Astrology Speaks Loudly ! ‘Sun-Saturn Opposition’ Proves Havoc As Predicted

by astrodocanil

What Happens to the Stock Markets is anybodies guess
My Predictions coming true it so seems for all what is happening due to the Planetary positions gearing up for their significations it so seems
Saturn and Sun opposition Game changer
Mars and Ketu Comjunction
Rahu Adverse and has aspects of Mars
Moon aspected By Saturn
All planets afflicted by Rahu-Ketu, Mars and Saturn except Jupiter who is in 3/11 axis not supposed to be good in Mundane in the 3/11 axis of Saturn
Planets are in the Nak\shatra of Rahu, Ketu, Saturn or their aspect Read My Articles

Trade wars may escalate and Industrial production may suffer due to the opposition of Saturn and Sun from the 15th June 2018 and Saturn will be nearest to Earth on the 28th June when Mars will be stationary and turning Retrograde . The Stock and the Financial Markets are bound to take a hit
Read My Articles
1.Sun-Saturn Opposition In Solar Ingrees In Gemini May Prove Historic…/sun-saturn-opposition-in-so…/”. I have mentioned Saturn and opposition may sprout Earthquakes
2. Lunation Chart of June 2018 and Eclipses in 2018 Bane or Bone…/lunation-chart-of-june-2018…/
I have clearly mentioned about the Financial and Stock Markets taking a hit and and the time frames have been clearly mentioned specially from the 17th to 21st June 2018 in the Present Scenario and Proves on dot
3. Also read My Article “Red Planet Mars And South Node Ketu What They Up Their Sleeves For the Financial Markets ?” link…inancial-markets/
4.”‘Red Planet Mars On the Wheel’ Twists and Turns In Political, Financial Markets, Weather and Relation Between Nations” link…-between-nations/ ‎
All articles written much in advance and Research ones the Mars and Ketu Conjunction is similiar to the one which occured 205 years back in 1813 and the Solar Eclipse on the 28th July 1813 and a similair one but Lunar Eclipse on the 28th july 2018, Hence parallel situations and August 1813 was a month of Wars . Now can be even worst than 1813 it so seems . Trade Wars, Earthquakes, Tug of War between nations .Tug of war in Politics and unfoseen things happening

Lets have a look at what all has happened after Sun has been opposed by Saturn from the 15th June 2018

Earthquake in Japan of 6.1 Japan Earthquake death toll climbes after trembler strikes Osaka. I have clearly  Predicted in the above articles that those countries where the Lunation is taking Place in the sign Sagitarius are Prone to Natural Calamities in my above articles . After I had written the Article and as per my predictions the Period Prone is from 15th June 2018 and Japan had an earthquake on the 17th-18th June

As Kim Visits China, Xi Flaunts Bargaining Chip in Trade Dispute link

China has a Nuclear option in the Trade war link


Dow falls 287 points as trade war fears escalate

Mehbooba Mufti Quits, Jammu & Kashmir Set for Governor’s Rule

कांग्रेस से कटने लगे माया-अखिलेश, त्रिकोणीय मुकाबले का गवाह बनेगा उत्तर प्रदेश!कांग्रेस-से-कटने-लगे-माया-अखिलेश-त्रिकोणीय-मुकाबले-का-गवाह-बनेगा-उत्तर-प्रदेश/ar-AAyOlws?ocid=sf

Siddaramaiah, HDK at Loggersheads

All my Predictions Proving on Dot by the grace of God and My Guru. I stand up to give him ovation.

The Planetary positions and the game changers are the opposition of Sun and Saturn and Saturn retrograde and coming close to earth, Mars and Ketu conjunction in Capricorn, Lunation in the Sign Sagitarius on the 28th June  2018 when Mars will be stationary and turnign Retrograde and Saturn closest to Earth and when Ever Rahu is adverse it may sprout all what has been Predicted by me . The Stock markets will also suffer and the brawl between the nations may take an ugly shape it so seems . A strong Earthquake is also on the cards as predicted by me . Need less to mention the countries since they have been named in my earlier articles. Please read all my articles on my webpage to link my predictions  on The future is also bleek as predicted by me near the eclipses and when Mars activates the eclipse points on the 27th July, and 26th Sept. 2018 for the Global Events  

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 20th June  2018  08.00 hrs 
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