sagitarius  forming a Rajyoga for Narinder Modi Amavasya Yoga which is a Strong Yoga for Scorpio Lagna and Moon sign showing his Victory

Narinder Modi will Make India Transparent in every respect  till the Year 2021 in his Dasha of Moon Venus

Chart of Hardik Patel , I am not discussing since I have been mentioning that this man will not be successful in his motive and Targets , since he came in the Politics when Moon was afflicted and in the Nakshatra of Ketu and  for about 7 years he will not get success , though he may try to dent the image of Narinder Modi. I am Surprised some Astrologers are writing Positive for him 

Let me also give a Brief Summary for his Career 

Birth Chart 20th July 1993 10-05 Hrs. Ahmedabad 

Rashi Chart running the Dasha of Ketu-Mars at the time of the Elections , both are placed wellm from the Garbshishta and the 10th Lord —– Positive 

Dashamsha Chart 

Lagna Lord of the Dashamsha Chart  is placed in the 12th house losing strength along with 11th Lord —— Negative 

Rudramasha Chart 

The Dasha Lords are ill Placed from Sun for good achievement —– Negative 

Dual Transit of Saturn and Jupiter 

Saturn and Jupiter are both aspecting and activating the 11th Lord Mercury who is a Fallen planet and weak to give strong Victory . The Fallen Mercury shows the Physiology of Hardik Patel for his Targets and achievements  and Failure in the same —– Strong Negative 

Vedic Progression chart

The Lagna is Virgo Having Mars in the Lagna as the 8th Lord , is clear of the activities he is undertaking , The Dasha is also of Ketu-Mars . , but Mars is in Amrit Bhaga and hence he will achieve by Hook or Crook . There is no Strong Rajyoga in the Chart to make a Dent in the Political affairs , although he may Try to spoil the image of the BJP— Neutral

I have been Predicting about him on the Facebook page for his activities ever since he has come on the Political Ground and My Predictions on him have been on dot and Failure for his achieving the Results since Mercury is fallen in his chart to give results in a Positive stance . He would always try to grab the Chances with out Proper evaluations and suffer .

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 2nd Nov. 2017    Time 16-10 hrs. New Delhi Charts of the Korean War added on the 26th Oct. 2017
  • Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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