Astrology Predicts Natal Rahu Forward Motion and Venus Fallen May Implicate a Person Of Status Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

878 Articles and Predictions in just 47 months from April 2015

Natal Rahu In Forward motion and Venus Fallen Can Implicate a Man and Bring Defamation

Now Have a Look at the chart Below. For Reasons best known I am not disclosing the Birth details . I also don’t have the time of Birth of the Native .I will Predict by comparing the Planetary positions of the Day of Birth and the planetary positions today.
The Following Parameters acquire an Important Dimension

1. Transit Rahu over the Natal Ketu from the 28th March 2019
2. Natal Rahu and Ketu Adverse motion hence he can be implicated falsely
3. Transit Mars from the sign Taurus aspects the Natal Rahu at 13.10 degree-wise on the 12th April 2019.
4. Natal Saturn, Mercury and Venus in the sign Libra and Venus is a Fallen Planet is Most Venomous in his chart, hence he can be implicated by a Women and may Face Defamation. As per Jyotidh Shastra if a Planet who is Fallen is connetced to the 10th house or the 10th Lord then that planet is responsible for defamation . Rahu apart from Up Karka for Marriage is also Dara Karka in his chart and in Forward motion and Most Venomous.
5. In the Progression chart By Manu Smriti the Jupiter since in Retrogression as per Progression is at 00.55 degrees in Cancer and Transit Jupiter also in Rashi Gandantha at 00.01 degrees in Sagitarius over the Natal Rahu along with Ketu and Saturn Degree conjunct at 26.20 degrees . Transit Jupiter with Progression Jupiter is exactly 6/8 axis and both afflicted badly
6. 23rd April Jupiter in Transit will be fallen, hence no benevolence from the Transit Jupiter
7.Saturn will be stationary before going in Retrogression on the 30th April 2019 over the natal Rahu in Sagitarius.
8. Fallen Planet connected to the 10th house or the 10th Lord brings defamation, Hence Since Venus is with Mercury and Saturn either of the 3 Planets may be his 10th Lord .
9. Mercury and Venus are together in Pieces in Transit Hence it seems that either of the Mercury or Venus is his 10th Lord and Mercury Debilitated is not good with Venus in Transit and shows the native may face defamation.

All the above point out no respite from the situations.

The Total Outcome of the above Planetary Positions may not be a healthy one , Rahu and Venus both are bent upon creating issues for him. Rahu is clearly showing implication falsely and Venus defamation as per Transit also, since Venus is with Debilitated Planet and with its debilitation Lord
Natal Venus Fallen is adding fuel to the fire and Venus in Transit is in Female sign and hence Issues created by a Women of Character as mentioned by the media reports.
The Total Results are not healthy one for him it so seems

This is total analysis by Astrology and not my Personal Opinon . This may please be noted . Rahu in the chart should be strong to come out with Flying colors. Unfortunately Rahu in his chart is afflicted and in the sign Sagitarius over which Ketu, Saturn and Jupiter are Transitting and after 25th Saturn will be stationary over the Natal Rahu from the 25th April to 30th April and then again Stationary from the 1st to 4th May 2019

Dispositor of Venus Jupiter will fall in Scorpio on the 23rd April 2019 Most Venomous for the querist.The Planet which helps us get out of Troubles and 100 % Benefic is Jupiter and is going mad on the 23rd April 2019.

These Predictions are some One I will disclose latter. For Reasons best known I am not writing the Name of the Person


Written on the 21th April 2019 at 15-00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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