Mars and ketu Conjunction for 187 days after 205 years from the year 1813 which brought Most venomous results in August 1813 after the Solar Eclipse of 27th July 1813 , now similair Lunar Eclipse is bound for Trouble as predicted by me in all my articles on the webpage
All My Predictions are Proving on dot even the Date 27th June 2018 . It seems the Planets are driving the world to oblivion and the Day for Reversal in the Financial and Stock Markets begins as per my Article . The Trump and Kim summit was a eyewash as predicted by me and the Moment the Mars has turned retrograde every thing is visible and most Crucial till Mars is Stationary till 2nd July 2018. Rahu is Adverse from the 1st July to 7th July more damage when Rahu Turns adverse it so seems in the month of July , August and Sept. 2018 as mentioned by me in my Articles
After all the cat has come out of the bag now . I had predicted that when Mars turn Stationary and turns Retrograde will give surprises specially when Saturn will be closest to earth on the 27th June 2018 Now also Read my Predictions for the Summit and the Other Articles predcting that this Transit after 27th June 2018 will be most Venomous
Read My Articles
1.”Ammunition Dump Mars Stationary Turning Retrograde Sun-Saturn Opposition July 2018 Eclipses Boon Or Bane”…ses-boon-or-bane/
2.”Astrology Speaks Loudly ! ‘Sun-Saturn Opposition’ Proves Havoc As Predicted”…voc-as-predicted/ Read this in this Article
As Kim Visits China, Xi Flaunts Bargaining Chip in Trade Dispute link…/as-kim-visits-china-xi-flaunts-…
China has a Nuclear option in the Trade war link…/trump-trade-war-china-has-a-nuc…
3.”Sun-Saturn Opposition In Solar Ingrees In Gemini May Prove Historic” Sun-Saturn Opposition In Solar Ingrees In Gemini May Prove Historic
4.”Lunation Chart Of June 2018 and Eclipses In 2018 Bane Or Boon”…018-bane-or-boon/
5. Trump and Kim to Meet on Singapore’s Sentosa Island Resort: What Stars Have Up Their Sleeves ?…up-their-sleeves/
Read this in this Article what I had Predicted for the Summit
Nut shell
Timing of the event
Since the Navamsha of Venus is rising at the time of the event and Venus is in the 2nd Navamsha and just completed the 1st Navamsha the Time period which is important is 15to 30 Days from the event on the 12th June 2018, unfortunately adding 15 days taking Completion of 1 navamsha of Venus adding 15 days is 27th June 2018 and a most Venomous Planetary positions as stated above and adding 2 Navamsha then it is 13th July 2018 the day of Solar Eclipse.
When Sun the Nakshatra Lord of Moon reaches the Punarvasu Nakshatra on the 7th August to 11th August 2018 Crucial dates
There may be some compromises, but the outcome of the above may not be as expected and more such summit may be on the Cards . The Most malefic Component in the event chart is the Yama Moon and the event Moon and in 6/8 axis hence the Brawl between Trump and Kim may continue though some compromises may also be there . The Day Lord Mars is in Exaltation and when it turns Stationary on the 27th June 2018 when Saturn will be nearest to earth may be the point of the Brawl taking ugly shape and specially when the Eclipses take place in the month of July on the 13th and 28th July and when Mars Activates the Eclipse point of the Lunar Eclipse on the 27th July and 26th Sept. 2018
Also Read Articles on the Financial Astrology
6. My Article ” Is Gold Losing It’s Luster ?…/…/is-gold-loosing-its-luster/
7.My Article “Red Planet Mars And South Node Ketu What They Up Their Sleeves For the Financial Markets ?” link…inancial-markets/
8.”‘Red Planet Mars On the Wheel’ Twists and Turns In Political, Financial Markets, Weather and Relation Between Nations” link…-between-nations/
Mars and ketu Conjunction for 187 days after 205 years in the year 1813 brought Most venomous results in August 1813 after the Solar Eclipse of 27th July 1813 , now similair Lunar Eclipse is bound for Trouble as predicted by me in all my articles on the webpage
All My Predictions are Proving on dot even the Date 27th June 2018 . It seems the Planets are driving the world to oblivion and the Day for Reversal in the Financial and Stock Markets begins as per my Article . The Trump and Kim summit was a eyewash and the Moment the Mars has turned retrograde every thing will be visible and most Crucial till Mars is Stationary and Rahu Adverse from the 1st July to 7th July , unfortunately Mars is also Stationary till 2nd July 2018
After all the cat has come out of the bag now . My Predictions proving on dot even the day I had predicted that when Mars turn Stationary and turns Retrograde will give surprises specially when Saturn will be closest to earth on the 27th June 2018Read my Predictions for the Summit and the Other Articles predcting that this Transit after 27th June 2018 will be most Venomous
All Predictions turning on Dot even the Date
Now Read this
” China will not give up ‘any inch of territory in the Pacific, Xi tells Mattis link .
President Xi Jinping told U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis he wouldn’t give up any territory that China considered its own, an unusually blunt warning as security disputes simmer below a fight over trade.
Satellite images show North Korea upgrading nuclear facility
Pompeo: North Korea remains a nuclear threat

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo listens as President Donald Trump speaks during a cabinet meeting at the White House, Thursday, June 21, 2018, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
Fleet of 52 WARSHIPS masses in Pacific for world’s biggest war games TODAY

State of emergency declared as MONSTER wildfires tear through California
Multiple bomb threats at World Cup host city
Nasdaq indexes slump on renewed rhetoric from White House
WTI crude advances past $72 a barrel on moves to cut out Iran
Indian Rupee Falls to a record low against Dollar
Indian rupee weakens past 69 to a dollar for first time
ANZ sees rupee past 70/dollar unless capital inflows resume
The Dow and S&P 500 blow their biggest intraday gain since February
The Dow Jones Industrial Average on Wednesday relinquished its biggest point gain since February, as selling in shares of bank and technology-and-internet companies offset gains in the resurgent energy sector.
The Dow DJIA, -0.68% ended the session off 165.52 points, or 0.7%, at 24,117.59, after the blue-chip gauge touched an intraday high up 285.91 points. That retreat represents the largest turnaround lower for the Dow since Feb. 21, when the gauge rose 303.24 points to end down 166.97 points, according to WSJ Market Data Group. The S&P 500 index SPX, -0.86% also marked its largest blown lead since February, after it peaked up 0.85%, but finished the session down 0.9% at 2,699, ending below a psychological, round-number level at 2,700 for the broad-market index.
Stocks end decisively lower as major tech and internet names sell off; Indexes close at the lowest level of June 2018
U.S. stocks closed solidly lower on Wednesday, with the losses driven by a pronounced drop in large-capitalization technology and internet stocks, while the S&P 500 closed below a closely watched technical level, which could be a sign that the recent weakness in stocks isn’t over yet.
Sentiment was once again driven by uncertainty over trade policy, and while major indexes opened higher, they turned negative in midday trading, with selling accelerating throughout the session and major indexes closing at their lowest levels of the month.
Please read my Article “Eclipses And The Theory Of Astrological Inevitability : What They Foretell ?” link…at-they-foretell/ dated 23rd Jan 2018
Details of the Eclipses falling are below
13th July 2018 Partial Solar Eclipse 26.35 degree Punarvasu , Pacific, Indian Ocean, East Part of India
27-28th July 2018 Total Lunar Eclipse 10.38 degree Sravana Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, North /South America, India
Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica, North West Part of India as per Koorma Chakra and hence Jammu& Kashmir most prone
11th August 2018 Partial Solar Eclipse 24.34 degree Asleasha North/East Europe, North/ West Asia, North America
Atlantic, Arctic, South East India as Per Korma Chakra
Mars will go in retrogression on the 28th June 2018 in the sign Capricorn at 15 degrees till 27th August 2018 at 4.30 degrees this Transit will be most Crucial , since the Eclipse point of the 27-28th July 2018 will be activated again and again
Month of June Saturn and Sun opposition, Crime associated with Women will be on the Cards and could be the most Trouble- some Period of the year in the Politics and War like conditions in the state of Jammu & Kashmir.
July 2018 will be worst to induce Political Tug of Wars , Provocations and most Venomous and Chaotic conditions in the State
The Solar Eclipse of the 11th August 2018 will have noteable effects on India , since The Eclipse will be in the 7th house from the Sign Capricorn and the 3rd House of the Foundation chart and over the 5 Planets in the sign Cancer , The Natal Sun is Very close to the Eclipse Point and has aspects of Retrograde Mars , may ignite and prove ammunition dump by Mars and indicates Explosions, Bombing, Violence, Train Accidents, Terrorism, and Earthquake with Magnitude
Jupiter and Venus Conjunction in the Sign Libra after 1st Sept. 2018 till 11th Oct 2018 also indicates Bloodshed as mentioned By the Great Astrologer Hardeo Sharma Shastri Trivedi in the Classic Vypar Ratna and the Prices of Gold may also surge
Mars stay in the sign Capricorn from the 3rd May to 6th Nov. 2018 will be most Venomous activating the Eclipse point again and again and these 187 days will be crucial for the world as already pointed out by me in all my articles
Last not the least but the most important Parameter the Eclipse Points Activation specially of the Lunar Eclipseon the 28th July 2018 and the Solar Eclipse of the 11th August are Crucial points and will be activated on the following Dates which could Prove most Venomous for the Globe and the Financial Markets
Partial Solar Eclipse on the 13th July 2018 and Eclipse point 26.35 degrees in Cancer will be activated on the 25th April 2018 and again when it goes Capricorn and aspects the sign on the 31st Oct 2018
Total Lunar Eclipse on the 27th-28th July 2018 and the Eclipse point of 10.38 degrees will be activated on the 25th July 2018 just days before the Eclipse and on the 28th July Mars will be at 9.49 degrees very close to the Eclipse point which will be activated again on the 26th-27th Sept. 2018
Partial Solar Eclipse on the 11th August 2018 and the Eclipse point at 24.34 degrees will be activated on the 27th-28th Oct. 2018
Hence the above Dates are ammunition dump and can prove most Venomous specially near the Eclipses and the dates mentioned above
- Written on 27th June 2018 23-00.00 hrs
- Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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- Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of
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- My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
- My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link…/
- Disclaimer Clause applicable as mentioned in the Home Page and the Writter does not take the responsibility if any one invests according to the Above Predictions , in that case he would be doing it at his own risk and fancies The Analysis is not my personal view and is purely on the Basis of Astrology Books Mentioned in the Article and other Classics