Astrology Speaks !

by astrodocanil

The Tale of the 3 Vehicles stolen before 26th Jan 2016

This is with reference to my earlier article “US Stocks Join Global Rout As Predicted. Economy Meltdown Inevitable” link dated 15th Jan. 2016. I am reproducing the same as under

My Predictions are in line with what ever is happening in the Globe regarding , Economy Stagnation, Terrorism, Political Turmoils

I had written a small article on my webpage on the facebook link

dated 14th Jan. 2016 . I am Reproducing the same here

See the chart below of 14th Jan. 2016 20-00 hrs .is a Enigmatic chart Drawn by me to evaluate the Present Scenerio.This chart is drawn at Random for the 29.00 degrees planets and the Lagna in Gandantha at 29 degrees Cancer .

Enigmatic Chart of 14th jan. 2016

One can imagine what are the State of Affairs in Transit , what will happen to Stock market, Gold, Crude oil, and Terrorism sprouting .one can guess easily. Asd and almost all Planets at 29 degrees plus and Moon in Rahu-Ketu axis and Rahu in Adverse motion in the 8th house  . Astrology is most amazing.

Now See the Alto Taxi has been hijacked at the same time on the 14th Jan. 2016 at 20-00 hrs as per the report of India TV as taken by me and indicated Terrorism

Also Read my Article “Enigmatic Paksha Kundali of 24th Jan 2016: What it Foretells” link dated 19th Jan. 2016 link

I have predicted that starting from 24th Jan. 2016 is a critical period for terrorism till Moon crosses the Uttra Phalguni nakshatra on the 28th Jan. 2016  Evening 

I have also written an article in Feb.2016 edition of EXPRESS STAR TELLER”Solar Ingress of Sun in Capricorn clouds of Terrorism ” page 27.

Let us evaluate the Planetary positions on the 11th Jan 2016 to find the motive of the Threat for French President Francois Hollande, the chief guest at this year’s Republic Day celebration, We have no Time but from the placement of planets changing their state of motion and Moon would indicate the motive of the Threat.

The chart of 11th Jan 2016 is below. I have taken the chart of Aries Lagna with 29.48 degrees since at that time the planets most crucial were Rahu and Jupiter till 11th Jan. 2016  and  at these degrees and because of these parameters the threat  was given along with Affliction to Moon  by both Mars and Saturn. I have used this Technique my Research ealier  also and Found Excelllent Results  on the 14th Jan. 2016.


11th jan Threat

As per Aries Lagna  Mars is aspecting the Lagna and Venus and Saturn are placed in the 8th house and Venus and Mars have exchange . Moon is with Mercury who has become retrograde on the 6th Jan 2016 and Badly afflicted by both Mars and Saturn. Mercury is also 3rd and 6th Lord confirming the Terrorist angle.

Jupiter was Stationary between the 5th Jan to 11th  Jan 2016 and was Totally Eclipsed By Rahu degree wise on the 9th Jan. 2016 the day of Ingress of Rahu over Retrograde and Stationary Jupiter  who has exchange with Sun placed in the 9th house of a Consulate  and Embassy . Sun and Jupiter are also having Exchange confirms the same.

Significators for Terrorism are Mars and Rahu and both acquiring a special dimension and satisfying the above chart for the intentions of the Threat given by the Terrorists by a Mail, Mercury is Significator for communication and in the 10th house with Moon , this also confirms that they are bound for Terrorism since Moon  and Mercury are badly afflicted shows the Mental  attitude and Physocology .

Now as per natural Zodiac Jupiter is afflicted badly by Rahu and aspected by Saturn Karka for Kidnapping and Hijacking  and  Jupiter being the lord of the 9th and 12th ( Lord of Terrorist Camps afflicted ) and Placed in the 5th house  with Rahu of  Kidnapping and Hijacking Proves what all is happening in the present Scenerio. Mars placed in the 7th house of the natural zodiac acts as the thief , hijacker, more so since Saturn is placed in the 8th house of the natural Zodiac confirms the case of Theft and Hijacking as per Prashna Marg.

The Terrorism angle is also activated it seems since 3rd, 6th and 12th Lord are connected and Mercury is aspecting the 4th house of infrastructure along with Moon . The significator of Vehicles is Venus and placed in the 8th house of total loss with Saturn and very close degrees , Venus and Jupiter both are weak . Moon and Mercury are badly afflicted by both Mars and Saturn. Moon is connected to both 6th and the 8th lord Clearly shows what the Threat can be  Serious.

Some Para meters acquiring Special dimension

  1. At the time of threat  on the 11th Jan. 2016 Moon was in Capricorn at 12 degrees and at the time of the 3rd Vehicle stolen it is 11.58  degrees aspecting the Moon in the Capricorn at exact degrees.This shows the Task is on completion stage and the Moment Moon is Afflicted By Rahu-Ketu between 26th to 28th Jan. 2016 as the case at the time of First Vehicle Hijacked on the 14th Jan. 2016 the Task of Terrorism can be given a Shape
  2. Moon was with 3rd and 6th Lord Mercury in Retrogression and Retrograde Planet behaves like a Painting brush and it does the action 3 times  and 3 Vehicles have been stolen before 26th Jan. 2016 due to the influence of Mercury on Moon the 4th lord of the chart.
  3. Lagna is also Aries at the time of the 3rd Theft and Mars in the 7th house and Saturn in the 8th house again showing completion  stage of the Task under taken by the Criminals
  4. Moon was aspected by Saturn  on the 11th Jan. 2016  on the 24th it is in the nakshatra of Saturn and about to go in Leo where Saturn will aspect Moon  between 26th to 28th Jan. 2016.
  5. All thre Vehicles are of white Color . Note the Moon involvement at the time of threat on the 11th Jan. 2016 aspected by Mars and Saturn with Retro Mercury.

In all the charts pertaining to the threat and the occassions when the 2 earlier vehicles were stolen Moon is afflicted . Since in the 3rd theft Moon is not afflicted and aspects the Moon in degrees on the 11th Jan. 2016 there will  be no more thefts for Vehicles and before the execution of their task for terrorismpertaining to their motive for the French President.

Moon will get afflicted on the 26th Jan. 2016 Morning when it will be with  Rahu and in Direct Motion on the 27th Jan. 2016 and Moon will reach the same Degrees on the 1st Hijacking of the Alto Taxi in Aquarius at 29,38 degrees on the 28th Jan. 2016 05-00 hrs, Moon at this stage will activate the Moon in Aquarius  activating the Suicide Bombers combination at the time of first hijacking the 8th house where  Moon the Lagna lord  and Karka for mind is placed with Ketu

Moon is instrumental at the time of threat placed in the 10th house aspecting the 4th house , all vehicles are white the color signified by Moon

It is not essential that these vehicles may be used in terrorism, but the Equipments in the Vehicles, Becon Light, Electronic Equipment (In Police vehicle) and Stickers may be used in some other  Vehicle to gain mileage out of the same , Moon is with Ketu in the 8th house at the time of the first hijacking makes it clear the motive of Stealing the Police Vehicle

From the above it is crystal clear of the motive of the hijacking, thefts of the vehicles  may sprout in the form of untoward happenings and Suicide Bombers between 26th to 28th Jan. 2016 specially inregard to the 3 Vehicles Stolen. The untoward happenings in other states are also not Ruled out , since in the 3rd Theft the 7th Lord is in the 9th house .This is only relating to the the Terrorism and the Threat mail on the 11th Jan. 2016.

Astrology is most amazing

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 26th Jan. 2016

Disclaimer : The writer is not responsible for any thing arising out of the above astrological article , this is only for Astrology Learners to see how well astrology can Predict the events and there is Replicability of Events . The Writer cannot be challenged in any respect there of since the writer is  following the Hindu Mythology of Vedic Astrology by Ancient Scriptures. This also our Religon and Taught to me by my Guru  and the Vedic Astrology Books  Of Varahamihira and Famous Stalwarts in Astrology  .

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