Red Planet Mars In the 7th house of Wars over the natal Mars in the…
What Fallen Roman God Saturn, Red Planet Mars and Nodes Have Up Their Sleeves In July-Nov.2017
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 649 viewsThe 3 Steel Man Controlling the World and Possible War on the South China Sea…
The Last Korean War began when North Korea invaded South Korea. The United Nations, with…
The Fear of ISIS Terrorist Attack 7/7 Repeating In Britain Tomorrow
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 611 viewsTwelve years ago today 7thJuly 2005 jihadi suicide bombers coordinated a bloody assault on…
What Stars Foretell For Near Future of India and The Globe
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 742 viewsAll my Predictions have been on Dot on my webpage Please read my articles…
G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany, 07-08/07/2017 : What Stars Foretell
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 691 viewsAs per the link the following information G20 leaders will meet in Hamburg, Germany, on…
Fallen Saturn in Scorpio Proves a Blessing in Disguise For Marital Discord
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 923 viewsEver since Saturn has fallen in Scorpio it is Proving most Venomous for the Global…
A Prashna was raised on the 1st July 2017 at 14.31 hrs . The Querist…
Roman God Saturn Fallen and Red Planet Mars Joining Debilitation Sign and China in War Mood
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 643 viewsWhat is happening ? Saturn on the Steering wheel and Mars about to join its…
Fallen Saturn Proves Catastrophic For Ukraine as Fire RAGES Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster Zone
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 649 viewsFire RAGES in Chernobyl nuclear disaster zone as over 100 firefighters rush to scene…